Daily Check-In - May 12/06


Morning world!

Last night I did a Powerstrike workout, and today is ME. I'm determined to move up in weight on those blasted bicep curls!

Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!:)
Good morning everyone!

Today was supposed to be some form of intense cardio - maybe an imax. But i hurt my knee again pretty badly yesterday, so it looks like it will either be a rest day or a pilates/yoga day.

Have a great day everyone :)
Good morning Phyllis and Shelley and all who follow...

Yesterday was my pushmower marathon. I didn't get in UB last night, too many interruptions and it got too late. I had an early start this morning so I had to get to bed.

Hopefully will get in UB today. I have a meeting this afternoon at work that I have to go in for and with DD coming home and DH being here this afternoon/evening, not sure if anything will get done. I'm due a rest day anyway.

Happy Friday!
G'morning.....no coffee yet and it's grey and dreary, I'll need a good kick start so I'll go for the 80 minute KPC/LG premix, such a great workout.

Shelley, it's tough moving up on biceps (any smaller muscle group for that matter), I've looked for the micro loading plate mates that Soosan and others have talked about here but the fitness stores I've been to just look at me with blank stares when I ask.

Phyllis, hope your headache goes away and you can enjoy your Friday. I can't believe it's prom season, this school year has flown by...

Jane, I did MowMax yesterday too:) Sounds like a busy day ahead for you.

Jenn, Ouch! Hope you knee doesn't give you grief all day. I see a definite trend to no workouts by default today, I'll be extra careful until I get to it!

Enjoy your Friday:)

Take Care
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

It is raining buckets here today...blech! I'm going to try to do IMax, but I plan on taking it slow as not to push my healing back.

Shelley: Good luck with those ME biceps!

Phyllis: I hope you feel better soon.

Jane: Enjoy your visit with your DD!

Jenn: I hope your knee heals quickly...injuries suck!

Laurie: You have a good workout planned for today...I still haven't done any of those acclaimed KPC/LG premixes.

Hello to all that follow...have a great Friday:7:7TGIF:7:7
Hi Girls!

It's still raining here too and it's chilly and dreary! :-(
Please someone SEND SOME SUNSHINE!
The forecast is for rain straight through the Mother's day weekend.

Today is a 30 min. leg workout (on the May rotation)....that's it.
I'm probably going to add a walk to that for some cardio.

I'm just glad its FRIDAY!!!!!!!:7 :7 :7
Laurie, I got my platemates at amazon.com as the stores around this area don't carry them either. I can't remember how much they were, but I think I got a set of 2(1.25lb ea) for around 15.I use them alot, however they don't stick to neoprene. Hope that helps.

Just checked my amazon order. They were 13.00 ea and I had free shipping. Try this link http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref...ing&field-keywords=platemates&Go.x=10&Go.y=10


Good Morning.

Yesterday was a killer u/b work out plus abs.

Today will be treadmill/elliptical at the gym.

Shelley: Oh those biceps on ME! YIKES! I moved up in weight on them several weeks ago and can do MOST of the reps with the new weight but not ALL of them yet. It's not easy!:eek:

Phyllis: Prom, how exciting! Enjoy being a proud mom!:)

Jane: Sounds like you are busy! Don't sweat missing the work out!

Jenn: I'm sending healing vibes to that knee!!!

Laurie: EVIL work out girl! Good for you!}(

Tammy: Gosh, I haven't done an IMAX in a long time. I keep thinking about it and keep putting it off! LOL:p Have fun!!!

Becky: It's raining here too. Just started last night here and is forecasted on and off for a WEEK now!:-(
Phyllis - Laurie and I are both in Canada, which often makes ordering over the internet prohibitively expensive for us. Not only do they kill us with shipping, we have to pay the US $ exchange rate, duty and taxes. For instance, ordering a Cathe workout from Cathe.com for $49.99 for us will work out to something like $80 by the time we're through. Thanks heavens for CK Sales:)
Good morning everyone and TGIF!

Today will be GS Legs when I get home, assuming I'm not totally wiped out. Work has been exhausting lately, and all the additional computer work is making my elbows hurt. I've got cubital tunnel syndrome, which is like carpal, only in the elbows. Holding those blasted barbells on my shoulders kills me when they're acting up! But I'm gonna do it anyhow!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thank God it's Friday. Still raining and cold here. I would love some sunshine too. Yesterday was Step Blast (loved it). I don't think that I have ever sweat so much in my life. I could feel the pounds melting off. (Ofcourse not as fast as I would like)

Today will be Legs and Gults. I am terrified to do 50 minutes of just that. I am not sure if I will be able to walk tomorrow. I guess we will just see.

Hope everyone has a great workout and for those who can't, enjoy your rest.
Good morning all!

I'm sipping my post workout coffee and staring out the window at the grey, cold clouds. We are supposed to have rain for days!

I just finished KPC, and I have to say, although I will be branded a heretic on this board, I do not like that workout. I absolutely dread it! But at least it's over. My legs and abs are feeling fried after following this rotation for 2 weeks. Hopefully I'll see some results!

Phyllis - hope your son has a fun and safe prom!
Jane, Jenn and Tammy - enjoy your rest days!

Everyone else ( and those that follow ) have a great Friday!

Happy Friday!

I am so glad this week is almost over.

Today was Pam Cosmi Step workout and Cathe PUB stability ball work.

Saturday - SS Mix it Up
Sunday - Step workout and ab hits.

Have a great weekend.
Good morning fit ladies

I am soooooo glad its friday!

Great workouts going on.

I am doing P90X Core Synergistics and a 4 mile run.

Have a great friday!!
Good Morning, :)

TGIF :p :p

Last night I did PUB Man oh man, my arms are feeling good this morning :p :7 You know I truly forgot how great the Pyramid workouts our. And get this I even did about 8 Pikes last night, they were kinda easy. I could NEVER NEVER do them before ;) Thanks to KM, MM, Imax(s) and so on and so on.

This morning, I did Legs & Glutes. Tomorrow, I’m doing Low Max, this workout is great and Core max 1.

Good morning,

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who may be taking an unintended rest day. I woke up at my usual 5:30am to do my workout, but then so did Katie. She's either teething really bad, or has an ear infection (or both!), and is just miserable. I need to take her to the doctor today, which will take up the rest of my morning. Then I need to go to work for the afternoon. I'd like to reschedule my workout for after work, but given how busy my evenings are, that may not happen either.

Shelley - you're a determined woman when you set your mind to something; I have no doubt that you will improve on the bicep curls!

Phyllis - ah, the prom! I hope it goes well for him!

Jane - if it ends up being a rest day, then enjoy it.

Jenn - oooh, knee injury. Not fun. Take care.

Laurie - it's grey and rainy here today, too. How did DD's cheerleading competition go on the weekend? I found PlateMates at the Fitness Depot. Does Ontario have that chain? I would love to do that KPC/LG premix today, too. Hopefully I can squeeze something in.

Tammy - good luck with IMAX!

Becky - yes, send some sunshine, please! We've had a very dreary week, too.

Wendy - are you having a party this weekend for Joey?

Shannon - I've never heard of cubital tunnel syndrome. That sounds awful. Push ups must be killer.

Tracy - what, in particular, don't you like about KPC? It took a while for that workout to grow on me, but I enjoy it now. I find the breakdowns of the combos to be too long (I like KickMax's combos better).

Hannah - LG is fun, fun, fun! And SB is just a blast, isn't it?

Conni - have a great weekend.

Carole - happy Friday to you too!

Thanks for the link Phyllis and to Shelley for 'splainin' why ordering from the US is prohibitive.

Sandra, Marley and the Frontenac Falcons Cheerleaders had a blast and placed 3rd in their division (small co-ed). She came home tired and hoarse but full of manic 15 year old energy, she bounced around the grocery store with me after I picked her up like a pretty little pony and then zonked out and took Monday off to recover. Thanks for asking:) We don't have a Fitness Depot in K-town but I'll keep on looking. I hope Katie gets feeling better, poor Babe, give her a little squeeze from me! :)

KPC/LG premix kicked my booty good, I'm ready for a shower feeling energized and ready to go!

Take Care
Morning ladies. Today was supposed to be my rest day, but I did IMAX 3 instead.

Hope everyone has a great day!


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