Daily Check in Mon Jul 31


The end of July already! Soon I'll be filling out school papers for the kids.

I finished S\H tris, BM tris, S\H bis, BM bis and BM abs. I was dreading this on the rotation, but it wasn't too bad. I'm usually good on Mons - have lots of energy. This dwindles as the week goes on.

Have a great day.


Can't believe I'm up this early in the morning! I have to take DD to her first day of Cheerleading camp for her entering high school. She is so nervous! I know she will feel better when it gets to going.

Today I will be doing GS/MIS shoulders and abs.

Phyllis,that is a tough weight workout! Good going! And how do you manage to complete rotations without quiting one?

Everyone have a good day!

Good morning Phyllis, Kim, and all who follow.

This morning was High Step Challenge for me. I may do a bit on the elliptical tonight with DH. If not, then we'll do yoga.

Hi Phyllis, Kim,BeckyMD and all who follow!

This morning I will do Ripped to the Core and then I have my running class tonight!

Have a great day!:)
Good morning everyone,

Good workout weekend, sweatfests thats for sure!

Saturday - SS Shape it Up
Sunday - MIC warm up, hi/lo. cool down, coremax 2, stretchmax 3.

Today was a CIA step workout with core, I honestly don't remember the name of the instructor!!! Brain cramps!

Have a good day!
Daily Check-in

Good morning! I am ready to roll! My kitchen is stocked with high-quality fuel for my workouts. I enjoyed a rest day yesterday and took a long nap. I steamed some organic brown rice and boiled a few organic eggs yesterday afternoon for this week. My meals and snacks for today are packed and ready to go.

I finally got back on track with my morning workouts last week. All my Cathe workouts were morning workouts! Getting to bed by 11:00 p.m. is making a big difference in my energy level and focus! :)

After my Bible study this morning, I did Kick, Punch, & Crunch. The pikes are still out of my league. I am hoping that they will be easier when my butt is lighter! ;-) I need more core strength too.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good Morning Everyone,

This morning was PUB(up only),HSC abd, and GS Lega Floor work.

This weekend was my son's 12th B-day. We had some friends over with their kids. The adults played volleyball. One of the Dads kept saying we'll all be sore the next day. Not for me! Thanks to Cathe!:) But I bet he was!! }(

Have a Great day!

RE: Daily Check-in

Good Morning Everyone!

This morning I did Bodymax. That's the first time I've gone though it without struggling a bit or wanting to quit! I felt like I had tons of energy and really liked it. Of course I feel GREAT now and very worked out !!!}( }(

Happy birthday to your son , Elaine.:)

Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Hi all,

I did CTX Kickbox cardio only though I used my weighted gloves and ankle weights and I don't normally do that, also I did PUB biceps only trying to go as heavy as I could, managed a 20 pound dumbbell for the heavy but only for about 4 reps then I dropped to 15's. I started light and then jumped in weight each time. I also did Power Hour abs only no planks.

Hope you have a great day!!! It is supposed to be a scorcher tomorrow with a high of 101!! UGH!!!
Morning all -
Today was a light cardio day - TaeBo Cardio plus Coremax. It's amazing how easy this workout is now that I've been doing Cathe for so long. I used to die getting through it, now I keep wondering when the hard stuff is going to start.

Oh well, I'm off to a killer day at work. Everything is due today and there is NO way I can actually finish it, but I'll try.

Happy Monday!


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Goodmorning all. Wow, 2 days in a row I actually posted here. Yay for me. I just finished GS C&T. I'm going to try to sweeze in a little cardio this evening. I have to run a bunch of errands today in preparation for Vacation Bible School next week. I arranged to go into work an hour later and leave an hour earlier (VBS is in the evening), so I hope I can fit workouts in next week. Have a wonderful day and try to stay cool.
Hello everyone.

I am not sure what I am doing or when. We are having our entire capet area cleaned throughout the whole house. So, I will not be able to workout until the evening. I will probably do Imax 3, my fave. I was supposed to take a day off of cardio yesterday and I ate so poorly that I ended up running 4 miles. I have to really watch my food intake lately. We are going to Holland Michigan on Saturday for 4 nights and then to Chicago to visit my folks. I have lots to do before then.

Well, I am off to take my girls to their first day of dance camp.

Have a great day.

I decided to ease back into my WO's since I still wasn't feeling 100% today. I did 20 min on TM at 3% incline, PLB stability ball, and PUB abs.
Great job today ladies!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Hey ladies,

Haven't started my workout yet with being so busy today. Also I went to the dr. this morning and they took x-rays to rule out any bone problems. Thank goodness it turned out good! He said I should take this Naproxen and be easy on things, but not totally stop any movement. Hopefully this will make the inflammation go away. I guess I was alittle rough on the muscles after not using it for so long.

It is steaming where I live!!!!x(

Oh, does anyone know if the stationary bike safe for the hip? I am just curious. Thought that maybe that would be an easy activity.

Glad the doc went well Kim! I have had to take Naproxen before and it helps. It did take a week or so to get the full effects, but that was me. Good luck and that's awesome that you can still be active!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]


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