Daily Check-in, Tuesday, August 27, 2024

aqua girl

Good morning!

Nice workout yesterday, Nicki, with STS 2.0 Upper Body #1 and Total Body Stretching SB #1!
Sounds tough & relaxing at the same Time!

Sorry your workout plans didn't work out Nora......Maybe today!

Today's workouts:

Gin Miller- Ramping Basics - 35 min.
Stephanie Huckabee-POWERFIT: Core Fusion - 20 min.

That's it! have a good day all!
Good morning girls:)

Linda- Great job on your fun blast from the past workouts with:

Gin Miller- Ramping Basics - 35 min.
Stephanie Huckabee-POWERFIT: Core Fusion - 20 min.

Those are awesome. Gin miller was a fun instructor with some great step workouts, no doubt herother stuff is great too!
Then Stephanie Huckabee- love her from the firm workouts. Goes to show we had lots of good stuff even then, WTG & double high fives!!

Hello's & waves to everyone else: Siobhan, Annette, & Nicki. I hope you all have a wonderful day and fun workouts if your workingout today;)

Here's today's workouts:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- 30-minute NO REPEAT Full Body Strength Training to Boost Metabolism-SUPERSET CIRCUITS = 30 Min

Billy's Boot Camp- SOS= 52 Min
Coffeyfit Raw -Total Body Timesaver Sculpt - Box & Tone= 21 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 30 Min Big Burn =31 Min

Have a terrific Tuesday everyone;)

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Hi ladies,

Today I did an 85 minute circuit at the gym consisting of the back machine at 30 each side, chest press and flyes with 20's and 25's, hammer curls with 20's and 25's and 30's, concentration curls with 15's, skull crushers with 20 pound dumbbell , overhead triceps and kickbacks. Seated clean and press with 12.5. And shoulder press with 15's.

Then the sled, usual, strap pull and push but final push was 688 that is higher than last week.

Finished with floorwork for abs and legs and glutes plus the 7 minute marching challenge included and a short stretch.

Nice workouts so far ladies!
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Wow, ladies, you were on the workout war path today! Annette, with your 85 minutes
working out at the gym with a terrific circuit and Nora, doing
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- 30-minute NO REPEAT Full Body Strength Training to Boost Metabolism-SUPERSET CIRCUITS = 30 Min
Billy's Boot Camp- SOS= 52 Min
Coffeyfit Raw -Total Body Timesaver Sculpt - Box & Tone= 21 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 30 Min Big Burn =31 Min. OMG, Nora, that is
just about 2 1/2 hours of workouts. I couldn’t do that, unless I strung it out during the
whole day….then…maybe…..

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