Daily Check in Sunday Feb 26


Hello laides!

I'm up early today as I'm going to meet a good friend for coffee. I'm used to being the last to check in not the first so I'll say hello to everyone now! Since you will probably all check in :)

Hi Carole, Tammy, Wendy, Pamela, Dutchie, Shannon, Shelly, Sandra, Jane, Gayle, Annette, Judy, Katie!

I'm leaning towards taking the start up job! It's exciting (and scary) but like a cousin/aunt said even stable established companies now are not always safe! Oh Gayle I'm in project management. I work in software and marketing database companies.

Today will be L&G. Have a good day and workout everyone!

I spoke with my good guy friend yesterday - we are going to do lunch this week. Now is the time for job changes, house rennovations, college touring, I don't think the guy thing is the cards right now!

I hope to get back into my workouts with a vengence this week.

Oh and Tammy happy late b-day :)
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I'm doing CC#3 on the treadmill and some ab work. I have company coming for dinner as today is my Mom's b'day, so there is lots to do!

Robyn: I love L&G - enjoy! And good luck w/the new job!

Hello to all that follow....have a great Sunday!
Good morning all!

Robyn - I'm sure whatever you decide will be great! Enjoy L&G

Tammy - what time should I be there for dinner?:p

Today is MIC AND MIS. Oy. Why do I get myself into these things?
G'afternoon all,

I'm back, but without a network.... Still working on the problem.

Shelley, MIC+MIS?! WOW.

It is a gorgeous day for running: 2C, bright blue skies, sun felt warm on my face. Time to get the sunblock out again. I went out this morning and did a great 17K (about 10.6miles). Took me a whole 2 hours to get it done :D I kept my HR around 150 which meant I was running approx. 7min/K, which was exactly where I wanted it to be for this long run.

My Polar stopped working after about 10K. I had to reset it. So I only have the data of the last 5K.

It's not my day for any type of computer :D

Have a great day and a wonderful w/o.
Morning ladies. Today was HSC. My shoulders are on fire!

Shelley - Glad I'm not doing your workout today! Have fun with that one!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good Morning everyone.

Well I got CM done yesterday but just didn't have the time for that extra cardio I was supposed to do. :-(

My night out at a friend's house last night was fun. We had lots of laughs. The one girl is a complete crazy nut so it's always a laugh to be around her.:) :7 :+

Today calls for Imax 2 and a 30 mins bike ride or other cardio. Hopefully I'll have the time to do it all today. :)

Hope everyone has a pleasant Wonderfulday eve!:+
Good morning, everyone!!

Today is some sort of leg workout plus abs. I'm still behaving and staying away from impact. L&G sounds good, Robyn. I may try it and stick to lighter weights to lower the pressure on my foot. I also will toss in some walking lunges. I'm aiming for 200, but no promises.

Shelley - you'll have to tell me how MIC annd MIS went. You know I originally planned to join you! And I hope it doesn't screw up your hip.

I'm really longing for an Imax....
Good morning everyone,

Today is supposed to be a rest day, but Dutchie's description of her run has me rethinking that. :) It's a beautiful day here too. Yesterday I tried KM, but I didn't finish. I was exhausted when I started, and I never got that energizing feeling, so I stopped after 30 minutes, so I only did the warm-up and the four combinations.

Sandra, I'm all set to begin the November rotation with you. (I'm placing my order for the Intensity series today. I haven't ordered it yet because I'm trying to decide if I want anything else since that order qualifies me for free shipping.) Do you think the November rotation is a good one for some serious fat loss results? or do you think the Hardcore fat loss rotation is better? I'm ready to start tomorrow, just let me know which one you think I should try. We're definitely going to Trinidad in April, and I'd really like to look my best when we go.

Tammy, have a great dinner party for your mom.

Robyn, Shelley and Wendy, enjoy your workouts.

Katie, glad you enjoyed your workout.

Shannon, good job with those push ups!

Carole, I hope you're able to shake that illness soon. Feel better!

Enjoy your Sunday and your workouts everyone,


**Edited because I reviewed the two rotations again, and I definitely want to do the November one.
Hi everyone,

Rest day for me today.

Robyn - hello to you too!

Tammy - belated happy birthday to you!!! And happy birthday to your mom!

Shelley - you're insane, that's why you get yourself into these things!! And DON'T tell Cathe what you're doing, or it will end up in the next "fatloss" rotation!!

Katie - I love HSC. She does really work the shoulders in that one, doesn't she? Enjoy the burn!

Dutchie - Your descriptions always make me wish I could run outside. Great run today!

Wendy - CM on its own is a great calorie burner, so you have no need to feel bad. You're doing great! I'm guessing your "other cardio" today will including bouncing?

Shannon - try and be patient, or you could end up with a more serious problem requiring a more lengthy recovery. You're doing some creative alternatives!

Pamela - I think the November rotation will be a good one. The Hardcore fatloss rotation was really good (I did it a little while ago), but by the end of the month I was getting very tired of all of the super-high intensity moves. Doing either rotation, combined with healthy eating, will burn fat. Are you getting the Terminator DVD with your Intensity Series?

Hey again!

Okay, MIC is done (whew!). Now just MIS to do. I plan to do it later this afternoon. Right now, I'm off to install a new closet system in dear Sophie's closet. Wish me luck!
LOL Sandra...I hadn't decided yet...it was a toss up between the bouncy bouncy ;) and the next segment of step till you drop 2. :) Ofcourse, after doing IMAX 2 in full, I may just want to DROP!:p
Hi everyone! I don't have time to post 'personal' responses, but feel the need to say GO GET 'EM, SHEELEY! LOL. What a workout!

I just got showered up after my workout. 10 mile run, push ups and crunches. Done for the day and finished out Week #5 of Freestyle Training! On to Week 6!

Today was long cardio day on the February rotation. Step Works and All Step, nice combo!

Have a good one everybody.
I'm back and I'm DONE!!!

Imax 2 warm up
Imax 2 Intervals 1-5
Step Till You Drop 2 Seg # 2
Imax 2 Intervals 6-10
Imax 2 cool down stretch

All on a 6" step.

The second seg of step till you drop is a circuit with weights which I had forgotten so I skipped the weight segs. Doing that really cut down the cardio time so I guess I unintentionally cheated a bit. :p So with Imax 2 I got a solid 60 minutes of cardio though and that's not counting warm up cool down or stretch and my HRM said 657 calories OUTTA THERE!:+

I am wiped out now though! WHOA! I need to eat something and try to refuel a bit...pant pant pant....LOL.}(

Excellent job Wendy!!! Now, tell me about your Heart Rate Monitor, please. What kind is it, and where can I get one? :)


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