Daily Check-in, Thursday, September 5, 2024

Good morning ladies!

Today's workouts:

Blender- "Boxing & Jump Rope Upper Body Circuit" - 20 min.
Blender add-on: "Floor Legs with Ankle weights" - 11 min.

That's it! everyone enjoy the day!
Good Thursday Morning Everyone,

Today I did Boho Beautiful - yoga for 30 minutes. I added on more BB for pilates - 24 minutes. I almost did some Cathe Cardio but changed my mind.

Looks like you had a good bodyweight workout this morning Linda!

Nice workouts yesterday ladies. Annette - it looks like you are getting in your workouts after all.

Have a great day everyone!
Hi ladies,

Today was a 97 minute gym circuit consisting of 2 machines, dumbbells for chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps.
Sled pull and push up to 698 pounds!!! Oh my!! And I had to unload it all by myself :(
Then floorwork with 6 pound dumbbells for some lying light tricep work and abwork along with legs and glutes. Then a nice longer than I normally do stretch.

I am finished and beat!

Nice workouts ladies!
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OMG Annette, you outdid yourself today with your 97 min gym day! Wow, I bet you
are beat! Relax the rest of the day!
Good morning all:)

Linda- Great job on today's workouts with:

Blender- "Boxing & Jump Rope Upper Body Circuit" - 20 min. WTG & high fives
Blender add-on: "Floor Legs with Ankle weights" - 11 min.

Nicely done . Have a good day and keep cool!

Siobhan- Welcome back! Great job on today's workout with:

YT- Boho Beautiful - Yoga = 30 minutes
Then added on BB for Pilates= 24 minutes I almost did some Cathe Cardio but changed my mind

Sounds like two great wokouts, WTG!! Pilates is tough!! Bravo & have a great day;)

Annette- WOW!!! You must've set a new workout record length with 97 Min Killer gym circuit workout with: weights, machines, dumb bells. This circuit workout was focused of Chest, Back, and Biceps
Not mention sled work of 698 pounds!!!! OMG that is AMAZING! You are a legend no doubt, double high fives and BRAVO!!!! Plus usual floor work, abs, and stretch. you got it all , WTG!!! Have a relaxing rest of day.:)

Here's today's workout:

YT- Phoenix Nation - 10 Minute Kettlebell-Jump Rope Skipping Workout for Beginners = 11 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- 30 Min Full Standing L.B. Strength Training = 34 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 20-minute HIGH-BURN Rhythm Indoor Cycling Workout = 24 Min
Jessica Smith - 5 Mile Mix & Match Miles- Waistline work = 16 Min

Have a blessed Thursday;)

Nice workout Nora-
YT- Phoenix Nation - 10 Minute Kettlebell-Jump Rope Skipping Workout for Beginners = 11 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- 30 Min Full Standing L.B. Strength Training = 34 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 20-minute HIGH-BURN Rhythm Indoor Cycling Workout = 24 Min
Jessica Smith - 5 Mile Mix & Match Miles- Waistline work = 16 Min
Hello, Ladies! I have been a bit lax lately. I joined a new gym and did my first class tonight! It was awesome to be back with my gym friends.
Perfect 30 Mobility - 30 minutes
Crossfit Class - tough!! - 45 minutes
Feeling great!

Kudos on all your workouts today!
Hi Ladies

It got very hot here. 97 degrees here. I had some MS issues with headache and dizziness so I definitely was unable to the workout I planned.

Nicki, Nice workout. Congrats on joining a new gym.

Have good evening ladies;)

Nice workout Nicki--
Perfect 30 Mobility - 30 minutes
Crossfit Class - 45 minutes (That sounds tough!) Yay, for joining up again at the
gym!!! That is great!

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