Daily Check-in, Tuesday June 20


Good morning fitness folks....

DD slept all night last night so I'm hoping she is on the upswing. Tammy - it is interesting you said you contracted gastroenteritis the day before your wedding. DD got this virus at a wedding she was in on Saturday. The flower girl had been up all night with vomiting and diarrhea and her mother (the moron) drug her out of bed and brought her to the wedding. The poor 5-year-old was too sick to be in the wedding but her mother brought her anyway. She pretty much laid in the floor between trips to the bathroom the whole time the wedding party was getting ready. (I didn't go to this wedding, it was one of my DD's sorority sisters from college - actually her big sister). Anyway, the mother, who was a bridesmaid also, was helping with the food also (OMG) and she was going between her daughter and helping with the food at the reception. Amanda got a call from another bridesmaid last night and she was sick with the same thing and she had gotten a call from two other bridesmaids and a groomsman who were sick!!! I just hope the bride and groom aren't on their honeymoon sick with this!! Can you believe the stupidity of this person. The bride did ask her why she had come and brought Reagan and she only said "we didn't want to miss your special day". There are a lot of people and maybe more than we know who are probably wishing she'd kept her butt home.

Anyway enough of my novel this morning!!

IMAX2 and 300 walking lunges for me this afternoon. I love love love IMAX2 and am looking forward to it (not so with the 300 walking lunges:eek: )

Have a good day everybody.
G'morning Jane and all the other fitties! Glad to hear your DD is better. On the bright side - this will be a memorable wedding!
Enjoy IMAX2!

Kick max for me today. I am so disapointed that according to my HRM, I only used 90 calories. I realize it's just a number, but to work so hard and only see 90 at the end.... I'm sure I'll feel it in my legs tomorrow!

Sandra are you still feeling any DOMS from your run? I still have tiny bit. By the time it's gone, it'll be time for another run!

Susan, Bodymax is upper is OK, but not as challenging as PUB or CTX upper body. I'ts nice to switch it up though.


Good Morning Fitness Friends!

OMG JANE!!!!!! I have never heard anything so IGNORANT and selfish in my life!!! :eek: What a completely idiotic thing to do !
Your poor daughter and everyone else who do not deserve to be so sick due to someone else's stupidity!!!!!!;(
I hope your DD feels much better today. Am glad she could sleep all night...hopefully that helps speed up her recovery!

Yesterday was Timesaver step/bi/abs and a 7 mile walk!!! This morning I am cutting the grass and will do some upperbody, not yet chosen. Will check back and post once I'm done.

It's gonna be HOT here all week. Summer has finally arrived (officially tomorrow ..YAY!!:D ) to southern Ohio !!!:7 :7

Have a great day everyone!!!
Good Morning Girls!

Jane-OMG that is sooo awful!:eek: How ignorant can you be??? YIKES!

Hi Phyllis and Becky!:)

So I can't decide between a spin class or a 4 mile run on the TM. I haven't been spinning in a couple of months and I'll have access to a TM all week on the ship (I leave tomorrow) but I'm pumped up to run with the class I am taking having just started and all...GRRRR! I HATE decisions! LOL What do you girls think? To SPIN or to RUN? THAT is the question! :p
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I have HSC on the rotation today.

Jane: That is an unbelieveable storty. Some people don't have the common sense they were born with. I hope your DD feels better soon.

Phyllis: 90 calories burned doing KM...NO WAY! I think you need a new HRM.

Becky: Summer has finally arrived here...it is HOT!

Wendy: Hi! I vote for spinning!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Hey everybody,

Jane - I hope your DD feels better, you all need this like a hole in the head.

Becky - We are going to Cedar Point for a long weekend on Thursday, I hope we keep this nice weather. Say a prayer or two!

Today was HSC. Have a great day!
Daily Check-in

Good morning! It is time for my cycle to start, and I feel bloated and miserable. I indulged my chocolate craving yesterday. The good news is that I slept better again last night. I still feel lethargic and drugged. Hopefully, my body will return to normal in a few days. Visiting a different part of the country apparently stirred up allergies because I have congestion in my head, watery eyes, and a tickle in my throat.

I bounced on my rebounder yesterday. I am not sure what I will do today.

Jane, I hope your daughter feels better. It is hard to imagine a mother forcing a sick child to participate in a wedding.

Conni, I like repetition if the choreography is fun. In other words, taking it from the top is fine when the choreography is something I want to do over and over again. If it is more basic and less interesting, I get bored with it. I also like it when the instructor puts all the combinations together at the end like Cathe does with the challenge in Rhythmic Step. Kari does that in DanceWorks too.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Hey ladies,

I slept in this morning cause had a hard time sleeping last night. Worried about dd and her babysitting job. I let her spend the night with my sil and would pick her up this afternoon. Well she called me last night sounding really tired saying she is making her clean up too much. I knew she would be cleaning and watching the two kids but it has to end sometime in the day! DH and I said she would be brought in the morning and picked up in the afternoon. I love my sil, but she is lazy as sh*t! All this time my daughter is babysitting she is at home doing nothing. She claims it is so she can do paper work on my brothers business. But it is dd decision to quit, but I think she likes the money. Just really felt bad for her last night. (Although we have spoiled her) But the work has to stop sometime of the day! Well enough of my babbling on, just wanted to vent.

Today is PUB,30mins. jogg and will add another cardio just in case I don't get the jogg in outside tonight. That darn treamill has made me so mad! It just had to break huh!

Jane-I am so glad you're doing is doing better!

Oh,My legs are so sore from PLB yesterday and then I did SJP all step, which was alittle difficult for me.

Gosh I need to shut up!

RE: Daily Check-in

Morning ladies. This morning was PLB followed by the second half of MIC. That step routine kicks my butt every time.

Jane - That is so horrible! Her poor daughter! It sounds like the mother wasn't thinking of anyone else but herself.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Grrr! I had a long email almost finished, when the electricity flickered and I lost it all. So here, in brief form, is my former post.

- did PS Chest, Shoulders, Triceps.
- uncomfortable with the lack of cardio in Cathe's strength rotations

Jane - terrible story; very appalled by the flower girl's mother; glad to hear DD is improving.

Phyllis - the DOMS has finally all gone away, and you're right - it's time for another run! What run are you doing? You need a new HRM.

Wendy - both!

Becky - YAY summer!

Tammy - YAY HSC!

Conni - YAY HSC!

Kim - Boooo to your SIL. Great news from the doctor!!

Heather - chocolate good! Very good!

Katie - tough workout today! Wow!

Have a great day,
Workout is complete.
I ended up doing U/B premix from SS & Pull Only premix from PP and 30 minutes on the exercise bike. After lunch I'll mow the grass.

Connie , hope you have a blast at Cedar point, and great weather too!!:D
Hello ladies,
I will doing a 4 mile run and gs back.

Jane, that story is unbelievable. Imax 2 is my fave too, but not the walking lunges,ouch!

phyllis, I agree with Tammy, get a new heartrate monitor. That has to be at least 250-300 calorie workout.

Wendy, I say spinning also for something different. You will be getting plenty of running in.

Sandra, I have PS but never use it. I will have to give it a try again.

Becky, I really like the SS upper body pre-mix

Katie, great workout! MIC step is quite challenging.

Heather, I am glad you slept better and enjoyed your rebounder workout.

Kim, enjoy your run!

Conni, I LOVE HSC. I was thinking of doing that today myself.

Tammy, enjoy your workout, especially the hammer punch lunges.

Becky, try to stay cool and have fun cutting the grass.

Have a great day ladies!

Hi again!

Well, spinning won!:p

Sandra, BOTH!? Yeah, RIGHT! LOL Actually, I have done a short run as a warm up prior to a spin class so I guess that would right? Today I walked inclines for about 10 mins prior...work that butt!;) ;)


40 mins---avg hr 156---pk hr 170---cals burned 539

I probably won't be checking in here again until the end of next week!

Have a great week everyone!:)
Hi all, instead of doing my usual PUB up or down premix today for upper body I did CTX upper body split instead. Boy am I gonna be sore tomorrow,LOL!! I didn't do any pushups but still it is quite a workout.

But a nice change of pace from PUB.

Hope you all have a great day!!:) :7
Taught a Circuit Training class this noon, and want to do some of Mindy's Cardio Toolbox for extra cardio later. Love that workout for add-ons! I like Sharon Mann's stuff for that, too. I guess I go for their athletic training - not too hard to learn, but fun.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias ;-)
Sandra: LOL!!! Don't ya just hate it when that happens?

Susan: Hammer punch lunges are NOT my friend.

Wendy: Bon Voyage!
Thanks everybody for your well wishes for DD. She is feeling a little better but she is so weak. She can't eat anything yet except for a little jello. I had it wrong on one point, the bridesmaid wasn't helping with the food but the bridesmaid's mother (the child's grandmother) had actually catered the event and done all the food and was trying to tend to the child some too. In any event, yes that girl was so irresponsible. One less bridesmaid would have been preferrable to a mini-epidemic!

I just finished IMAX2 and 300 walking lunges. DD doesn't feel well but I made her smile (she'd never seen me do walking lunges). She's not anxious to try them! I don't blame her!
I am so happy your DD is improving Jane. Sending some healing vibes your way!
I am trying to decide if I am going to do Cathe's Intensity Series rotation since I have all of them, or if I am going to be brave and do the bootcamp one!
I am hoping I will have the time to do all those WO's, maybe have to split them into two different times. I am really trying to talk myself into being brave enough to try it. I guess I can always modify if needed. I am finally starting to break this plateau so I want to get moving and drop the last of the poundage. I will let you guys know what I decide!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

Hi all - I guess I'll probably be one of the last ones checking in today.

This morning it was ME. I also did a 3M walk after I ran some errands. I had the munchies something terrible after lunch - I can't believe all the junk I ate. Oh well, I'll just have to be good tonight.

Jane - Hope your DD feels better soon. I'm still reeling from the fact that mother brought the poor little girl to the wedding. How stupid can you be?!?!

Phyllis - definitely, get a new HRM or at least check it against someone elses. It doesn't sound like it's working very well.

Becky - hope you enjoyed the heat - I'm loving it here in CT.

Wendy - have a great cruise!

Kim - your poor DD. I know how much my daughter complains when I "force" her to clean. I can just imagine what would happen if she was forced to do it at a babysitting job. Hope it works out in the long run for her!

Sandra - hate it when that happens x(

Have a great evening everyone!

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