Daily Check-in, Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Good morning girls!

Today's workouts:

KCM-Body Design- Kickboxing with light weights- 15 min. (used egg weights)
Blender- "Slim Legs Ankle Weights workout- 21 min.
Hydrow Circuit Training- 20 min. Row & Whole Body Weights AMRAP

Have a good day!
Today I did:
Perfect 30 Upper Body
Perfect 30 Upper Body Bonus
STS 2.0 Medicine Ball Abs
Hard Core Series - Stretch Max #3 with bands

Aqua Girl - you had a great workout!
Hi ladies,

Today was an 80 minute gym circuit mixing up the routine a little. Started with the chest flye/back machine, then went to one of the tricep machines, then onto the back machine, then dumbbells for chest, triceps, biceps and shoulders. Then some cable work for shoulders and biceps.

Did 20 minutes on the sled but only did up to 8 plates just wasn't feeling it today. Yesterday's workout was brutal but I was down a pound this morning, YAY! Then finished with floorwork for abs, legs and glutes with a stretch.

80 minutes total time.

Now I need to run some errands.

Nice workout Linda.

Hi to everyone else.
Good morning everyone!

Linda- Great job on today's workouts with:

KCM-Body Design- Kickboxing with light weights- 15 min. (used egg weights) - Ooh sounds good
Blender- "Slim Legs Ankle Weights workout- 21 min.- Nicely done!
Hydrow Circuit Training- 20 min. Row & Whole Body Weights AMRAP -Wow that sounds tough but fun!

Wonderful workouts today, WTG & high fives!!

Have a nice day:)

Nicki- Good to hear from you. Wow that was some storm gave you 15" of rain. Thank goodness there wasn't any damage to your home. Nicely done on your Boss workout.

Great job on today's workout with:

Perfect 30 Upper Body
Perfect 30 Upper Body Bonus
STS 2.0 Medicine Ball Abs
Hard Core Series - Stretch Max #3 with bands
Awesome workouts, well done;)

Have a good day:):)

Annette - Fantastic job on today's 80 min gym circuit workout hitting everything leaving no body part undone, plus some sled work as well floor abs,legs glutes. Bravo on you workout today!!

Have a great day:)

Siobhan and Annette- Hello's and waves. Have a good day and nice workout;)

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- 30 minute Full Body Strength Training- Build Definition! = 33 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength - 10 minute Abs= 11 Min
Perfect30 Perfect HIIT- Low Impact + Ext. Stretch = 36 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 20 Min Easy Burn= 21 Min

Enjoy the rest of you day ;)

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Nicki, great variety in your workout today with Perfect 30 Upper Body
Perfect 30 Upper Body Bonus, STS 2.0 Medicine Ball Abs & Hard Core Series - Stretch Max #3 with bands. Nice! I have Perfect 30 Upper Body workout coming up on
Thursday! I love that workout!

Annette, great 80 min. Gym circuit with lots of variety today! Congrats on “a pound

Nora, a stellar workout you did with YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- 30 minute Full Body Strength Training- Build Definition! , YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength - 10 minute Abs &
Perfect30 Perfect HIIT- Low Impact + Ext. Stretch = 36 Min &
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 20 Min Easy Burn. WOW! You did a lot too!

waves to Siobhan!
Good Morning Everyone,

I took a rest day yesterday. I hadn't taken a day off in 8 days soooo... I was due. I read instead and worked on my jigsaw puzzle which is finally finished. It was challenging.

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