Daily Check-in, Monday, July 1, 2024

aqua girl

Good morning ladies, Hope everyone had a good weekend...

Today's workouts:

Killer Legs-TimeSaver Premix 2-Moderate Weight- 24 min.
Workout Across America: Alabama, Alaska & New Mexico (Here I go! :) )
YT- "Riverfront Park Treadmill Walk, Montgomery, Alabama" - 17 min.
Hydrow- "5 min. "Glacier View" Rowing Cooldown" , Seward, Alaska
Bitgym- 10 min. "Chaco Canyon, New Mexico" elliptical hike

Enjoy the day.....
Hi ladies,

Today I stayed home and did my own (I got the workout online and added to it) 7 Kick Progression it was 56 minutes and I am dripping. Instead of adding weights in-between segments like I did when I taught my class I did punching combos and some floorwork at the end. It was waaay more songs than I remembered. It was set to music that was 150 bpm.

Now I need to clean,Ugh!

Nice workout Linda. Alaska has to be beautiful.

See ya tomorrow.
Nice 56 min.Kick Progression workout today Annette! (Yay, one of your own). 150 bpm
is pretty fast in my book…WTG!

enjoy CleanMax…I gotta think about that again…in a day or 2.
Hi girls, July 1 already! I'm not ready for that:)

Sorry, for the very late check in. It's been very hot which brings difficulties for someone like myself with MS. Plus
I had to do errands and get in a 2 mile walk with DH before starting my workout which was about 4PM my time. I'm so tired
and dad to say have no energy for personals today, I will strive to do so tomorrow.

Great job to all of you for workouts done today. I hope Siobhan had a good trip.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 30 Min Big Burn =31 Min
KCM "Coffeyfit Raw" Total Body Timesaver Sculpt- Box & Tone =21 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 20-min- Max Intensity Cycle workout= 21 Min

Have a good evening ladies;)


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