Daily Check In: Friday, June 23, 2006



I just finished LowMax. Anyone else notice how flexible Jai is in the hip area? How come her torso faces her "side" kicks? Of all of Cathe's crew, her physique impresses me the most. (P.S. I got new contact lenses today, can't you tell? ;-) )

Jane - so glad DD is feeling better. GREAT job on your willpower with the tortilla chips.

Phyllis - BM just goes on forever, doesn't it? I always groan inside when we finally get to the abs at the end. I'm so ready to be done by then, and I find that kind of traditional ab work so boring. But it's effective, I'm sure.

Kim - Pure Strength is really the predecessor to the Gym Styles. They are very, very similar. You must feel great about your last workout; BC is such a versatile workout.

Becky - the bpm of BM step portion is faster than most of Cathe's other workouts. It's not your imagination. The tempo really makes that a challenging segment; one of her toughest, IMO. That was a creative mish mosh! That should help your funk.

Heather - Excellent job on the restaurant dinner! Those are always a real challenge. And nourishing food does indeed feel wonderful to eat.

Tammy - are you seeing any results from the P90X series?

Gym Mom - I need to learn to listen to my body better. Good for you. Your body will thank you for it, as you age.

Katie - I'm glad you're listening to your body, too. Mine always seems to be speaking a different lanuage...

Annette - great workout, as usual.

Maeghan - great run!!

Susan - wow, that workout would be enough to convince my legs to pack up and leave. Good for you!

I'm on the verge of fallinga asleep, so if this message is incoherent, you'll understand why.

Have a great day!
Good morning Sandra and all that follow...

Thanks Sandra... that is always a good feeling when you can back away. Wish it would happen all the time!

Today is PUB and BBW. PUB really gave me DOMS from Wednesday workup but it is better today. Ready to tackle it again.

Good morning Sandra and Jane all all to follow. I slept in this AM. I had a run planned, but I woke around 3, heard the Tstorm, and decided then to do my run this evening. If its raining later, I think i'll try one of my new Christi's. I never did do my abs last night, so I'll fit them in tonight.

DS comes home tonight from Jersey Boys State . It's a week spend learning about the political process. It was held at Rider College. I'm afraid he had a very boring week. He's not much into politics.

I'll check back tonight. Phyllis

Good Morning Fit Chicks and TGIF:7 :7 :7

This morning I'm going to repeat yesterdays workout because it was so much fun.....So CC and CoreSyn.

Tonight DS#2 has his HS graduation...two down one to go!

Sandra: I don't have the entire 90x series, but I am seeing strength gains and more UB definition.

Hello to all that follow.....have a great day!
Hey girls,

Yesterday I would feel spurts of energy so I would just jump up and do another workout. That does not happen often.

Today will be HSTA and I haven't done this one in forever! I am slowly introducing my foot to different ones and seeing what it can do!

Sandra-I also did Lowmax 1-4 yesterday and it was majorly rough on me! I was sweating buckets! Yeah, cathes girls are in awesome shape!

Jane-Sounds like you had a bad storm yesterday. There are some that are supposed to be rumbling through my area today. I hate those darn things!

Hope everyone has a great workout today!

Just finished HSTA and dripping wet! But it feels good to have a good workout! If body allows me to maybe add a extra cardio later I will. Want to get in all the cardio in that I can before vacation next weekend.

Have a good day!

Morning ladies. HSC for me today. My shoulers are dead! I kind of wish that workout had more bicep work, but still a good workout nonetheless.

Have a great Friday everyone!

Thanks Sandra, honestly sometimes I don't feel my workouts even come close to the intensity of others in this thread. But I do have fun combining things to see what works and to give myself variety without buying new workouts and stepping is still not my favorite cardio to do.

I did Kickbox Bootcamp today with Kimberly Spreen using my weighted gloves for added intensity.

Since it is sooo humid I was really sweating bigtime and I also woke up with a headache and still exercised with it. I still have the headache and my migraine medicine hasn't touched it,sigh.

Have a great day!!:7
Well, I was so busy and on my feet all day that I actually lost weight since this morning!! That never happens, but I won't complain. SO by the time I got home tonight, I realized that my body is way tired, so a rest day it is. Seeing that number on the scale really made me feel better about no WO!
Although, I am so tired I feel like I just finished BC about 3 times!!! Have a great night!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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