Daily Check in Sat Apr 28

Good morning!!!!

I had "fun" with Cardio Fusion yesterday. I was flying on endorphins for hours after that workout!

Today is PLB.

Vilma - I'm glad you like CC PP. I was soaking wet after that workout too! I can relate to the soggy underwear! On workouts like that one, there isn't anything that isn't wet on my body! The stretches on CC aren't the greatest but I have used a couple of the basic stretches on other CC's which aren't bad. That stretch on CC PP was not the one I would have chosen for that workout. I didn't like it either.

Patti - let us know which CC you bought.

Annette - wow! congrats on the weight loss!! WOOHOO!

Tammy - did mom get moved yet? This week did fly by very fast! I think I'm going to have to go back to work on Monday to get some rest! I have been non-stop this week. I have enjoyed my time with my little fella though.

Becky - I shot you off an email before coming over here.

Good morning to everyone else!! I'm going to my aunt and uncle's 50th wedding anniversary party today. I'm going by to get DIL and Joseph (DS is working today) and then going by and getting DD and her boyfriend.

Have a good one!!
Good Morning Phyllis, Jane and Everyone Else!!:)

Jane, I got your email. :)

Today is MM, the last workout on the April rotation!!:D
I will fit it in while DH is gone cutting grass.

What's everyone doing for May??
I am waiting to see what Cathe has but also thinking of a back up plan. I always lean towards cardio and upperbody, so am looking at a few of those.

Have a great Saturday !!:7
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I don't know what I'm doing this morning. I want to do both a treadmill run and I want to do that Squeeze workout for the first time. We'll see how it goes.

Phyllis: IM#1 is one of those workouts that when you're done, you know you really worked out...LOL!

Jane: Mom was moved yesterday. Have fun at the 50th anniversary pary! You have had a busy week!

Becky: I'm also waiting to see what Cathe puts out for May (I can't believe it's May already). My backup plan is probably running and full body workouts.

I'll check back later! Have a good day!
Good Saturday Ladies! :D

Today is MM and if I'm able to I will do some type of 20 min. cardio using the TM or Cathe.

Slept in with my hubby and it was nice as with his work schedule we rarely get any cuddle time just talking about the weeks events and what needs to get done this weekend.

I'll WO once he's out the door to go to work.

* Phyllis - taking that extra time to get in a thorough stretch after working out has helped and I pretty much do it after each WO using SM or TBS. Enjoy it if you decide to add that into your WO routine.

* Jane - I'm glad you feel the same about CC PP stretch and about the soggy undergarments lol ;)

Doesn't CF go by so fast? It makes me feel in the zone for quite a bit.

* Becky - yay for the April rotation... it's been a great one and I'm also wondering what Cathe plans for May.
I was thinking if the May rotation is not to my liking I may repeat this months rotation again. I feel really good that I was able to stay consistant with it minus the 2nd week when I got sick.

* Tammy - I also feel like wanting to do a TM run must be the bright shiny sun outside my window that is motivating me this morning :)

Hellos to all that follow - Have an OUTSTANDING day today Ladies! :7
Imax is done and I did do a SM segment afterward. I feel good, but I don't have time to do that after each wo. The weekend has less time restraints so there was no pressure today. :)

Becky, I was thinking about FitnessFreaks get ready for summer rotation. It is cardio and upper body. It doesn't incorporate the new DVDs though. I'll see what Cathe posts. Meanwhile, tomorrow is my last day for April with MM on the agenda.

Jane, I can't believe your vacation is over. Geez, if it went fast for me I can only imagine how you feel!

Vilma, I wore my seamless Vapor bra for IMAX. It did a pretty good job. Honestly though, there was still the bounce factor. It might be something specific to me. I usually wear 2 bras to keep the bounce out. I wore the Vapor by itself and the girls were still moving! So, I'll probably continue with the 2. Just thinking...I bought a size L, maybe if I bought a M the compression would be better. Thoughts?

Phyllis http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

>Vilma, I wore my seamless Vapor bra for IMAX. It did a pretty
>good job. Honestly though, there was still the bounce factor.
>It might be something specific to me. I usually wear 2 bras to
>keep the bounce out. I wore the Vapor by itself and the girls
>were still moving! So, I'll probably continue with the 2. Just
>thinking...I bought a size L, maybe if I bought a M the
>compression would be better. Thoughts?

I think yes; the compression would've been better for you. What about that Action Tech one you got? Maybe you could call the company and see if you can exchange the Vapor for a smaller size?

I got a size medium and it held up with very little bounce. I've used both my Vapor bras doing high impact, but then again after my weight loss a few years ago my gals have gotten smaller. I'm a B cup going into an A x( , once was a D - oh those were the days I swore by my Enell bra which still looks brand new & now sits lonely.

I learned that a few years ago with a bra I got from Title Nine, it had a 3-4 barbell status but I always regret not getting a size down. I still use it but only for weight work now and not when I do a combined cardio w/ weights.
Late workout for me today, but on weekends, I squeeze them in wherever I can!

I did MM upperbody premix and Amy Bentos Ab #1. Should add on an extra stretch too but the pretty weather is calling me outside instead!!:D

Tammy, if you did Squeeze, please tell us what you thought. I am sooo tempted by that one. Actually my "want" list is so long that DH looks a little pale when I mention it.
I'm gonna have to get a job to support my workout habit !:p :eek:

Happy Saturday to All !:7
Another late WO here - but that's what weekends are for right?

Just completed an extra long one for me:

Did MM and matched Cathe on all weights except for the barbell curls - ouch I could not lift that barbell at 35 # for biceps so I went down to 25# -something to work towards. Plus I also used my purple dyna-band for the leg presses ( glad I bought that one as it felt really good & hit that spot )

Then I went ahead and did Challenge #1 and half of Challenge #2 on the CC PP - very good cardio wo there.

Ended it all of course with WO #2 in TBS and the band stretch in SM.

I feel very good to end the last day of this months rotation - I had a blast with it. :7

Tommorrow is my Rest Day ! :p

I hope Cathe puts out May's rotation soon so I can see if I want to do it.

Well off to get out of here my dd has her Junior Prom next Saturday and needs to go shopping for shoes before she goes into work later on today of course she does not drive and out here in the sticks no car = no travel lol.

Have a great day once again Ladies! :7
All I managed to do today was Squeeze. :( :( :(

I did the total body Squeeze and I was not crazy about the upper body stuff. The lower body exercises are similar to the iSculpt Ballets and those I liked. I also liked the ab work. I will probably use this DVD for leg add-ons and ab work. The stretches were also very good, so they would be nice to use after a run. All-in-all I'm not crazy about this DVD. Tracy doesn't work out to the beat of the music and that drove me nuts.

I wish I had done the treadmill run...

I'm sorry about your workout .:-( I hate when I have a disappointing workout.

But, on the positive side, You saved me $30 !:D :p THANK YOU and DH thanks you !!:7
>I'm sorry about your workout .:-( I hate when I have a
>disappointing workout.
>But, on the positive side, You saved me $30 !:D :p THANK
>YOU and DH thanks you !!:7

Becky~ Always glad to help out! ROTFLMAO! :7
Tammy - sorry the Squeeze workout didn't work out as well as you would have liked.

Didn't get to PLB this morning, needed to get moving early. The anniversary party was nice. Believe it or not, I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow. DIL and MIL were also invited so I'll go by and pick them up. This has been an exhausting but wonderful week. I've enjoyed my Joseph time.

g'night! I'm tired!

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