Daily Check in Tues Aug 8


Good Morning!

Chest work for me today using MM chest. My cardio was KM combos. I ended with Stretchmax 1. I'm thinking that the cardio isn't intense enough this week, but I think it increases next week. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to accomplish everything.

Beckymd, I love SJP!(except the last hi\lo section - it feels stupid) In fact, I love SB too. What did you think?

Have a good day. Phyllis

Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I'm doing CC#6 (Sean's version) and some ab work today.

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Good morning Phyllis, Tammy, and all that follow.

Phyllis, I did enjoy SJP and I pretty much felt as you do about that last hi/lo section. It felt goofy. The w/o was really fun though! Sounds like your workout today was tough. Good job. I agree that the KM combos probably didn't feel that tough cardio-wise...but some days that is a good thing.

Today I did IMAX 1 followed by abs from leaner legs. DH and I may do 20 minutes on the ellipticals tonight or yoga (or both if I can convince him).

I hope everyone has great workouts today!

Good morning all.

Well, I blew off Ripped to the Core yesterday so I'm doing it today. Today is supposed to be my rest day but that's what I get for be LAZY!:p I may or may not add some cardio in while I'm at it...not sure yet.

Last night was my running class. Loved it. I handed in my registration for the next level class that starts the wednesday after my 5k!}(
Morning ladies. Today was 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by a 3 mile run. I wanted to run longer, but I'm trying to stick to my training schedule. I definitely need to get new shoes though. I think I'll make that a priority this week.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning,

It looks like everyone is staying tough this week, great Tuesday workouts!

I did Kari's Push, both sections, step and hi/lo and ab hits.

Have a great day!
Good Morning All,

This morning I did LM 1-4 and GS Legs floor work.

I got a HRM for my Birthday over the weekend. I love being able to glance at it and see were I need to push myself more. The HRM is a cheap one but that is all I need for now.

May I ask you to keep my sister in your thoughts today. She had a heart attack yesterday and is uner going a quintuple bypass surgury today. My sister just turned 50 in April.

Have a Great Day!!

Definately praying for your sister Elaine!
I had no WO yesterday with everything going on with my son, and doc appts.
I still don't know what to do today. I need cardio. I should do a circuit, maybe BC or SJP.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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Morning everyone -
Today was Legs & Glutes followed by S&H Tris and Bis. I need to do some cardio later today, not sure when I'll squeeze it in.

This rotation is not really working out as well as I'd like. It's focus is fat burning and lower body strengthening and defining. While I feel it in the legs, I can tell I'm not getting enough cardio for me to keep burning those calories. I've gained two lbs and it's been a struggle to keep it from climbing more. And that's after only two and a half weeks! I was looking at the rotation compared to what I did before (this is my first official rotation, so before was kind of whatever I felt like at the moment). I can see that I used to do at least three days of really good cardio. This rotation seems to use circuit wo in place of my old cardio and it just doesn't feel like enough.

What do you do when you find a rotation isn't working out as planned - do you stop mid way or modify it or just stick to it? I've started modifying, but I'm curious if maybe I'm just overreacting to the extra weight.

Happy Tuesday!

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Hi all, migraine is gone so I did 31 min. of Billy's Cardio Bootcamp workout which has alot of tricep work in it and squats. I think I will do an all cardio week since I messed up my 1 body part a day routine by missing yesterday.

Have a great day!!!!:7
Good morning all. I managed to fit GS BS&B in yesterday afternoon, between work and evening Bible School. Our Bible School went pretty smoothly and the kids seemed to enjoy it, so I can stop obsessing about it and relax a bit. Today is a cardio day and I think it's been too long since I did any of the IMAXs. I'm not sure if I'll attempt 2 or 3.

Elaine, I will keep your sister in my prayers. A heart attack at that age is scary - I'm 51.
Oh gosh Elaine, I totally missed that about your sister! I'm so sorry. My dad underwent the same thing about 6 years ago. He's doing fine now, but it was scary at the time. I'm saying prayers for your sister and your family. {{{HUGS}}}

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
I didn't do a circuit, since my hands are achey today, and i didn't WO yesterday so today I did Step Blast, and then the step portions from Imax 2. I was a sweatin!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/153/.png[/img] [/url]

I did R to the C only and was sweatin' up a storm! I decided no cardio for today since it was supposed to be a rest day anyhow. I'll be back to business on thursday-at the gym most likely!}(
Hey gym mom. I've done both the quit and the modify route. I guess it depends on your goal. If you want more intensity, you probably don't want circuit wo's. Try mixing it up a little - instead of all circuit work, add a day or so of pure cardio. An Imax or MIC will up the intensity. Maybe you could make your self a mishmosh. I like doing SJP step, RS challenge and SB challenge. Let us know what you do. Phyllis

Daily Check-in

Good evening! I am checking in late again tonight. After my Bible study this morning, I did Boot Camp. For some reason, I was tired today. I am planning a recovery week later this month, but I will take one sooner if my body needs it.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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