Daily Check-in, Thursday, August 8, 2024

Good morning ladies!

Today's workout: (quite the variety today....:) )

YT- Redwoods- Cardio drumming with Lindsay - 20 min.
Hydrow "Stacked" workouts totaling 36 min. & consisting of:
5 min. Body Weight Mobility & Rowing Warmup Combo in Boston
2 min. Hydrow Games: Training Day Row with Mac & Mike in Boston
10 min. Biceps & Triceps with Bands- Tybee Island, Georgia
1 min. Squat Challenge in Savannah, Georgia
2 min. Hydrow Games: Rowing Race Day with Mac & Mike in Boston
1 min. Boston Challenge Row
5 min. Rowing Cool Down & Static Stretching Combo in Miami Beach, FL
5 min. Post-Row Mobility with Foam Roller- Seville, Spain
5 min. Hydrow Games: Post-Row Yoga Restore Practice in Boston

Whew! alot of changes, but alot of fun.....a little bit of rowing, upper body, lower body,
mobility, stretch & yoga restore. I think the Hydrow Games is something they added
for a couple weeks because of the Olympics going on

Now that your eyes are tired, LOL, I'll say "have a good day!"
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did more CG - I am loving her app. There is so much variety. Plus, she is so likeable and lifts very heavy which I like. I did 30 minutes of weighted and unweighted lower body and added on 15 minutes of an unweighted upper body workout. I will do my own stretch.

Nice mash up this morning Linda. This was well thought through and fun! I love fun workouts. That's how I feel about hardstrikes.

Nice long workouts from you both yesterday, Nora and Annette.

Have a great day everyone.
Nice CG workout Siobhan doing 30 minutes of weighted and unweighted lower body and 15 minutes of an unweighted upper body workout. It’s great when we find an app
& workouts that we love :)
Hi ladies,

Linda, that was a lot of changing, glad you made it through.

Nice workout Siobhan, gotta love variety.

Today, I did a 44 minute CDorner Cardio Kickboxing workout and I had my wrist weights on, it was tough and a sweatfest.

I have a dentist appointment at 2 to get my tooth crown on the implant. Yay!

Back to the gym tomorrow with Judy.

Have a great day!
Yes, Annette, it was a lot of quick changing, but it was pretty easy, everything was within
the same app, and they have breakdowns by category, time, location, etc so very
fast to switch from one short workout to the next, most I did in about 10-15 sec. So
not much wasted time.

Good job with another CDorner 44min kickboxing workout & have fun at the dentist!:)
Afternoon ladies:)

Linda- Wow! What a great bunch of workouts today with:

YT- Redwoods- Cardio drumming with Lindsay - 20 min.
Hydrow "Stacked" workouts totaling 36 min. & consisting of:
5 min. Body Weight Mobility & Rowing Warmup Combo in Boston
2 min. Hydrow Games: Training Day Row with Mac & Mike in Boston
10 min. Biceps & Triceps with Bands- Tybee Island, Georgia
1 min. Squat Challenge in Savannah, Georgia
2 min. Hydrow Games: Rowing Race Day with Mac & Mike in Boston
1 min. Boston Challenge Row
5 min. Rowing Cool Down & Static Stretching Combo in Miami Beach, FL
5 min. Post-Row Mobility with Foam Roller- Seville, Spain
5 min. Hydrow Games: Post-Row Yoga Restore Practice in Boston

Bravo on today's stellar variety of workouts, double high fives!! Enjoy the rest of your day;)

Siobhan- WTG & high fives on today's workout with :

Caroline Girvan app- Glad you are loving CG 's App and variety. Today' CG workout was 30 minutes of weighted and unweighted lower body
plus added on 15 minutes of an unweighted upper body workout
finishing off with a nice stretch

Bravo & well done;)

Have a good day:)

Annette- Great job on today's workout with:

YT- CDorner Kickboxing workout with wrist weights= 44 minute - Sounds like a sweatfest, awesome:)
Good luck with your tooth crown implant today!:)

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- NEW Strong Glutes Strength Training = 20 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- 20 min. STRONG Glutes Strength Training with Dumbbells= 22 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn= 41 Min

Have a blessed day everyone;)

Great lower body focus today Nora, with Kaleigh’s Strength- NEW Strong Glutes Strength Training = 20 Min & 20 min. STRONG Glutes Strength Training with Dumbbells
& a super Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn. WTG!
Hi girls:)

My workout plans went south on me, DH and I had errands late. The only workout I did today was :
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- Big Burn = 30 Min 2 Mile walk with DH.

I hate when my workout plans change. Oh well, it is what it is.

Have a nice evening ladies;)


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