Daily check-in Sunday 6/2/2005


Hi good morning everybody.Today is MIC in my rotation. I ordered the hardcore dvd by ck sales and they don't have confirmation from Cathe that the ck sales order has been shipped.I hope Markerta and everybody who ordered the dvd by ck sales will have a new update today.I am checking during all day the ck sales's newsletters and nothing. Have a great Sunday everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
A very sunny good morning to you Mariángeles and everyone else,

Today I had PUB on the menu plus S&H back and triceps. Very nice workout.

Question for experienced runners:
My son will be running his very first race Sunday 13 Feb. He refuses to join one of the local track and/or running teams so its up to me to "coach" him.

Sofar I've been doing OK: I don't push him, if anything I've been holding him back. He loves to run and he's really looking forward to his race. Now I've been trying to explain race strategy to him. How he needs to pace himself throughout the race, how he should not go out with the very fast and experienced runners at the start, how he should use the ease of running down the bridges (3 of them) to slightly increase speed, how he should increase to top speed at the last 1K and things like hydration before the race and not stopping for a drink during the race cause it's only a little over 6K, temp will probably be below 10C. We will do a warm up jog before the race, so he doesn't need to go out too slow. Is there anything else I should tell him?

To prepare him I will loan him my other HRM on Monday and let him run the race course as he thinks he wants to run it at race day and review his run with him afterwards. It will give him an insight into whether he went too fast, did he pace himself and how fast he can run the race (knowing ofcourse that in a race you're usually slightly faster, which I didn't tell him). BTW we always increase speed in the last 1K of every run and the last 500 meters is always up a bicycle/pedestrian bridge over the highway. He manages to sprint up that bridge no matter how long our run was... Sadly, I can only slightly increase speed at that point:-( .

I appreciate any and all coaching tips.

Have a great day ladies,

Dutchie :)
Good Morning, Mariángeles and everyone;

I can't believe cksales has no confirmation from Cathe yet. I thought Cathe send cksales'orders the same day she receive the DVDs or one day later. I remember it from the last year with BB series-cksales shipped one day after Cathe received her DVDs. But it's weekend and we must wait till tomorrow. Oh,but it's so hard this waiting...

Also,Mariángeles,I wish you'll receive the other DVDs tomorrow :) It's too much long time and I think it's due to Spanish Post Office.

I did SH triceps and then wanted to try Functional Fundations (TLP) Core Strenght-but couldn't make it-I don't know if I'll like this workout or will trade it. So,I changed and did MTV Pilates.

I hope everyone enjoy this Sunday;

Marketa Preisler

Hi again. Yes Marketa the waiting is so hard. I think that my long waiting for the dvd is due to Spanish Post Office and that's makes me angry. I have blamed CK sales and I they have a great consumer service. Finally I decided not do MIC. I have done still stepping just for fun and I had a greeeeat time. SS is a party in a box and the music is fantastic. The first song is a instrumental version of Smooth. Others songs are volare, one famous song of the Back Street boys, one song of Vanessa Williams etc.The fantastic four compilation deserves every penny.Later I will do hi/low heaven.Have a great Sunday everybody. I can imagine the excitation of everybody who is going to receive the dvd this Monday. Please post as soon as possible what do you think about the workouts.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi Marketa P the styles of Christhi and Cathe are different. The Cathe's step is more athletic ( lot of jamps and quayos ? ) Christhi only jamps over the step. There are lot of changes of foot and turns. The Cathe's step is easier to learn. the Christhi 's step is fantastic when you want to do step but not high impact.Sometimes after a few days doing the Cathe's step the kness bother me. I think it will not happens with the Christi step. Her workouts are called "advanced" not so much because of the intensity, but because of the complexity. So, you will probably love them if you are patient in learning the choreography.When I saw the stage two of Step Heaven I thought there was no way I would be able to "get" all those moves. It looked so complex! As long as you are willing to put forth the effort, you can learn the choreography.It takes time but believe me if I can get the steps you can do it. I have to confess that in the second stage of SH ( the step is vertical)in a few moves I do a horizontal version.With the step vertical you have less space and a horizontal version is safer.
In terms of intensity I don't finish my Christhi Step workouts beging for air as happens with Cathe but I feel I have exercised. Hope this helps.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi, ladies! Great workouts so far today!

I usually rest on Sundays, but NOT today! I did Kickbox from CTX and then rode my stationary bike for anothe 30 minutes and got a great workout.

I haven't gotten my shipment confirmation yet either! It's tough, but I guess we'll just have to wait. Like kids on Christmas! LOL

Have an awesome Sunday

Good Morning, Mariangeles, Dutchie, Marketa, & everyone else!
Today is an off day for me. I will most likely do yoga later. I woke up this morning to do it, but my body told me to go back to bed. I did. Glad I listened. I haven't slept in, in a long time! I have to study for two exams this coming week. I am Pre-Law. I am going to school to be a Legal Assitant.I didn't study yesterday. I had my neice and nephew and of course my son. We baked cookies. It was so much fun. Then we had a contest who could eat the most! I had to join in also! I will get back on track today. I haven't done anything like that in forever! I am going to get ready for church. Have a great day everyone!
Good morning! I plan to do some yoga in a bit, but first I thought I'd pop online while I enjoy my morning coffee. Mariangeles, you are making me want to do a Christi workout today, and it's my rest day! Must...rest....:) Incidentally, it is only 5:30am here in Edmonton, so any updates from CK Sales won't happen for at least a few more hours. I keep checking their site periodically, too! It's nice to know that they've hired extra people to get the orders out, once they arrive. Geez, I should have volunteered to help! I'd at least get my own order right away! I'm trying to plan my workouts for the week, and I am being very optimistic that by Friday they will be here, and I can give LoMax a whirl. How about you? I'm guessing you will be trying KickMax first??

Marketa - it probably depends how late in the day/evening SNM got their shipment to CK Sales on the truck. Technically, Saturday might have been the first day of transport for the CK Sales order, which means that CK Sales won't receive it until at least Sunday evening/Monday morning. It's a very long drive to Edmonton, no matter what part of the world you start out in! :)

Dutchie, All your advice for your son sounds really good! Probably the best information about racing he will learn for himself simply through the experience of it. It's hard, for your first race, to pace yourself properly because of the excitement and anxiety. It's very tempting to try to keep up with the faster runners. Races are fun, though! Keep us updated on how he does, please. Will you be in the same race?

Be back later,
Hi everyone. Gayle great workout.Yes we have just to wait, I know. Patience come to me.

Sandra enjoy your rest day.I am sure I will try kickmax first.We have to wait but the good new is that ck sales will ship all the preorders in 24 hours.Positive thought.

Carla K good luck with your exams.I have studied laws in Spain and now I am a civil servant ( In my country I am funcionaria, I think the traslate in English is that I am a civil servant) in the region where I live.

Dutchie I am sure Beverly (run4fun) can help you.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Thank you Mariángeles for you explanation-I am really planning to buy these ones. :) But will wait for a while as I have bought a lot of stuff, HighStep and HC series in last month and my creditcard is crying.

Sandra, it's great you're from Edmonton as cksales-you'll be the first person with HC in Canada.

Marketa Preisler

Yes I will run the same race. I remember the mistakes I made in my very first race (5K) so I'm trying to keep my son from making the same mistakes and prepare him for it (I didn't have that advantage back then).

He's got a solid base training (at least I think so) so the distance can't be a problem at all.

I told my son I run the race for the sake of participating cause I know I am way too slow to even make it to the mid pack :) He's running to set the fastest time he can, he said, he wants to make it to the top 3 in his age group. I have emphasised to him he should not compare himself to other runners cause they will more than likely be far more experienced and probably a member of some track or running team.

Just trying to make sure he isn't disappointed afterwards and keep telling him running is a fun thing to do. He has done some competitive running during his PE classes and is either 1st or 2nd which made him confident but also raised his hopes and ambitions. But road racing is a totally different ball game. As a mother, I'm slightly worried.

Ciao tutti!

Wow, there is a lot of activity here so early on a Sunday mornng. Mariangeles, I hope everything gets straightened out for you.

IMax2 and BC Core Premix for me today. We are enjoying some sunny warm weather after months of sub zero temps. It just gives you a whole new outlook on life.

Enjoy all your workouts,

Til Tomorrow,

Good morning ladies....

Dutchie...I have never coached a soul in my life! I think what you are doing so far is perfect. As those of us that run races know, it is so hard not to go out too fast, you seem to get sucked in with a crowd. So, if he can hold back just a bit in the beginning, then increase his speed as he goes. I think running a practice race on Monday with your HRM is good. Can he run the exact course? Yes, he does have a good base. I know there are other runners here and there is a running coach on these forums, so you might want to post a separate thread in the Open forum as they might not read this thread...:)..let us know how his practice run goes.

I am doing some stretching before I attempt a 20 mile run. The weather seems to be cooperating so far. Then later on I will watch the Superbowl. I am with you Aila...Go Eagles!! Have a great day....:)...Carole
Good morning ladies,

I have been so busy yesterday getting ready for tonight's superbowl party. We are going to my sisters for the game. I did Donna Reed's Hi/Lo to the max yesterday morning & today I did MIS. My HC is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, but my UPS guy doesn't come until close to dinner time. I guess I will rest tomorrow morning & save my energy for IMAX 3 tomorrow night. I am not going to preview it. I am going to jump right in. I checked the UPS tracking & they are here in Philly already, so I should not have any problems tomorrow.

Marketa-I agree with what Mariangeles said about Christi. I LOVE her workouts. She isn't as hard as Cathe, but is so much fun. Once you get to know her workouts, you can really get into it & get a great workout.

Carole-GO EAGLES!!!!!

I could tell him to stay with me at the start. I may go out too fast, but for him, if he stays besides me for approx. 3 minutes, it would be the perfect pace to start with. After that he can speed up and run his own pace

Thanks Carole:)
Good morning everyone,

Wow, the boards are busy this morning.

I am planning on doing Body Max today.

We're having a Super Bowl party today so I need to finish getting things ready and make the food. I'm going to try really hard not to snack too much but it's so hard.

Carole and Aila- I agree- GO EAGLES!!! Unfortunately, I just don't know if they can do it. Tom Brady seems to be unstoppable.

Aila - did you get your bar pad? I'm so jealous your DVD's are almost to you. Mine haven't been shipped yet. That'll show me - next time I'm ordering on the first day of the preorder. Shame on me.}(

Marketa - I agree with what everyone has said about Christi Taylor- lot of fun but just not as intense as Cathe.

Carla- Good luck on your exams.

Have a great Sunday,

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