Daily Check-in Tuesday, June 4th, 2024


Good Tuesday Morning Everyone,

I forgot Annette was on vacation. I think in the past she would often try to fit in a workout while away. I hope you are enjoying yourself, Annette.

Today I did a Boho Beautiful yoga workout for 35 minutes and added on a BB meditation for 17 minutes.

Nora - so nice to see you checking in yesterday. I hope you got in that workout!
Big waves to you, Linda!

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Hi Siobhan,

Today we walked around Cherokee , NC for 2.5 + hours shopping and being tourists.

Yesterday, we saw 3 waterfalls and 2 of them had a grand total of ~ 260 steps 1 way. One was 154 steps down and then 154 steps back . Another was about 100 steps down and 100 back. They were worth the hike.

I have done some floorwork and I brought 5 pound weights with me.
Hi Ladies ,

I was not able to sign in and use my computer until now. Also DH made ti so I was not able to workout today time wise. So Between the computer and DH the workout just did not happen today. Waves to: Annette, Linda and Siobhan. Have a good evening;)

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