Daily Check-In Mon May 1


Good morning fitness buddies. First day of May!! Before you know it, it will be Christmas!! LOL.... time really flies...

Yesterday was circuit day for me and I did Bootcamp with DD.

Today is steady state cardio and I'm steppin'. I'm thinking of pulling out an old one like Step Works or Step Max.

Have a great day!
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

This morning for me will be KPC and if I have time PS C/T.

Jane: Have fun steppin' to the oldies!

Phyllis: GS B/S/B is such a great workout.

Carole/Sandra: Help! I'm gaining weight on E2L!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Happy May Day! No morning workout for me this morning but hopefully I can sneak in a full body weight workout later. My hams and booty are singing from my MowMax yesterday, if only the grass could look this green and lush come July!

Jane, enjoy your stepping:)

Phyllis, those curls are a challenge, nice job!

Judy, sounds like you will have earned that nice loooong stretch, enjoy:)

Tammy, enjoy your KPC, it's such a wonderful workout!

Have a great Monday (or is that an oxymoron!:+ )

Take Care
Good Morning Ladies!:)

I have to tweak the order of my rotation this week a bit because I took my rest day a day early so....

I am up for cardio today. IMAX 2 as per the rotation but you know me lately...little miss gym rat!:p I think I'm going to take a SPIN class this morning...never been to this one before so it will be something NEW!}( ... 'Sides, DH is home sick today so it's probably best if I get out of the house for a bit!;)

Jane, enjoy stepping! I just stepped yesterday for the first time in about a month!

Phyllis, enjoy your gymstyle workout! I am IN LOVE w/the gymstyles!}(

Judy, I still have the 2nd half of the rotation I am currently doing to complete but I'm gonna go print off Cathe's May rotation anyway for possible later use.

Tammy, KPC...that work out has been done a lot lately. I guess it's a fave! So I got my MP3 player! I don't want to jump the gun and buy all 6 of the CC's right now...if I wanted to buy 2-3 of them...which ones are your faves? (but won't KILL me! LOL)

Laurie, isn't it great when you can get in a work out just by doing an everyday chore!:D Our lawn needs to be cut BIG TIME. DH usually does it but he is sick so I just might get out there and "exercise" later!:7

Hello to all that follow!

Happy Monday!:p
Good morning everyone!

I decided to start the Butts and guts rotation for this month, however, I don't have Step works, so I swapped in Rhythmic Step....I haven't done that one in so long that I'm afraid I spent most of the workout stumbling along and muttering to myself. I do have yoga class tonight as well.

I am feeling very discouraged this morning - I got out my tape measure (it's been about 5 weeks since the last time I measured) and there has been little to no movement (a half inch on my waist and that's it). And of course, the scale hasn't budged. How can I be working so hard and watching what I eat and nothing is happening???? I want to cry and then go eat a big piece of cake for breakfast.

I hope everyone's Monday is better than mine!

This will be a walking day for me, cardio-wise, and push-ups. 300 is my goal for the day. Also a pilates class, and previewing some Mindy DVD's for legs and abs exercises for my classes.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Hi everyone!

Oh man, what a fabulous weekend... Saturday was very rainy, so I got to stay in the house and mess around. Sunday was sparkling and clear, and the rain had washed everything clean... oh, I love those kind of days.

I think I'm going to starve today. I didn't plan very well at all, and I may end up having to visit the cafeteria and hope there's something decently healthy to eat. Dumb, dumb.

Today I really want to do Step Blast. The shin is pretty much healed, so I think I can manage it. If for some reason it protests, I'll sub in KPC. But it'll be cardio one way or other!

Hope y'all have a good day!
Starting the November rotation today, just don't get into these "Split" rotations, and I don't have the Slow and Heavy Series, so I am going back to the 2005 rotation, for the most part.

Today was KPC, have a great Monday!
Wendy ~ Volume 5 is my all time favorite but it is hard. Volume 1 is great to start with because it is a shorter workout (also I believe the new reworked volume one has two workouts on it) but it still gets your heart-a-pumping. I also like volumes 3 and 6 because there is more sprinting in them.

Have fun!

Hi everyone!

I'm back from a weekend camping trip. Had a great time despite lots of rain. I had a good walk on Sat. Sunday was a rest day.

Today I started a variation of the May Rotation. More or less using it a guide. This morning I did step from BM & MIC and PS chest&triceps! That felt good after a relaxing weekend...it's good to be back!

Great workouts girls!!!
Morning ladies. Didn't have a chance to check in all weekend, so here are my workouts.

Sat - Cardio & Weights followed by MIC Hi/Lo
Sun - IMAX 3 follwed by HSC
Mon - PLB followed by second half MIC

I'm off to make my breakfast. I'm starving!:9

Hope everyone has a great Monday.

Good morning fit ladies

Tammy...you are gaining?...let me know what a day of eating looks like and I'll try to help...

I am doing GS Chest, tris and sho, abs and a 5 mile run

Have a great day...:)

Really?? What have you been eating? Give us a typical day's menu, if you can.

I'm losing, but not extremely fast (which is the way I want it).


Put down the fork!!! I've been where you are, and it's a hard place to be, but sabatoging your efforts will only make your problem worse. Until you can figure out why you're not making much progress, consider the fact that you haven't gained any weight a victory in itself. Don't abuse yourself with food, but try to take some time to regroup and think about how you can tweak your plan to make more progress. Ask the group on the Open Discussion forum for some advice; they always have tons of great ideas.


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