Daily Check In Hump Day July 19th


G'morning ladies.

Weights and cardio on tap for today...

I may do only u/b weights today and save l/b for tomorrow or friday since I have even MORE DOMS in my l/b this morning!}(

Cardio will be the TM if my knee seems better. If not, I think I'm going to download an ICycle w/o and try that for the first time...something different.}(

Have a great day!:)
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

CTX: AllStep and GS Shoulders for me today.

Wendy: Have you started your house search yet?

Rebecca: How did your swim meet go?

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Daily Check-in

Good morning! I have not been checking in because I have not been getting my workouts in until late at night. I really need to get back on track soon. My body is not happy with this schedule!

I did the cardio and weight circuit premix on the Low Impact Step/Total Body Sculpting DVD Sunday morning. It is a fun workout. Even though it is not as intense as Cathe’s more advanced workouts, she still adds her signature moves that I love like all the mambo cha chas and pivot turns. The choreography is not basic and boring like I would expect to find in a workout designed for beginners. I am looking forward to Cathe’s new workouts. I hope she is able to film them in August. I still want to buy the Hardcore Series as a bundle someday, but that will be a major purchase. I have plenty of fun workouts to keep me entertained until the new ones arrive.

I did Kick, Punch, & Crunch Monday night for the first time since March. After doing Timesaver 4 last month, the full workout is really intense. I love it! The pikes on the stability ball are still way out of my league. I am looking forward to being able to do my first one someday.

Cathe kicked my butt last night. Mercy! I did High Step Training for the second time, and it was just as tough this time as it was in March when I did it for the first time. It is way harder than Boot Camp. The cardio is not over the top in intensity, but the upper body work is far more challenging. And all those leg presses! I modified as needed. High Step Training is not destined to become a personal favorite. It does not have the same fun factor as Boot Camp and Step, Jump, & Pump. Not to mention, I need better music to energize me for super tough workouts. I prefer the more choreographed and less athletic workouts in general. Boot Camp is the big exception. It makes me realize how important music is to the whole workout experience. I want to do this again as a morning workout before I give up on it completely. I was tired before I started last night and might like it better when I have more energy. Cathe is very warm and encouraging. Her personality is the only reason I want to keep this workout in my collection. I am not sure if I want to push myself through High Step Training again next week or substitute Boot Camp instead. I will decide when I get there. I will know without a doubt that I have made amazing progress in my fitness journey when I am finally able to get through this workout without modifying anything.

Rebecca, welcome to the check-in!

Susan, I looked at your pictures. Your little guinea pigs in the dollhouse are adorable!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning everyone!

Rebecca, I hope your swim meet went well.

Wendy, what have you been doing to get such bad DOMS?

Tammy, enjoy those shoulder exercises. They sure do burn!

Heather, glad you had such a great workout last night.

For me, today was Kickmax. I will probably do some yoga tonight (maybe with DH...he is still a tad bit sunburnt) since I am feeling kind of stiff.

RE: Daily Check-in

Hey Heather, just wanted to tell you to keep working up to those pikes. For the longest time I didn't even bother trying, I couldn't even stay on the ball. Then when I did try them, I wasn't strong enough and hurt my back!LOL!
But, I tell you, I can do them now. I know they aren't perfect, but I am getting there!
Just wanted to tell you not to give up!

Hi Wendy and Tammy! Oh Tammy, I got the BOGO free blueberries too!

Also wondering how the seim meet went lastnight Rebecca!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/156/.png[/img] [/url]

RE: Daily Check-in

Hey all,

Hang in there Heather, I found the trick to to push your hips up to the sky by pulling your feet towards your head. Once I got the right "feeling" they became alot easier.

Today was ME, can you say LEG PRESSES???? I would love to ask Cathe why she put so many of those darn things in this workout!}(
RE: Daily Check-in

Hi Ladies I don't often check in but I know I should. The amount of energy you ladies have is amazing. I did not exercise due to the heat and work and was up 2lbs today. I think I am going to do Cardio & Weights or maybe something off my rhytmic step dvd. Then I am hanging at the pool with my girlfriends and the kids. After lunch at mickeyd's. Good day to all of you ladies.
Morning everyone!

Today was S&H Legs & Shoulders. Wow, what a workout that was. I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow. Gotta run, I'm at work and have lots to do.

Happy Wednesday!
RE: Daily Check-in

Hey all you fit ladies! My meet went well last night! I placed 3rd in the 100 IM, 2nd in the 50 freestyle and 2nd in the 50 butterfly. I gained 2-3 seconds on all me races from being sick :( (But really there was not a thing I could do about it!) Thank you guys for asking!

Wendy- sounds like a good workout! Whats ICycle??

Tammy- WHEW! Sounds like a toughie for you today!

Heather B.- Those pikes are way out of my league too!! We will get there some day! }(

Becky- AWWWW! Kick max is next on my list!! }(

Conni- WHEW! Dont we all just adore those leg presses! :7

Have a good day to all that follow!!
Rebecca Dotson
Hi Ladies!

I was SOOOOOO undecided about what to do today. My rotation called for a run but I just did one Monday so I finally went with a step mish-mosh.....step from step & intervals and then step only from MIC.
This heat must be getting to me, I planned to do a few combos from stepworks too but was just beat and dripping in sweat before I even got to it, so that was it !

I was so late starting today I'm going to skip the extended stretch I planned , hit the shower and start my day!!!

Rebecca- how was the swim meet?
Welcome jharris35!:)

Have a good one !!:D
Hello ladies,

I can't figure out why I am sleeping so late these days. I'm not sure I like it! I was planning on getting my workout done early this morning.

Today will be Bootcamp, and a stretch.

Wendy-I hope your knees are better so you can get a run in.

Tammy-GS series is a tough one! I find myself avoiding it!

Heather-KPC is an awesome workout,and I still haven't attempted those pikes!

Becky- I love kickmax! I have to pull that one out soon! You had a great workout!

Maeghan- Hey girl! I love blueberries mixed in with cool whip!

Conni-ME is a tough workout! Yeah, I thing Cathe gets a little happy with those leg presses!

jharris-I have done the C&W step only,but it has been a while since I've done the whole workout. I love the music in the workout.

Rebecca-I am glad everything went well with the swim meet. sounds like you did a great job!

gym mom-S&H is an intense workout!

Becky-I have been having days this week where I am undecided on what workout to do. Mish-Moshes can be so much fun!

Everyone have a great day!

Morning ladies. Today was GS C&T followed by intervals 1-5 of IMAX 3. Is there ANYONE out there who can do all the push ups at the beginning of that workout on their toes??? If there is, I admire you more than you will ever know. Every time I tell myself I'm going to do more on my toes and I ALWAYS have to drop to my knees after the second set. UGH!x( Push ups are the one thing that I just can't seem to get any better at.

Hope everyone has a great day. Some great workouts ladies!!!

Hi everyone,

The heat is suppose to break today. Although the T storms were south east of here.

I did KPC only upto combo #1. I couldn't go any further. I thought I would pass out from heat stroke. No air condtioning here.:-( I also did the abd section and added some abd work from the Time Saver DVD.

Rebecca: Great job on your swim meet!

Everyone have a great day!

Good job Rebecca on the swim meet.

I did PUB warm up, chest and back then did MIS abs and CTX Kickbox cardio only today.

Have a great day!!:) :7
Good morning everyone!

I am going to run 6 miles today. I usually don't go past 5 miles, but I really need to shake things up. No time for personals today because I am off to drop off kids to camp. Have a super day friends:)

Hello ladies,

Just finished Bootcamp,well except for the last two circuits cause brother barged in to finish some repairs on house. I still got a good workout though. All I have to do is abs and a stretch.

Disappointing cause I was going to do the whole workout for the first time!:-(


Kim we are on the same wavelength here! I did BC, all but abs, then did the abs after. It is too hard to keep getting up off the floor LOL LOL!!!
OK, I admit, I skipped through the terminators! I didn't have the AC on and was so hot, I didn't want to go over the edge so to speak, because I wanted to finish!

Susan have a great run!! DOn't think I could go that far.

Elaine, sorry you have no AC!!! Great job

Rebecca, I think you did a smashing good job at your meet

Anette, another great one, as usual!

Katie, I am afraid to even try a push up on my toes!!LOL! Actually I did notice that I am getting stronger, so I should start doing the toes, but I am a wimp in that department!

Becky- that sounds like a fun one, I love step

Conni-I feel ya on the leg presses

jharris-glad to see you checkin in

To everyone--great job on your WO's!!
I am going to go buy some cool whip now for my blueberries!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/156/.png[/img] [/url]

Hey gals!

Well, my knee is still a bit quirky today so I opted for ICycle. I downloaded a 40 min w/o and did it on a regular stationary bike. I will do it on a spin bike in the future but there was a class in session and I didn't have time to wait for it to end...I really liked it and think it will be even BETTER on a real spin bike!}( Prior to heading out for the gym I did push pull's u/b 2 set premix going as heavy as I could. }( I am definately saving lower body for Friday. Tomorrow I am already planning on an early morning outdoor run...depending on my knee ofcourse. ;)

Tammy...Have not begun the house hunt yet. We've briefly looked on line here and there just to get an idea but we can't seriously look until our house in under contract. We intend to go out and see a few homes in person with our realtor to get a better feel for what's out there at some point after our house is on the market.

BeckyMD...I did some weight work and the KM kicking and punching combos on monday and an interval elliptical work out yesterday...It's not BAD DOMS but it's certainly there...I guess my muscles are thanking me!;)

Rebecca...ICycle is part of the ITrain series of work outs for MP3 players and is done on a spin bike or any other stationary bike of your choosing...I'm sure you could also do it outdoors on a regular bike if you wanted as well. The work outs are fab-they also have treadmill and stairclimber/elliptical work outs as well as others! They are similar to Cardio Coach but formatted a bit differently. I previewed both CC and ITrain before purchasing and decided that I liked ITrain better. I am hooked!}(
Hey Maeghan,

It is so hilarious, but I too didn't do the terminator! I did do jumping jacks and kickboxing kicks. I felt I had no energy for that!

In a hurry right now, but will get back to you ladies!


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