Daily Check-in, Thursday, August 15, 2024

Good morning girls!

Today's workouts:

Perfect 30-Upper Body workout- 31 min.
Killer Legs Barre Bonus- approx. 15-16 min. (skipped the side hip section)

That's it! Have a good day!
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did BB yoga for 45 minutes. It was more of a good stretch.

Wowza on your workout yesterday (and today) Linda. You walked, skiied, rowed :)

Great to see us all checking in yesterday. Annette - sounds like you enjoyed the pool!

Have a great day everyone.
Happy pre-Friday:)

Linda- Thanks for starting us off. Great job on today fun combo of:

Perfect 30-Upper Body workout- 31 min.
Killer Legs Barre Bonus- approx. 15-16 min. (skipped the side hip section)

I never thiought about those two workouts on the same day. Love the combo and brilliant idea. Awesome
workout WTG & high fives! :)

Enjoy your Thursday;)

Siobhan- Great workout today with:

YT- BB- Yoga = 45 Min I bet that felt good!
Awesome Thursday stretch and relaxing workout, no doubt felt amazing. WTG and double high fives.

Have a good day;)

Hello's & waves to Annette & Nicki- enjoy your workout/rest day.

Here's today's workouts:

Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 20 Min Easy Burn= 21 Min 1 Mile Walk w/DH 6 pound weighted vest

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength-40 minute Full Body Traditional Strength Training-Dumbbell ONLY workout for building muscle!

Gloved Up & Sweaty-Gloved Up & Sweaty + Jump Rope Bonus= 50 Min

Have a blessed Thursday all!

Hi ladies,

Today was a gym circuit, had to mix things up because the back machine was being used. So I started with the back/chest row and flye machine, then went to the tricep machine, then onto dumbbells for chest, biceps, triceps and shoulders. Then onto the back machine, then did the sled up to 12 plates and a 35 pound plate. Then ended with a row with a twist for back and oblique, then floorwork for abs, legs and glutes. Short stretch. Ended up being 90 minutes. Whew!!

Nice workouts ladies!!
Nice relaxing workout Siobhan with BB yoga for 45 minutes…. Aahhh…..

nice long workout Nora with Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 20 Min Easy Burn= 21 Min 1 Mile Walk w/DH 6 pound weighted vest. Yay!
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength-40 minute Full Body Traditional Strength Training-Dumbbell ONLY workout for building muscle!
Gloved Up & Sweaty-Gloved Up & Sweaty + Jump Rope Bonus= 50 Min. WOW,
a lot of cardio….

Annette, nice, long & strong 90 min at the gym today. WTG!

waves to Nicki!

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