Daily Check in Mon Aug 28

Good Morning Everyone!
Hi Phyllis.:)

Instead of rejuvinating me, I caught a cold.
Feel really blah and my head & throat are really "thick".

Haven't figured out a workout yet, but you can bet it won't be an IMAX !!!! :eek:
Will figure something out and check back later.

Don't ya just love all the pictures they are posting and the pretty outfits the crew is wearing for these workouts??

Have a good one everybody and I promise, I didn't breathe on the keyboard !!! :p
Phyllis, Enjoy Lowmax!

Becky, LOL, you are crackin' me up! Feel better!

I'm up for a TM run at the gym but first I will be doing MIC's step segment for the first time. I just acquired the RS DVD...much to my credit card's shagrin!:p }( ;) For the run I am planning an easy 5-10 minute warm up run and then doing the 2nd half of the 60 min Itread I have. I haven't tried that part yet. It's all sprints I think...I'm in for it!}(
Hey Phyllis,Becky and Wendy,

Today I plan on doing Bootcamp when I get off work this afternoon. That one is a toughy!

Phyllis-I comtemplated on doing lowmax but bootcamp won out! I think I'll give step a rest today.

becky-hope you get to feeling better!

Wendy-I hope you enjoy the RS dvd! It has three great workouts on it, but I haven't tried the MIC step workout yet. Have a good TM workout!

Everyone have a great day!

Okay I'm back after finishing my workout.

I ended up trying Rob Glicks Amazing Step Styles...I did combos 1-5 and then added combo #2 from Step Jam just to make it a little longer.
I didn't do too badly having just reviewed A.S.S (????:eek: :eek: ) once on Saturday. I thought it was A LOT of fun and can't wait to learn the rest !!!

Also added abs from KPC.

Good morning everyone,

Becky, I hope you feel better soon, I hate having a cold!:(

Today was GS Legs and ab hits planks.

I am really psyched about the new workouts, they look like they could be more fun than HC, which I would really like to see!
Hi Everyone,

Okay last week was vacation and I didn't get any Cathe workouts in. I got an 11mi. bike ride in and lots of trampoline jumping.

This morning I did Timesaver #1 cardio & stretch and CM premix balance core.

Have a Great Day!:)


Hey Conni, we were posting at the same time! I agree about the new workouts they look great! I can not wait for Christmas, that's when I can get mine.
Daily Check-in

Good morning! I had a delightful birthday retreat Friday. I feel refreshed and renewed once again. I took naps, read Ephesians, put on praise music and danced, dared to dream, prayed, pondered, rested, and relaxed.

I checked Cathe’s blog as soon as I got home Saturday night. Wow! I love the outfits and the colors. The set looks nice and bright too. I am so inspired by the way Cathe has stayed in such amazing shape while recovering from an injury and surgery. The whole crew is radiantly beautiful. According to her blog, Body Max 2 was filmed Friday from early in the morning until 10:30 p.m. This gives me a new respect for what they endure to produce these workouts. Wow! I am praying that Cathe and the girls stay strong and healthy. I hope Cathe gets plenty of rest and does not hurt her knee.

I jogged on my rebounder Saturday night and started previewing Muscle Max. It looks really good for a weight training workout. Based on my preview, it appears that I will be able to lift heavier than I usually do.

As a result of my retreat, I have a new game plan for my rotation. I am planning a challenging Cathe rotation for 3 weeks followed by a week of fun workouts. My Hardcore Series rotation will start on Labor Day and will include more weight training than usual. I received my Dynaband from Collage Friday, so I have everything I need now.

I rested yesterday, and this will be a recovery week for me. I am planning to take on my friend’s cardio boot camp class after work just for the challenge. It will be interesting to see much fitter I am since I last attempted this class 8 weeks ago. I am planning to jog in the pool, walk at the lake, or bounce on my rebounder the rest of the week. I also need to finish previewing the Hardcore Series workouts and commit to a 3-week rotation. Last week was a light workout week for me, but I listened to my body and have no regrets.

I keep looking at the pictures in Cathe’s blog. Body Max 2 is the one I was least looking forward to, but that is changing fast. I am so excited about this one after seeing the pictures and reading the updates. Cathe and the girls look amazing, the brown and turquoise outfits are beautiful on them, and I love the bright set with big windows. It appears that the set has a clean and uncluttered look. I like that!

I love Cathe’s lower body workouts, so I am really looking forward to Butts and Guts. I am not wild about the name, but it could have been Butt Max! :7 It looks like it will have some creative and new (to me) moves. I love Cardio and Weights and expect to love Low Impact Circuit. I do not know what to think about Drill Max. It is the mysterious one of the bunch. I have no clue what to expect, and I am anxiously waiting for an update on that one. It is interesting that this is the only one that has not been mentioned in the blog.

Cathe and Chris are giving a lot of forethought and attention to premixes this time. I like that too! I am excited about the bonus footage and special premixes! I knew that these would be worth the wait!

After my Bible study this morning, I checked the blog first thing. I love, love, love the black and red outfits. Wow! Everyone looks so amazing in this series. In my opinion, Cathe and crew look better than ever. I love this look!

I am so excited! :7

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Good Morning Fit Chicks!

HSTA for me today.

Becky: I hope you feel better soon.

Great workouts all around girls!
Well, since we are leaving on vacation on Wed. I want to get upper and lower body it these two days before we leave. SO I did 2 or 3 exercises per upper body part today from the PS series today and since I have my mammogram this morning I have no time for cardio, and tomorrow I will do lower body, abs and cardio. Then I will be gone for a week to Colorado.

Have a great day!!!:7
Good morning gals.

Don't have much time today for personals. I have my annual physical today.

I am going to try to run 4-5 miles today. I am not sure if I will have time for it, but I will try to fit it in. God forbid if I just take a rest day}(

Have a super day!


Yesterday was a rest day for me as well :9 :D ;-)

For today’s workout, I’ll be doing legs & glutes followed by KM leg drills ouchie! Did that one Saturday and loved it.

I am loving the outfits and the workout descriptions. I fried my legs and butt today with GS Legs in anticipation of Butts and Gutts. It's been a while since I've visited the GS's and I feel it!!

Still have abs to do, had to get some "chores" done before I could continue. I plan on MM abs.
Hi everyone!

Back from vacation and wish I was still there!

I got some power walks in and we did lots of stuff - lots of horseback riding, a hike, white water rafting, swimming, and of course I got in some serious reading time. Only gained a pound. Not bad considering all the meals were served family style. The menus were predetermined and included in the price of the package. While the food tasted good overall, let's just say, they have a way to go in the healthy choices department. Other than that, I had a ball. We've already booked the same week for next year!

It was tough to get out of vacation mode this morning. And that's despite cleaning the attic yesterday! I'm still munching on things I shouldn't - darn those ranch cooks, they broke some of my healthy eating habits. Now I have to start all over again. But I did do RS this morning and DH and I went for a quick 20 min walk after dinner, just to get the body moving.

I love the blogs - it was the first thing I looked up when I finally get on line again. I cant' wait for the new workouts to be released. I hope we have them by Christmas.

Happy Monday!

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige

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