Daily Check-In Thursday, July 20th


Good Morning Fit Chicks!

CC#5 and AbRipperX for me today.

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Good Morning!

Tammy, Have fun with cardio coach! I do ITread and some of the other ITrain series and just LOVE them!:)

I'm hittin' the streets in a bit. My knee seems better so I'm going for a run outside this morning. First run since Saturday! DS is at his grandmother's so I have an extra opportunity to head outdoors which is nice. :)

Have a great day!
Good Morning Ladies!

Hi Tammy. You really make me want to try CC , you obviously enjoy it a lot!;)

Wendy, good luck on your run. Hope your knee doesn't give you any trouble!

This morning I am doing MM u/b premix and a 30 min. run with sprints at the end, and stretchmax 3.

Have a good one !:D
Well, I managed 2 miles this morning. My knee wasn't perfect but not BAD either...I may not run again until my class on Monday just to be on the safe side.

Have a great day!:)
Hi Everyone,

This morning I was able to do PUB up only and the abd section. My 5 year old woke up early. He has been having some urinary problems. We see the Pediatrician for the second time today. Hopefully he has some answers for us.

Anyway, Wendy take care of your knee. The ITread and Cardio Coach sound so cool. I don't have an ipod or mp3 player. Can you download to your computer to burn a CD?

Well gotta run to get DS to the DR.

Good morning ladies,

Today will be KPC and hoping I have energy enough to finish the whole thing.

Tammy-Sounds like a great workout today!

Wendy-Its sounds like you knee is getting better,hopefully it will be at 100% on Monday!

Becky-I love to do MM ub premix cause it goes by so fast and it gives the burn! I know that stretch will feel good after the workout!

Off to get some bkf,and then wrestle down that KPC!!

Morning everyone!

Last night I went on a 45 min walk w/DH & SIL. I had hoped for a really good power walk, but I went slower than my usual rate in order to keep up with them.

It's is absolutely gorgeous today! This morning I did RS. Since my knee is a frequent issue, I tend to do my step workouts without the risers, but I felt great this am and wanted the extra challenge so I used one set of risers. It was awesome. I'm so pumped!!

Wendy - I hope your knee feels better by Monday.

Elaine - I hope your son gets better soon. Isn't it awful when our kids aren't feeling well? I always wish I could be sick in their place.

Happy Thursday everyone!
Hello ladies!

Today was my crazy workout. I did GS BSB timesaver, GS C&T timesaver, Lowmax, abs from Step Heat, and Stretchmax #3. 3 hours later and I am pooped!

I'm gonna need more stretching tonight, so DH and I will do some yoga.

I have a question about CC and iTrain. Is the music any good? Is it just instrumental or does the music have words? Thanks!

Morning ladies. Today I went to the gym and did a 10 minute warm up on the elliptical and then a 5 mile run on the treadmill, followed by abs.

Hope everyone has a great day. I'm not feeling relly well and we already have two people out of our office today, so today could be rough.:-(

Hey ladies,

Finished KPC all the way through and my legs started to feel like jello at combo#3. I couldn't raise my leg on the side kicks.

Katie-I hope you get to feeling better. It is a bummer when you have to work like that.

Good morning girls!

Got home from swimming a few minutes ago and it was a tough practice! May do segment one of coremax later and some shoulder work but I have to swim again tonight so I don't know if that will happen!

I did REALLLLLY bad yesterday! Went over to my Granny's house and ate a hot dog w/ chili and a piece of HEAVENLY chocolate cake w/ ice cream on top!! Isn't that aweful! Well i am back on track today!

Talk to you gals later!:+
Rebecca Dotson
Hi all,

This morning I did Billy's Fat Blasting Cardio with my new heavier ankle weights and my weighted gloves. It was a good workout.

Have a great day!!:7
Hey everyone,

Sorry so late, just got into the office, had to go with my DH to his hospital appt. for his MS.

Rebecca, that's not so bad. What is bad is that you didn't email any cake to share with me!!!!!

Today was Seasun's SUS, and then I did her core and ab section from TNS. Sweated buckets!!!!!

Have a great day!
Well just got back from the Dr. with my 5 year old. He is not sure if it a physical thing or a sensory issue. The urine came back negative. So, we are just pushing fluids to keep him urinating frequently and keeping a log when he complains. He has sensory issues so I am hoping it is just that and it wil pass. Otherwise they will have to hospitalize him and do some extensive testing.
Not fun.:-(

So keep your fingers crossed.:)

Elaine ~ at cardio coach you can either buy the CD's or download them to your computer and then burn a copy.

Haven't checked in in a few days, had some rough days at work with my cable going down and having to actually commute to work to work on-site!!:eek: I know, I know... I hear all of you commuters now telling me you're getting the violins... LOL...:+

Anyway... I have been working out. I did TS #1 and PLB SB floor work on Tuesday, TS #2 yesterday, and TS #3 and PLB SB floor work tonight.

Hope everyone is doing okay. Great workouts going on.

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