Daily Check in Thurs July 6


Good morning everyone. Today was PUB tris, MM tris, PUB bis, MM bis, MM abs and CTX power circuit cardio only(skipped through the weight work). I feel ready to face the day! The endorphins are kicking in!

Hey Meaghan, I just noticed your weight loss. You're so close to goal! Congratulations on a lot of hard work!

Have a good one. Phyllis

Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Phyllis, you should be PUMPED!!! Good workout!}(

Today on the rotation is just a 30 minute walk and stretch. I'll make it an hour walk this morning and later in the day will mow the grass.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday!:D
Good morning to all!

Phyllis - YIKES! You should be in for some good DOMS tomorrow!

Becky - Enjoy your day.

I didn't have enough steam last night to do Coremax. So I tacked it onto the end of Cardio & Weights this morning. I'm not sure why but CW is one of my absolute faves...maybe it's the music??? No evening workout planned as I have bowling tonight.

Everyone have a great day.

Good Morning Fit Chicks!

This morning for me is 90x Back/Biceps, CC #1 and AbRipperX.

Hello to all...have a great day!
Hello everyone,

Today I revisited an old favorite - Christi's 9801 hi/lo. I had forgotten how much fun that one is! I think this is my all time favorite Christi workout. I did the plank section from ab hits also, just to throw some Cathe in there.

Have a great day, tomorrow is Friday, yeah!!!
Today was GS Legs and segment 1 of Coremax.

After work today DH and I will do a 30 minute run.

Hope everyone has great workouts today.

Hi Phyllis!! Thank you so much! I am actually down one more pound, 156.2 this morning!! :D I can't believe how much the diet change really works! Thanks again for more motivation!
Last night I did do some more Namaste Yoga. I really like it, but I need to do more work on my balance!!LOL!!
Today I will do probably cardio and weight. Maybe bootcamp. I will let you guys know what I wind up doing!
Have a great day!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/157/.png[/img] [/url]

Hey Ladies.

I haven't a clue what work out(s) I will do today but today calls for some cardio and some weights. I have the realtor coming at 1pm and I overslept so I have no idea where I will even find the time to work out. I guess if I hurry I can do a quickie as soon as Joey goes down for a nap but it will have to be a circuit for sure!

Happy Thursday!:)
Morning ladies. Today was L&G followed by cardio and abs from C&W. My legs were so tired by the end of C&W. I have to say that L&G is probably my favorite leg workout of Cathe's. It so much fun and not only do you get a great leg workout, but you get a good cardiovascular workout too. My HR was in zone during almost the entire workout.

Wendi - I agree that C&W had great music. It makes it really easy to get through.

Maeghan - Congrats on the weight loss! That is so great! What changes did you make to your diet?

Hope everyone has a great day!

Morning all -
Today was S&H Chest & Back. My first time doing that workout and I liked it. Not sure how I'll be feeling later, but it felt like I got a really good workout.

Maeghan - congrats on your progress! It's always so nice to get closer to goal.

Happy Thursday to everyone!
Good Morning All,

Today was an unscheduled rest day. Got home late last night. Went to a family night at the camp ground my son is at. It was very difficult leaving and seeing tears in his eyes. He is maturing so much this summer.

Wendi: I love C&W! It must be the music.

L&G is another favorite of mine. I got great results using that work out.

Congrats Maeghan!!

Have a great day!!

Meaghan, congratulations on the weight loss you are almost there!!:7

I did various leg exercises today. Warm up off of LL, various leg work off of L&G, PLB floorwork and stretch. Not too shabby.

Gonna take the boys to the pool for the first time ever today so that should be fun.

Have a great day!!:7 :)
HI Katie! Thanks! I really wanted to "clean" up my diet. I switched anything white to whole wheat or whole grain. I upped my fiber and protien. I quit diet soda! (OK well maybe one on Saturdays), and also cut sugar dramatically, and just started making better food choices in general.
I am not counting calories, just being smart and everything in moderation. And ya know, I do not feel deprived at all.
I have done the pizza hut thing with the kids on the weekends, and I have delved into icecream too! That's a toughy for me since I like it so much. But, if I am going to do it, it is ONE time a week AT the very most! Usually just 1 time every 2-3 weeks.
Anyway, sorry to go on and on, just want to let everyone know that diet really works, and it doesn't have to be too restricting or too hard. As long as you are ready to make the change!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/157/.png[/img] [/url]

Hi there Maeghan!

I just wanted to say congratulations!!! For me, as well, it was small changes in my diet that started my fairly rapid weight loss last year. It's so encouraging when you feel like you ARE making progress the RIGHT way.

Hey Wendi!! Thanks! You are so right!! And really, everything I eat tastes soo good. It just feels awesome to finally break through that damn plateau I was on for months!!
Give your horses a nice pat for me!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/156/.png[/img] [/url]


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