Daily Check-in Saturday June 10


Good morning fitness folks...

IT'S A MIRACLE!! I can actually move this morning after my all I did yesterday (see yesterday's post). My back is what is really sore and I'm feeling it way down in the lower blade of my lats. Picking up hay bales is an excellent back workout!!

I am up at 5:30 on Saturday morning as per my usual! UGH... I actually woke up at 4:45.

Today on the rotation is RS and CM#3. I am going to get start on that in just a little while and get it out of the way. I have a busy day ahead outside. A lot of trim work to do around the pasture fence to "clean up" after getting the hay in. Cleaning up around the new barn. I also have plans to paint my outdoor furniture.

Hope everybody has a wonderful Saturday!
Good Morning Everyone, Hi Jane!

I've been out with a migraine since Tuesday! No workouts....actually no NOTHING until yesterday afternoon. I finally felt up to a workout and did L&G floorwork premix & KM LCD's and then MM U/B premix and MM abs!}(

Today RS is on the rotation for me too Jane! I was going to do mow-max in it's place but I woke up this morning and it's pouring, so I guess not!
There goes the Strawberry Festival!:-(
Will have to come up with alternate plans for the day I guess, since everything we'd planned on was OUTSIDE!!

I'm glad to be back. Hope everyone has a terrific weekend!:D
Good Morning Ladies!

Today is outdoor run # 3 for me...8 mins of running today before I get a 1 min walking break...same approximate 2 mile route. Wish me luck! It's very windy here today so it will surely have an affect on me...:eek:
Becky- so glad you are feeling better! Sounds like a good WO!

Wendy- have a great run. I haven't been outside to run in DAYS since all this damn RAIN! More today!!

Jane- Good luck getting the outside chores done! Hopefully you have beautiful weather for it!

I have PLB today. It will be my first time, so I am a little scared LOL! If it clears enough, I would like to run later, but we will see how the leggies hold out. Have alot of errands and stuff to do!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

Good morning, crew!

I've been very busy this week, and haven't been checking in. But I've managed to squeeze in my workouts. I'm a day behind because I had to take an unscheduled rest day on Wednesday. My new rec room in the basement is also the guest bedroom, and my mother is visiting for 2 weeks. My 5 year old DD is sleeping with her, I can no longer do my workouts first thing in the morning, or before bed; DD goes to sleep too early and sleeps in too late! It's so much harder to fit in a workout in the middle of the day.

I finished the GS series for the 4th consecutive week, and did a bit of cardio (All-Step, Step & Intervals, Rhythmic Step). Today I may give KickMax a whirl (I'm really dreading the blast), and then do Cardio & Weights tomorrow. I'm a bit undecided. I also have to decide what I'm going to do now that I've done the GS series for 4 weeks. I need something different, but don't want to lose my strength gains.

Jane - CM#3 is a good one. I have to definitely put that on my rotation for this week. I imagine baling hay is terrific for your entire body! Wow!

Becky - OMG, a migraine for 4 days?! That's horrible! I'm glad you're finally over it. And your workout yesterday sounds brutal (I'm not a fan of floorwork, although I know it's good for me).

Wendy - You're doing so well with your running! Peter and I are going to start running again, and we'll do it that way you are: alternating running with walking. It works your core really well, doesn't it?

Maeghan - I really like the standing portion of PLB, but the floorwork is dreadful (in that good kind of way). The good news is, if you do it consistently, you quickly improve. Kind of like the leg conditioning drills in KickMax.

Have a great day!
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

This morning I'll be doing CC#5, MM Back and CM#3.

Jane: WOW! Send me some of your energy please!

Becky: I'm glad you are feeling better. How awful that migraine sounds.

Wendy: Good luck on your run!

Maeghan: Good luck with PLB...it definitely gets the job done.

Sandra: Great workouts! Do you have S&H or PS?

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Sandra, I actually just noticed the effect of running on my core when I was at the gym the other day! Great "side effect", ey? ;)

So I completed my run and accomplished today's goal. 8 mins of running/1 min of walking intervals along my usual route. I was done in 19 mins 38 secs. It's getting easier on my legs thank goodness! I had some trouble on the first leg due to the strong wind coming at me. I had a hard time with my breathing. On the way back it was easier. I think this run might have even been easier than my FIRST outdoor run which was only 6 min runs! YEAY!:+
Rest day, I am however trying to clean out the attic which involves carrying items down 2 flights of stairs, bending, stooping and what not so I guess if you look at it this way I really am doing something!LOL!!

Have a great day!!
I went and helped out at the local diner this morning and squatted down to get something and felt alot of pain in the tops of my knees. Soooo, I think I am going to rest my knees and do PUB today and PLB tomorrow if the knees are OK.
Anyone know any stretches that help the knees? I am really hoping this does not become a problem!?!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

Did Imax 2 (at 7:30AM) and some chins and pull-ups. I've learned, or been reminded since I already knew, that I'm better off NEVER putting off exercise till later in the day. It's SO easy just not to do it, so my cardio was not what it should have been. But I balanced it with not eating as much, and promise to get back in gear next week.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)

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