Daily Check-In Sunday 7/16


Well ladies...now my knee is hurting me! GRRR!

I knew something would go "wrong" because I was sooo thrilled with yesterday's run!

My plan is do a light rebounding w/o if my knee will "let me". We'll see what happens...

I hope it gets better FAST as I'd really hate to miss my running class tomorrow night!:-(

Have a great day!:+
Good morning Wendy and all that follow...

Wendy - I'm sorry your knee is giving you problems. Way to go on the run yesterday though. I've been keeping up with your running progress and you are doing great! Take care of that knee!!

Yesterday I just did 30 minutes of HCX #1, abs and stretch from HSC. I was short on time but also short on endurance since I haven't been doing interval work in about two weeks.

Not sure what I'll be doing today, I'm in "fly by the seat of my pants" mode. I'll check in later after I've decided.
Good Morning Wendy, Jane and all who follow,

Sorry about your knee Wendy....I hope a little rest takes care of it !

Today on the rotation is Kick max intensity drills, BBB (from the july rotation) and 7 minutes stretching.

DH & I were also planning to walk "death hill" this morning but it's already hot.....on the way to 97 degrees today, so we opted out.:p

Have a great Sunday everyone.:7
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

CC#6 (candace's version) and CM#2 for me today.

Wendy: I hope your knee feels better soon. I know how aggravating those aches and pains are. Do you have a really good pair of running shoes? Now that your running has progressed, it may be time to invest in a good shoe. I'm wearing the Asic Gel-Kayano XII and they are so awesome! I can highly recommend Asics.

Jane: I'm also in "fly by the seat of my pants" mode! It is good to take a break from rotations and just have fun working out.

Becky: We were posting at the same time.....Great workout in that heat!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Well that one did, so I will continue.

I am like Jane, I am very undecided about what to do today as far as a workout. I am taking out a friend for her b-day and will probably do something this afternoon or evening. The tv will be taken up by Nascar racing.

Will check in later!

Good Morning all!:) I'm flying high right now. I just finished a long slow 10k run (run 10 min. walk 1 min.) in 1:08:44 and I'm feeling pretty rightous}( ;-) . I say that now but I was completely intimidated by it through last night and early this morning. I started at 7:50 but the sun already felt like it was mid day. I came home to my 3 DD cheering section and stretched for 30 minutes. I'm so relieved that I got through it. On a side note I'm a bit annoyed with my Mother, she said to me, 'you're not running today' and I said 'it's already done, 10k for the first time' she frowned and shook her head at me, a little disappointing but....whatever.....

Wendy, that sucks that your knee is giving you grief, 10 minutes of ice a couple of times today couldn't hurt (take it or leave it right?! ;-) ) Hope it feels better soon.:)

Jane, have a good 'fly by the seat of your pants' workout:)

Becky, that sounds like a great workout, KM drills are kick-butt and the BBB makes my legs tingle just reading it.

Tammy, good workout, so far as I can tell you're the resident CC junkie, isn't it wonderful to find a good challenging fit?:)

Kim, have a good one! How was the reunion?

Enjoy your Sunny Sunday everyone!

Take Care
Daily Check-in

I did Cardio Kicks Friday night as planned and Cardio and Weights last night. Cardio and Weights is one of my happy workouts. My new rotation has a nice balance of challenging workouts and fun workouts with some weight work every other day. I started with Cathe’s easier workouts (with the exception of Boot Camp) and plan to work my way up to her more challenging ones. I am starting the next 2 weeks today.

I made a commitment to complete 5 Cathe workouts every week for 8 weeks of this rotation. I may add other workouts when I have the energy and desire, but I am only committing to this one thing. My planned workouts for the first 2 weeks of this rotation starting on the 4th of July were:

Boot Camp
Step Fit
Circuit Max
Cardio Kicks
Cardio and Weights

My planned workouts for the next 2 weeks of this rotation are:

Low Impact Step/Total Body Sculpting (cardio and weight circuit premix)
Kick, Punch, & Crunch
High Step Training
Step Works
Step, Jump, & Pump

The plan is to do these workouts on consecutive days in the order listed. This is working for me so far. I am alternating between circuit training and cardio this month. I am planning to add a total body weight training workout and an interval workout to the mix next month with a circuit training workout once a week. I put a lot of thought and prayer into planning this rotation, and I am loving it so far.

I have a new approach to this fitness journey now. I am learning that small but permanent changes are more effective in the long run than more radical changes that are only temporary. Instead of trying to radically reform my eating or exercise overnight, I decided to choose one thing to change and do that one thing consistently and with excellence. I have a real tendency to overwhelm myself with too many choices and changes. I have a history of starting a radical rotation, sticking with it for a few weeks, burning out, losing my focus, coasting and going through the motions for a few more weeks, crashing and burning, recovering, and starting the whole process over. I made a commitment on the 4th of July to do 5 Cathe workouts a week for a year (with 4 rest weeks or active recovery weeks during the year as needed). My transformation may be more gradual by just doing 5 Cathe workouts a week, but I am content with that now. I am free to do extra cardio when I have the energy and desire, but I am not planning anything else. I have some favorite non-Cathe workouts that I will enjoy during my active recovery weeks. I packed up my scale on the 4th of July, so I am free from concern about what I weigh. If I had been content to shed a pound a week when I started my fitness journey 3 years ago, I would have reached my goal last year. Live and learn!

I am hoping to get back on track with morning workouts this week. I am a morning glory girl all the way, and that is part of putting first things first. Cathe is waiting for me. Have a blessed day!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning everyone! Sounds like some good workouts as usual. Wendy, I am sorry about your knees. Maybe they just need a short rest. I am going to run 3-4 miles today and that is it. I am going to a pool barbece and it is going to be 100 today. Have a great day and awesome workouts:)

RE: Daily Check-in

Morning ladies. Didn't have time to check in yesterday, but I did IMAX 2 followed by HSC abs. Haven't done my workout for today yet. I'll have to wait for my daughter to take her nap, but I am hoping to get to the gym and do a 6 mile run. We'll see how it goes.

RE: Daily Check-in

Katie, how long does it take for you to do 6 miles? That's awesome.

I just did PUB (heavy) and PLB stability ball section. My arms are very shaky!!
It will be nice if I can do some cardio later, but I will play it by ear.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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RE: Daily Check-in

I decided on one of my Firm w/o's today. It has been over a year since I've picked one of them up. I did Complete Aerobics and Wt Training with Emily. It is exactly what I needed today.
RE: Daily Check-in

It takes me just under an hour. I run for about an hour and with the my warm up I usually end up going 6.5 miles.

RE: Daily Check-in

hello ladies,

I decided to do just some yoga today and then start again on my weights and cardio tomorrow. I could only do 20 mins out of the hour workout with Rodney Yee. It is a total body workout that is tough to me. I haven't done yoga in forever. I started to feel a little nausea with doing all of the swan dives. Maybe it will get easier.

Jane-I haven't done a firm workout in forever! I have all of their dvds and will sometime try one of them out also.

Hope everyone has a great night!

RE: Daily Check-in

Today was an active rest day for me. I did 50 minutes of yoga w/ Shiva Rhea. The first 25 minutes would be considered power yoga, followed by relaxation/stretch yoga and then shavasana (corpse pose).

I ended up selling all of my Firm workouts to fund my Cathe obsession. Kudos to those of you who kept yours.


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