Daily Check in TGIF June 9


Hi all - rest day for me today. I decided to sleep in a little. I'll be away for the weekend but I hope to check back on Sun. I'm going white water rafting with my DD girls scout troop (cadettes/seniors). So, I think I'll be getting my cardio and upper body tomorrow!
Have a great Fri and enjoy your exercise.

BTW, Jane, I have doms today from Wed BBW. Wonder why it took longer than usual for me to feel it?


Hi Phyllis and all who follow.

I just got Jari Love's Ripped yesterday so I plan on doing that today + some rebounding.

Phyllis: Have fun this weekend! Sounds like a blast!:)
Good Morning Fit Chicks:7:7TGIF:7:7

This morning I'll be doing Meaner Legs and CTX PowerCircuit cardio.

Phyllis: Have a great weekend. It sounds fun!

Wendy: Let us know how the new workout goes.

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Good morning Phyllis, Wendy, and Tammy and all that follow....

Phyllis - I have total body DOMS this morning!!

Today is CTX UB which I don't have so I'll be subbing SS UB premix. Also the BBW, oh boy!

I am going to try to get in the above w/o. I have a huge w/o planned when I get off work at 12:30. We are making hay today, so I will be lifting and stacking haybales. We see how much juice I have after the hay w/o.
Judy I know all about the hay! Have a, well, fun?!?! LOL Sure it won't be long before I need to start too.
Phyllis, I am still battling DOMS in my lower back-ouch!
Wendy-good luck w/ new WO
Tammy-have fun with those legs!!

I on the other hand, have the gauntlet tonight! YIKES! Thank goodness I got enough sleep last night.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

Today I did BodyStep and B-Max upperbody. I planned on running but after running 2 days ago and trail riding yesterday my legs wanted something more familiar:+ I'll run tomorrow:)

TGIF all, I'm off to work:)

Take Care
Teaching a pilates class later, then will come home and walk and do some chin-ups. The skinny jeans fit this morning (I've not gotten on the scale for about 6 weeks, so I needed anothe reality check), so all's right with the world. Donut day tomorrow!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Good morning everyone,

Kind of a crazy Friday today, but what the heck, such is life!

Today was Cathe BC.


Have a great weekend!!!
Good morning,

Happy Friday :D :D I’m always excited about Friday. Okay, last night I did do Kick Max and let me tell you if literally wiped me out, I am still in blah blah land. I couldn’t get my butt up this morning to do MIS.

I’m leaving early today so that I can get MIS & abs in before work tonight. Have a great weekend everyone.

Morning ladies. Today was RS, but I felt like doing more cardio so instead of doing a Core Max segment I went for a 30 minute run. I'm going to try and do abs tonight. Otherwise I'll do them tomorrow.

I just reactivated my gym membership!!! I'm very excited. I think it will give me more options and more variety. I'm going tomorrow morning to work out and I can't wait!

Good morning everyone,
I will be doing a 4-5 mile run today and then off to Monterey for the weekend with my 3 girls and some friends. I will try to stay away from the clam chowder}( Have a great weekend everyone.

Oh my, I did the Kick Max Leg Conditioning drills for my lower body today and boy will I be feeling that tomorrow if not this evening.

Plus I did 30 min. of the Fat Blasting Taebo Cardio with ankle weights and weighted gloves. Then did the abs off of All Step for my finale.

I am down 6 pounds from my recent high so I am happy about that.

Hope you all have a great day and workout and weekend!!:7
Hey everyone. I'm back.

Well, I did Ripped and Box-n-Bounce. Nice work out DESPITE the fact that my OA kicked in again during Ripped. x(

I took an anti-inflammatory after lunch and will take continue to take it until it feels better. I hope it goes away fast though as these pills are awful for you! I really hate taking them. :-(

Tomorrow is my outdoor run...going for 8 mins runs at a clip this time...I can feel the pain already! LOL Wish me luck!}(

Tammy: Hope you had fun with LL!}(

Jane: Can't wait to hear if you were able to muster up a Cathe work out after your hay baling job was done.

Meg: Have fun with the Gauntlet! The Terminator work outs are all great but super tough! Have you done Imax Ex yet? }(

Laurie: Hope you had a good work out! Enjoy your run tomorrow...I'll be right there with ya!;)

Teddygirl: KM blasts are killer! I don't blame you for feeling wiped out after that one.

HB: Glad the skinny jeans are fitting today!:)

Conni: Gotta love that BC...especially those terminator climbers!!!}(

Katie: Have fun at the gym! It's a great way to mix it up! Anything particular you plan to do there?

Susan: Nice run..have a blast this weekend!

Annette: Nice work out today and congrats on the weight loss! WOOH!:+
Wendy - Tomorrow I'll probably do the elliptical and run on the treadmill and then some weight machines (especially abs). In the future thought I'd like to possibly do some spinning classes and maybe even try a step class (but I'm afraid that I will not be happy with anyone other than Cathe):7 I'm excited because there are so many different choices in addition to my Cathe DVD's. I'd better not ever hit a plateau with all this selection.:)

Here I am, late again. Let's see, last time I posted was Wed and I had some unknown cardio planned. I ended up doing SB that evening. Yesterday I did Powerstrike 1. I don't know what it is with that workout, but I'm still whipped. Nice burny DOMS in the hamstrings and glutes. I was planning something "steppy" this evening, but I think if the weather holds, I may do some bicycling instead. Tomarrow will be the last day of my week of cardio, Sunday is a rest day and I plan on picking up the weights again on Monday. Have a great weekend, everyone.
Happy Friday everyone! Today was PLB plus a 3M walk. Took DH on the walk and he slowed me down a bit, but it was the quality time we needed. It's been a busy week and he gets sulky when he feels neglected.

Robin - Fill me in on "cardio week". Have you done no weights at all for a full week? What are the benefits of that? How often do you that - so many weeks regular, one week cardio kind of thing? I'm curious because I've never heard of an all cardio week (of course I'm a newbie to the world of hardcore exercise).
Hey everybody....

I'm through throwing hay bales. I have blisters!!! My poor tender hands! The gloves I started out with were too thick and I was having trouble grabbing the strings on the hay bales, so I threw them off. When DH saw what was doing a while later, he told me to go to the barn and get a thinner pair that were in there. I did but not soon enough to prevent blisters! OUCH! Bless his heart, DH drove the truck while I picked up and threw hay bales and he had hired a guy to help us and he was on the truck stacking (I can't stack hay). DH went back to the doctor for his post exam today (two weeks out from his hernia surgery) and he has to be out of work one more week because his job requires him to lift over 75 lbs. and the doctor said no. He can't lift over 20 to 25 lbs for one more week (which is why he drove the truck).

I'm way too talkative for somebody that still has to do a weight w/o. I've gotten in my cardio for sure (and weights too I guess) but I am going to do my rotation w/o. Will check in later to let you know how I did.
I finished SS UB premix and BBW.... I may not be able to walk tomorrow or lift my arms (mostly from throwing the hay!)
Ok, so I just finished the Gauntlet. What a toughy! Especially since I did it at 10pm, but what are you gonna do?? I feel great that I accomplished it, but I am whooped. Good night.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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