Daily Check-in Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Happy Independence Day friends! Is that what you call it?

Today I managed a 30 minute CG tabata workout. It was challenging and quick. I've been up every two hours since midnight and didn't go back to bed after my 4:15am wake-up. I'll be napping later.

Nora - I was curious if you just listen to LS while walking outside. The added weighted vest sounds like a great idea.

Great workouts from everyone yesterday!

Have a great day.
Good morning everyone and Happy 4th!

Today's workouts:

Blender- "Staying Fit (with the FitTower)" - 29 min.
Workout Across America: New Jersey & Vermont
IFit- "Football Ladders" Elliptical workout- Cedar Grove, New Jersey -18 min.
VideoSki- 10 min. Stowe, Vermont skier workout

Nice 30 minute CG tabata workout this morning Siobhan.....Up every 2 hours? Hope you're not sick,
but am wondering if you were up with your new little Strudel......
Hi ladies,

Later start to my workout today, youngest son and his finance' stopped by to show me her engagement ring. It is beautiful.

So I made it to the gym which was crowded since they are closing at 5 due to the holiday. But I managed an 80 minute circuit consisting of the back machine 35 pounds each side, dumbbells 15 pounds incline chest press and flyes, flat chest press and flyes with 17.5, 20 and 25's. Concentration curls with 15 and 17.5, hammers with 17.5, 20 and 25's. Triceps with 15 and 17.5. Seated clean and press with 12.5 pounds, Arnold press with 15's, row with a twist with 12's.

Sled for cardio and strength up to 12 plates. Ending with floorwork for abs, legs and glutes with a stretch.

Nice sweaty workout.

Nice jobs on everyone's workouts!!

It is hot outside.
Good afternoon girls:)

Siobhan- Good job on today's workouts with:

YT- Caroline Girvan- tabata workout = 30 Min Bravo!
I'm sure that was not easy especially with lack of sleep. Hopefully you'll have better sleep tonight.
No, I don't listen to LS while walking outside. Primarily because with MS for me at least balance and walking on uneven surfaces creates the
perfect storm for falls. I fear if I fell on asphalt pavement I'd break bones for sure so, I walk indoors. I used to run on treadmill got up to running 7 miles a day, but fell twice and suffered big
injuries of fractures one to each shin bone differnet occasions. So that is why the indoor walks. How's Strudel doing adjusting to her new home & family? Great I hope.
Have a good day and get some rest:)

Linda- What fun your adventure workouts must be. Great job with today's workouts:

Today's workouts:

Blender- "Staying Fit (with the FitTower)" - 29 min.
Workout Across America: New Jersey & Vermont
IFit- "Football Ladders" Elliptical workout- Cedar Grove, New Jersey -18 min.
VideoSki- 10 min. Stowe, Vermont skier workout

All the above workouts sound so fun. I'm curious some of your workouts sound similar to my Jenny Ford Walk Across America workouts, also fun. The title is different but are they by Jenny Ford by chance?
have a wonderful day and loving your adventure workouts:)

Annette- Oh wow congrats on your sons's engagement and his new fiance:).

Another amazing 80 Min circuit workout for today with:

Focusing on Back, Chest, Bi's, & Tri's8. Utilizing a back machine, dumb bells using some impressive weights I might add plus cardio sled fun, and finishing with abs, legs and glutes with a nice stretch.
No doubt your workout legendary workout warrior status is most definitely intact. You are inspirational, WTG and high fives on your awesomeness:)

Have a great day

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength-30 min NO REPEAT Lower Body Strength Training LEGS, GLUTES, & THIGHS= 30 Min

KCM Coffeyfit Raw- Box & Pump = 34 Min

Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 30 Min Big Burn =31 Min
2 Mile walk w/DH wearing 6 pound weighted vest

Have a great day girls;)

Nice workout Nora with YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength-30 min NO REPEAT Lower Body Strength Training LEGS, GLUTES, & THIGHS= 30 Min
KCM Coffeyfit Raw- Box & Pump = 34 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 30 Min Big Burn =31 Min
2 Mile walk w/DH wearing 6 pound weighted vest

The title is different but are they by Jenny Ford by chance?
The Workout Across America workouts I am doing will be something from each of the
50 states & Washington DC…..so 51 total. It took me about 3-4 days to get it all
figured out and I am using workouts I picked from IFit app, Hydrow app, BitGym app
and YouTube and some dvds. They are mostly either treadmill, elliptical, bike, skier,
or rower workouts. There is one coming up from Jenny Fords Step Across America dvd
and 2 from her Walk Across America dvds. There are a few outdoor strength, stretch,
pilates & yoga mixed in. Everything is filmed outdoors with the exception of one that’s
coming up tomorrow, Bitgym’s Mall of America in Minnesota which is an indoor walk thru the mall. Hope that explains :)

ETA: When I put Workout Across America in bold and list the states, the workouts after
that will be the workouts for those states for the day. I do it that way cause I am trying
to do other type workouts along as well which I list first. Sorry for the long explanation.
but I have a friend that is reading what I am doing & keeping “tabs” on me:)
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Hi Linda,

Sorry for any misunderstanding on my part. I just wondered if there were new Jenny Ford stuff that I was unaware. I have her Walk Across America all 50 states dvd set. I thought I heard at one time there would be a Step Across America dvd set as well, and I forgot about it. I love what you are doing with your adventure workouts they sound so fun. I apologize for any misunderstanding.

Have a good evening:)

Hi girls,

FYI I had a last minute change in my workout walk with DH. He changed this mind from
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 30 Min Big Burn =31 Min . To instead Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 20 Min Easy Burn = 21 Min and a 1 mile walk
wearing 6 pound weighted vest

So a little change, but still glad he wanted to walk. Doctor wants him to exercise and diet to bring down triglycerides (sp?)

Enjoy your evening girls;)


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