Umm, Wendy - it's wednesday, isnt' it? Must be the heat, it's even getting to me and I like it HOT!
Imax2 today. My rotation called for 10 min of ab work also, but DD asked me to do a Coremax wo with her last night, so I figured that was enough. I used a riser today, which really pumped up the intensity - had to take them off for the last combo and blast, but it was still awesome. I just hope I don't pay for my exuberence with knee pain later.
I'm kind of sad today. DD announced that she is going to quit gymnastics. It's been a long time coming, she's been talking about quitting for the past two years, but it's still hard to know that it's over. It's been such a huge part of our life for the past five years, that it'll require some adjusting. Plus she's worked so hard and has done so well at it, that I hate to see her give it all up. On the other hand, I am kind of glad. It's a year round sport so there is never a break and being involved in the Parent Org took up alot of my time. It'll be nice to have more time to do our own stuff. Big sigh, time to move on.
- I don't know how I feel!!
Oh well, Happy Wednesday!!
"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige