Daily Check-in, Monday, September 2, 2024 (Labor Day!)

Good morning all! Enjoy the holiday!

Today's workouts:

CatheLive- "Paired Upper Body" - 44 min. (loved this upper body workout!)
STS 2.0- Mobility # 1 dvd mix- 12 min.

That's it! have a good day!
Hi ladies,

My hubby is off this week and our plans are not set so my workouts may be iffy.

But today I did a 32 minute Taebo off of YouTube wearing my boxing gloves. It was good and I am sweaty. And for once it was a balanced workout.

I also did 10 minutes of floorwork early early this morning (12:50 am) since I don't sleep well anymore.

Nice workout Linda.

Have a great Labor Day!
Great job Annette with YT-32 minute Taebo workout & your "early and I mean early morning"
10 min. floorwork! I'm with you on the not sleeping well, although, I will admit I did sleep
pretty good last night.
Hello ladies:)

Linda- Great job on today's workouts with:

CatheLive- "Paired Upper Body" - 44 min. (loved this upper body workout!)- Must've been a good one!
STS 2.0- Mobility # 1 dvd mix- 12 min.-Lovel way to finish a workout and feel great;)

WTG & have a good day:)

Annette- Good job on today's workout with:

YT- Taebo wearing boxing gloves = 32 minutes
Plus counting 10 minutes of floorwork early early this morning (12:50 am) since not sleeping well, sorry to hear that. I have issues off and on.

Enjoy your time with DH bein off work this week. Don't worry about workouts they'll be there when you come back.;)

Hello's & waves to Siobhan and Nicki- enjoy your day ladies:)

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone's Walk Slim Fast Start!- 1 & 2 Mile Walk = 35 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- NEW Strong Body HiiT Cardio Class = 21 Min
KCM Coffeyfit Raw- Box & Pump = 34 Min

I'm done, Phew ! Have a goo day:)

ps. I'll won't be working out tomorrow, estate stuff.

Nice workout Nora with
Leslie Sansone's Walk Slim Fast Start!- 1 & 2 Mile Walk = 35 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- NEW Strong Body HiiT Cardio Class = 21 Min
KCM Coffeyfit Raw- Box & Pump = 34 Min. WTG!

enjoy your day off tomorrow!

oh dear, I might be a “one man show” tomorrow!! :):)
maybe I should say “one woman show” LOL!
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