Daily Check-in Monday, September 30th, 2024

Good Morning Everyone,

I am on the road early this morning and managed a workout. I impressed myself as I almost blew it off, despite being in my workout room and my workout already planned. I did a W/B of RWH for legs, Crossfire and Xtrain legs. It was 50 minutes in total. I added on my own stretch. I'm sweating!

Have a great day everyone. I may not be checking in as I only know my password on this computer. I've tried re-setting it but never get the email link. Even my DH has tried to help me and he's tech savvy. I'll see if I can figure it out while away. I am not far, just in the Laurentians.

Have a great day and workout everyone. Nora - I hope you are able to work out today. Fingers crossed for you!
Good morning all! Have a fun & safe trip Siobhan! Nice blender workout doing a 50 min. mix of RWH for legs, Crossfire and Xtrain legs. Strong & long lower body workout!

Today's workouts:

Blender- "Back: On the Ball" - 15 min.
Hydrow Circuit Training- 20 min. Row & Weights/Band AMRAP
IFit- "Playa El Cielo, Mexico" Treadmill walk- 13 min.

Enjoy your day & workouts girls!

ETA: Oh, Nicki, I wanted to tell you that although I am not a football fan, my next door
neighbor is a BIG Alabama fan….so big that he & a friend drove to Alabama from VA to
that game Sat. Night…LOL! Also 2 weeks ago, they drove to Wisconsin to that game!!
He has that Roll Tide sticker on his car & truck. That’s a fan I’d say…:)
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Hi ladies,

Great job on the workouts thus far.

Today I did Kathy Smith's joint workout with Michael Olajide called Aerobox .

There are 3 segments of jump roping that I just modified or kicked or jogged around because ain't no way I could ever do what they were doing. Out of 6 participants only 3 did the hardest jump rope segment and Kathy wasn't one of them :eek:!

But it was 50 minutes of sweat and boxing. I think I remember trying this workout when I was younger. But it was good and different and my body needs different.

Have a great day!!

Travel safe Siobhan!

Pray for the Appalachia area, they are hurting and I have friends down there.

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