Daily Check-In Thursday 11/10

Happy Friday Eve!!

I overslept this morning :confused: This morning will be total body trisets lower body...short and sweet!!

Have a good day!
Good morning everyone,

Rest day for me this morning. I got up but could not workout - too sore from circuit burn yesterday. Effects of the leg work actually wakened me in the night!!!! Wow! Oh well - I read instead.

Annette - I have the middle age spread. I am sorry you are struggling - I know I am. Other than really watching what I eat - lifting heavy weights - lower and upper body - really helps keep my waistline in check. I am not 'naturally thin' by any means so i have to work hard to stay trim. I feel your pain!!!!!

Have a good day everyone. Tomorrow is remembrance day so no work for city employees. Off to shop in buffalo instead.

Good morning ladies, no workout for me tonight. My boss has asked me to attend a dinner event and Porter Goss is the speaker....free food!:)

Have a great day.

Hi ladies,

Today was a leg day - I did Leaner Legs, or as I call it - Meaner Legs!

Siobhan - Happy shopping!!

Carmen - Free Food?? I am so there!:D

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