Daily Check-In Tuesday 9/21


Another bad night of sleep :( Of course, now I could fall into a deep sleep and I contemplated staying in bed for another hour in lieu of working out...but here I am.

This morning's workout will be The Kettlebell Way Empire State.

I hope everyone has a good day!
Oh Tammy- sorry for your lousy sleep ! I feel your pain !
I slept good last night but woke up very early.

Yesterday was Hiit20, Pyramid UB up only premix, and 30 min. yoga.
Today is Fire 45 and 10 min. stretch!
Hi all,

Tammy - Are you eating or drinking anything before bed that might be inhibiting you from sleeping?? Sometimes that could be a factor..

Becky - You are the TF Queen!!!

Today was TJ Cardio Party 3, then CLX Ab Burner!

Maybe a Hiit tomorrow????
Good morning all!!! Today I will do either B&G or L&G premix or 4DS legs what ever it is it will be short and sweet.

Tammy - so sorry to hear you're still not sleeping well.

Annette/Becky/Connie - great workouts.

Have a great one.

I did a taebo workout for my cardio today. I am really sore from my Slow and Heavy workout yesterday so my cardio hurt today,:(.

I was about the same weight wise today hoping that S&H doesn't cause me to gain ( in muscle weight)... beginning to think all the toning or circuit workouts I was doing were helping me lose weight but I don't want to entirely give up strength training either. Sigh:confused::confused:

Have a great day!!:D

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