Daily Check In Saturday 8/19


G'morning Glories!;)

So I did it. I was able to complete the 5 miles at the gym last night! :+ :+ :+

I am feelin' it this morning though!}(

Today is cardio only. I may rest though. Yesterday's run really knocked my body for a loop. If I work out, it will be light, low impact stuff.

Have a great day!:)
Good morning, Wendy - great workout yesterday, yes, listen to your body and rest if you need or a light workout :)

I'm playing in a women's golf tourney today and then out to eat with DH and another couple so no 'scheduled' workout. I wish we could walk the tournament, but they require carts to keep it moving along.

Have a great weekend!

Wendy - great job on the 5 miles!

Marcia - have fun with the golf!

I did it - I actually got my rear end out of bed and worked out this AM. I did PP which I really enjoy and I feel much better now. This slump that I've been in is awful. Hopefully vacation will knock it right out and I'll get back on track.

The dude ranch has wireless internet, but I'll only check in if I have time. Therefore, Have a great week everyone!


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Good Morning Fit Chicks!!!

No workout for me today as we are heading down to the city to drop DS#1 at school.

Wendy: Congrats on the 5 mile run!

Claude: Have a great vacatoin.

Marcia: Good luck with your golf tourny.

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Good morning ladies,

Don't know yet what exercise I will do today but it will probably be some cardio. Just don't know what video to do. Maybe some step of some sort.

Wendy-Great job on the run girl!!:) I have only done that once with dh four years ago on the Thanksgiving day! We were ready for that feast!:9

Marcia-Have a great game today! I have no clue how to play golf!

Claude-I know how it can be going through those slump times! But it is great when you get started again! I think I will have to buy PP, I have heard how fun it is!:)

Tammy-My sister is moving into Meredith college today and it is so sad!:-( It is hard to believe she was a little baby when dh and I got married! I just hope she makes the most out of this time,with enjoying college life and working hard at it also.

Will check in later after completing my workout!

gotta clean the car,gotta change the living room around,gotta wash clothes,shall I go on? Oh, but yes I will get my exercising in!;-)

Happy Saturday ladies,

Wendy, CONGRATS on your 5 mile run. I definitley considered that a milestone when I started running. You definitley deserve a break after that one.

Marcia, Wow, a golf tournament!!! That is pretty exciting. Good luck!

Gym mom, Push pull is a great workout. I understand about the slump. I worked out really hard on vacation and felt great, but I feel myself getting into a slump since I have been back. I know you will snap out of it as well as I will.

Tammy, enjoy your trip to the city with your son.

Kim,Enjoy your cardio workout and I have tons of stuff to do today as well.

I am going to run 5 miles today and Gs Biceps and Back.

Have a super day ladies!!!!

I just did 5.8 miles on the treadmill and my upper body work is now done, YAHOO!!!! Now if I can just keep bad food out of my mouth today, which will be hard considering I am going to a chinese restaurant.


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