Daily Check-in Thursday, May 30th, 2024

Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did a Cathe Live - Athletic something or other for 53 minutes. I've done this one before. It's good. I added on 3 rounds of wide legged squats with heavy weights. I will do my own longer stretch now. I'm tired. I have been up every day around 4am (and earlier like 2am) with my dog. The end is nigh... (at least for my beloved doggo).

Nora - I loved your confession. It gave me a chuckle although I'm sorry you couldn't work out. Fatigue can be such a barrier. I hope today is a better day for you.

Nice to see us all checking in yesterday. Have a wonderful day ladies.
Good morning all! Nice long CL workout Siobhan….. I am sorry about your doggie, I have been dealing with Jack since the weekend as well, his back legs seemed to have
given out, had to take him to emergency clinic on Memorial Day, they felt perhaps he
hurt his hip/leg, so am giving him anti inflammatory pills, he seems to be doing better,
but can’t let him jump, etc and am having to carry him up/down steps to take out,
and I am worn out…….he’s only 13 lbs, but for me, that’s a lot up & down steps, many
times a day!!

Today’s workouts:

Blender - “Total Toned Up” - 23 min.
YT-Redwoods- Cardio drumming - 15 min.
CrossRope app- “Ropeless Low Impact -Day 10” - 20 min. (This was a 10 workout
program- I finished it” Yay!). My subscription is over for the month, so now I will just
do their free workouts, maybe I will sign up again at a later date)

have a good day!
Good morning everyone:)

Siobhan- Great job on today's workout with:

Cathe Live - Athletic something or other for 53 minutes. Plus added on 3 rounds of wide legged squats with heavy weights, then finishing up with your own nice stretch. I'm sorry your dog dis having problems.
I' m sure those early do walks are tough. MS fatigue is tough sort like slamming into brick wall. You can't escape it, just rest. Fingers crossed today will be better and I can get in a workout.

WTG & High fives on your workot today. Have a good day;)

Linda - Sorry to hear your Jack is having some problems. I'm glad you did get him checked out at the Vet and they gave him some anti- infalmmatory meds and the seem to be helping, thank goodness. I hope Jackcontinues to feel better.
great job on today's workouts with :

Blender - “Total Toned Up” - 23 min.
YT-Redwoods- Cardio drumming - 15 min.
CrossRope app- “Ropeless Low Impact -Day 10” - 20 min. (This was a 10 workout
program- I finished it” Yay!). My subscription is over for the month, so now I will just
do their free workouts, maybe I will sign up again at a later date)

All above sounds awesome and fun, WTG and well done;) Have a good day:)

Hello's & waves to Annette- EWnjoy your workout today and have a blessed day;)

Here's today's workout: Fingers crossed I will get it done;)

Leslie Sansone - 5 Mega Miles- Miles 3-5 = 51 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength - 30-min Killer Legs, Thighs, & Glutes Strength Workout = 35 Min
TaeBo - Cardio Circuit 1= 36 Min

Enjoy your day:)

Nice upcoming workout Nora!
Leslie Sansone - 5 Mega Miles- Miles 3-5 = 51 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength - 30-min Killer Legs, Thighs, & Glutes Strength Workout
TaeBo - Cardio Circuit 1= 36 Min. Sounds like a good one!
Hi ladies from my hotel in VA,

We drove 5 hours and now we will resume our trek to NC tomorrow. But after a very caloric filling supper dh and I went to the fitness room here at the hotel. He did 35 minutes on the treadmill(yay hubby!!!), and I did about 10 minutes of cable work and then 36 minutes on the elliptical.

So yay for us both!!

Nice workouts ladies!

Add 18 minutes of floorwork.
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