Daily Check in Mon July 10

Hello Phyllis and all that follow.

Today I started the HardCore Max Fat Loss rotation and I did IMAX 3. Later, after work, I'll do CoreMax segment #3 and some yoga w/ DH.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Good Morning Everyone!

Phyllis, that sounds like a fun workout....how long was it ??

Yesterday was a rest day for me and today is probably Bootcamp. I am 2 days behind on my rotation and might skip BC and start with Monday of week #2.....and then it will be Cardio & Weights. Guess I'll just go with which one I feel more like doing today.:p ;-)

Thank you Beckymd for the advice on stretching and sugguesting the yoga dvd. I'm going to get it. Sorry I'm so slow in thanking you.

Is it Friday yet????:eek:
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

IM#2 :7 for me this morning!

Phyllis: SuperSets LB Blast combined w/CTX PowerCircuit fried my legs Saturday....it is my new favorite leg burner!

Beckymd: Great workout!

Becky: LOL!....No...it's not Friday yet!

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Good morning Phyllis,beckymd,becky and others who follow,

I am glad to be back and start exercising again. I had a total blast at the beach but ready to really get down and dirty with my diet and exercising!
At the beach I noticed that I have lost alot of strength doing just circuit workouts so I have decided to start (FitnessFreak366)Building muscle and Cardio rotation. I am hoping to complete one this time.

So today I will be doing GS pushups, PUB chest, CTX chest and LM premix.

At the beach I let myself have my cheat foods moderately but now I'm off sometime today to hit the grocery store for a healthy diet!

Have a good morning girls!

G'morning Girls.

Today will be a f/b weight work out though I'm not sure which one yet, and then it's off to the gym for a TM run and finally, tonight is my running class. :)

Have a great Monday!....Like that is even possible!? :p
Good morning everyone,

Phyllis, that sounds like a killer workout! Whew!

Today was SB/SJP premix number 6, 81 minutes. I love that one!

Have a great day.
Morning ladies. Today was GS BSB followed by intervals 1-6 of IMAX 2. I was only scheduled to do intervals 1-5, but I just had to add on the 6th one because I love the straddle taps. They are so much fun. I would like to start a new rotation this week, but I don't know which one to do. Anyone have any good rotations they've done lately?

Wendy - Beautiful picture of you and hubby on the 1st formal night on your cruise. You look fantatic!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good Morning to all,

This morning was MM for me. Tomorrow I will have a rest day. The plumber is coming to replace our water heater, which is right near my exercise area. They better not spill waterx(

Have a great day!

Morning everyone -
I didn't check in all weekend, too much to do! Saturday ended up being an unexpected rest day, just couldn't get my butt out of bed. Once I finally did, I hit the yard for some serious weeding, then I stripped the wallpaper in our downstairs hall, followed by more weeding. DH installed a new kitchen faucet and a garbage disposal. I was so excited. Amazing what thrills you after 17 years of marriage.

Yesterday was S&H Triceps & Biceps. I am feeling some wonderful DOMS today from that workout. This morning was PowerMax - 1st time I've ever done it. I've got kind of mixed feelings about it. Not sure why as I usually love all Cathe's step workouts. Maybe I just wasn't into step today.

We leave on Thursday for a long weekend in Canada. I'm planning on using those days as a long rest period. I haven't taken more than one or two days off in months and I'm thinking a little break might do me good. But I'm bringing my bands with me, just in case I decide I can't take it.

Happy Monday!
Phyllis....WAY TO GO! I'm gonna write that one down and try it sometime.:)

This morning I did Bootcamp.....then I mopped up the sweat, grabbed a bottle of water (drank one during BC), and went for a walk with DS. We did "Death Hill"..... a one hour walk & a real KILLER climb!!}(

I don't know when I last sweated this much!:eek:
Am off to the shower and then maybe fix a protein smoothie for an after workout treat.

Great workouts everyone!:D
Busy busy week ahead actually 2 weeks. I did the 8 min. taebo as a quicky workout. I had a cortisone shot in my heel on Friday so I am praying that that cures my PF and that I won't need another shot.

We gutted the last room on Friday of our whole house renovation while living in it neverending job!!

I am ready for plaster and lathe to be out of my house for good!!

Have a great day!!:7
Good morning everyon:)

I am going to do a 3mile treadmill run and legs and glutes lying leg work and PUB back. Have a super day ladies.

Plaster & Lathe - how old is your house? Mine was built in 1854 - lucky for us, the previous owners did a fantastic job of either replacing or fixing the old plaster.

And you're living in it during the whole renovation? Are you nuts? Exactly what are you doing to the house?

I'm an old house enthusiast and a die hard do it yourselfer. Had to ask for details.
Katie, Thanks re the cruise pics!:)

Great work outs everyone!

Well, I'm finally done with my work out and I must have been out of my mind considering I STILL have my running class to go to tonight! :eek: Here's what I did:

16 reps x 3 sets each of a quad, hamstring, inner & outer thigh machine.
32 reps on the roman chair.
Fast paced 3 mile TM run

50 weighted walking lunges.
MM upper body push pull premix
MM ab work

}( }( }(
You ask?! And you want to know??

Our house was built around 1900 complete with lathe and plaster, knob and tube electic, and electricians and plumbers that cut huge notches in the joists for the pipes to go through.

We have been renovating this house for almost the whole time we have lived here (about 8 years now) and it is starting to take its toll on us all, especially my middle son who wants it to be over or for us to move.

We started with building a workshop for my dh in the backyard. Then we were just going to fix the back wall but in doing so we had to fix the upstairs bathroom since it leaked water from the clawfoot tub. And were were going to have to tear out the downstairs bathroom in order to fix the back wall.

Well as you might know one thing led to another and we ended up gutting the back half of the house upstairs including the upstair bathroom and our nursery at the time and we put all 3 boys into one room.

We replaced all the plumbing and rotten floor joist and hoisted a one piece tub/shower combo unit up from the downstairs while the floor was open to the upstairs with the help of 4 men and myself.

We also raised the slanted ceiling line slightly so we could get a full size shower in there. Put in all new windows throughout the house (new not replacement windows so we had to reframe the openings and all). Redid the 3rd bedroom and added a closet for our oldest son.

After that was done it was onto the side porch which held the basement access and was what the previous owner called loosely a "workshop". We tore out a closet in the dining room to access this new room and enclosed it as a laundry room but had setbacks in the rock foundation in the basement during this phase.

Then it was onto the dining room floor which was redone with new joists and plywood subfloor(which is still there now we have yet to get the actually hardwood floor in but it is here just not installed).

Plus the walls were gutted and drywall was put in the place of the plaster. We have yet to paint.

We then added an 10x19 addition to the back of the house making for a new 19x20 eat in kitchen and full bath downstairs. This again is drywalled and heated and enclosed but no paint or cabinets yet, but the bathroom is nearly done.

We then gutted our room so we could finish putting in all the new windows and redo our room. We added a closet which this house had none and carpet. This room is now completely finished paint and all. I love our new room.

While we were out of our room we moved down to the new addition and had our bedroom downstairs.

Then we gutted the 2nd bedroom and moved all 3 boys into the oldest's room on mattresses on the floor. Their room received new drywall, carpet, and a closet with plenty of outlets. We also added a upstairs hall closet for coats.

We then gutted the downstairs front room and it is also complete with the exception of flooring (we have Brazilian Cherry hardwood floors to go all through the downstairs but again not installed yet). We moved things into the front room (ie tv, couch, piano, and a chair and my workout stuff) so we could gut the room that we have been living in all this time. So my dh took Friday off from work and we gutted the middle/family room which is the last room we have to gut.

Plus we have to put in a new stair railing and have the steps wrapped in carpet since we don't have the money to build all new stairs. I have had no kitchen for about 18 months now. My stove is freestanding in the dining room, my fridge is in the laundry room, I use my utility sink as my kitchen sink and my drying rack sits on top of the dryer. My counter space is the top of the chest freezer or the top of the washer. We have a small cabinet that holds the microwave and has one drawer that holds the silverware.

My dh made a beautiful floor to ceiling cabinet that holds all my food, pot, pans and dishes in the laundry room.

Painting and kitchen cabinets along with floor and railing are the main things left to do other than dry wall the newly gutted family room. Anybody want to come and help?!?! PLEASE!!!

It is really starting to take it toll on us all, since we have been doing it sooooo long!!!

Are you sorry your ask now?!?

That's our onging neverending living in the renovation zone story!!
Hello ladies,

Just finished my GSpushups,PUB chest, Ctx chest and LM premix#1. I can tell you my chest was shaking like crazy by the time I did CTX! It felt good though! LM was alot of fun!

Might do some abs later, don't know yet.

So, I did wo last night. I hopped on the TM and about 15 min in, I was feeling great and really got into it. I upped my incline ALOT adn kept going for 30 min straight. Then I started a fast pace walk on a steep incline. I got about 42 min in and the damn power went out! I was sooo mad! I was really into it and wanted to go an hour. Oh well. Plus I was a sweaty mess adn had to clean up with cold water. I couldn't do the cold shower because my hands can' thandle that with my autoimmune disease. SO I did the best I could and told my husband if I stunk, then he jsut needed to roll over and face the other way! LOL!
Luckily we had power in the AM
So, no WO out today since we traveled to Canada. Def plan on a run sometime tomorrow i hope!
Good night everyone!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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