Daily check in May 13


I'm up at an ungodly hour for a Saturday - 4AM - but then I went to bed early - 8PM.

On tap for today -

Christi Taylor Solid Gold Step, and the bonus cardio from Step Sational and Totally Cool Step OR Mindy's Cardio Toolbox, which I just got. I may do the whole thing. Her stuff is usually easy to follow, so this should be doable. Also chin-ups and push-ups.

THEN - onto the couch with my donuts!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Hello HB and Phyllis.

I have been up since 6am and just decided what I will do today. LOL

I am going off my rotation for today because I have been pushing EXTRA HARD the past few days and I need to pull back a bit but I don't want to take a rest day today since I've had a few unscheduled days off due to having a cold this past week.

So....all of that yammering comes down to my doing a 30 min. low impact aerobic work out...either Cathe step w/o all of the jumping or rebounding.

I have my son's first B'day party today so I won't be around this afternoon! Have a great day!:)
Hi Girls!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOEY!! (a year old already????)

And happy Mother's day weekend everyone!:D

Today's workout is S & H shoulders, PUB abs and a 30 minute interval run.
Time to get busy!!! }(
Hello everyone:

Honeybunch - 4 am ouch! I like the laying on the couch bit ;)

Phyllis - 15 people - hope its fun

Wendy - Happy Bday to Joey :) have a wonderful time

Last night was LM - today will be some lifting. I'll post after I do it. Hmmmm.... so many choices - Pyramid, GS, S&H. Since I've done PP this week probably not an all over body workout.

I'm hoping to get back with you folks regulary soon. My son's last medical issues really took the wind out of me. My DD is home from France for the summer so that's great.

A wonderful rainy lazy day - nice day to sleep in.
morning all :)

today will be pub and the balanced core premix on cormax.

then i'll be running around like a loon with the kids and getting ready for tomorrow. happy pre-mothers day to all the moms!
Good morning everyone -

It feels good to check in without worrying about getting caught at work! Too bad I don't have time to do this before I leave each morning.

I'm going to do some sort of an hour-long cardio mishmosh today, but I haven't quite concocted it yet. It'll all be Cathe-based though, probably using KM and SB, but I don't know what else.

I'll also do my own routine for upper body weights, along with abs.

Have a good weekend!
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Today I'm going to do SH Legs, CM#1 and CTX Step & Intervals, cardio only. I will continue to modify to protect my back.

HB: Enjoy your donuts!

Phyllis: CM is just a great workout!

Wendy: I hope Joey has a great day...I'll be over for cake later!:9:9

Becky: I'm doing S&H this week too....enjoy your run!

Robyn: Welcome back!

Jenn: Yup! Saturdays are "run around like a loon day" here too! Whew!

Shannon: Enjoy your mish-mosh!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Good Morning everyone

On tap for today is Gym style Back, shoulders & biceps. I will also add in some ab work. Have a good workout all !

Happy birthday Joey!
Good morning to everyone
I did power hour last night at 11pm! Just couldn't go to bed without exercising. I feel great from it, a little sore, love it.
I definately need to do a step today.
HOpe to go get some flowers to start the garden. The sun is finally coming out.
Have a great day!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Hi all -
I just wanted to post my mishmosh, in case anyone's interested.

KPC warmup
Imax 3, blasts only
KM challenge (those cardio blasts)
SB challenge

Total time, including switching out videos and DVDs = 63 minutes. About 54 of that is cardio. I used the KPC warmup because I'd intended to pop that routine back in at the end and do it until I ran out of steam. Well, I ran out of steam during SB - I was able to finish in good form, but I wasn't about to push it further! Oh well... something to work up to, right? }(

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