Hey girls - great workouts!
Viper girl - I have had that happen to me before too! I felt totally drained after a workout and the next day, I was perfectly fine! IMHO I think that I may have been tired before I did the workout, which is why it felt so hard - or - the more you workout, your body becomes used to it and recovers more quickly. If its the latter, maybe its time to take one week off and just do yoga and cardio to change things up a bit?? Just a thought.......I know its tough to give up Cathe, and to be honest I have not given my body a break from Cathe since January! lol - I love her workouts!!!
Anyways, I have been playing around with my June rotation a bit to try and blast off those last few pounds and so Fridays had been Cardio of choice for 60 mins, but now I am thinking I might do circuits on Fridays, to add more shock power to my body
I will let ya guys know tomorrow -
Also I want to thank everyone on this forum
This forum has helped keep me motivated, overcome obstacles (excuses for not working out) and its helped to keep me accountable! There are days I do NOT feel up to working out, but once I log on - there is always someone on this forum or check in who motivates me to keep going or gives me new ideas and I just want to thank you guys for that :7 :7 :7