Daily Check-in, Friday, July 5, 2024

Good morning ladies, hope everyone had a nice 4th!

Today's workouts:
KCM- Lean & Strong- Premix: No Leg Moves -25 min.
WKOUTAA: Today's States: Massachusetts & Minnesota (following workouts)
Bitgym- 10 min. Freedom Trail Treadmill Walk, Boston, Mass.
Bitgym- "Mall of America" Treadmill walk, Bloomington, Minnesota - 25 min.

That's it for me today, probably will be a rest weekend coming up....
Have a good day..............Siobhan, hope little Strudel is doing ok !
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did more CG Epic program for back and biceps. It was 48 minutes. Strudel is adjusting well. I only took her out once in the night so I had a much better sleep. We got a double doodle again because they don't seem to bark much at all - which I love. She is a very chill dog.

Lots of cardio and leg work this morning Linda. You did a full hour!
Annette - congrats on your son's engagement!
Nora - I don't think I realized you work out sometimes with your DH! Our workout area is just too small to share.

Have a great day everyone!
Nice workout Siobhan with CG Epic back & biceps-48 min. Glad you were able to get
better sleep last night. Strudel sounds so cute!

Yep, I had a longer one this AM! Just finished up.
Hi ladies,

Today I stayed home and did a CDORNER Cardio Kickboxing for 41 minutes. I am a sweaty mess. I had on my wrist weights and ankle weights for the whole workout so I will feel it later. But it was good.

It will be another hot one today.

Nice workouts everyone!!
Yes, Annette, it is HOT! We'll probably have another "thunder-boomer" later on. We
had a storm last evening as well. Good sweaty 41 min. CDORNER Kickboxing workout
today, weighted down even more with wrist & ankle weights!

Nora has been using a weighted vest for walking workouts, do you have a weighted vest?
I bet it would work good with boxing/kickboxing workouts. I have a 4lb weighted vest
that I pull out once in a while.
Good afternoon girls:)

Linda- Greatjob on today's workouts with:

KCM- Lean & Strong- Premix: No Leg Moves -25 min.
WKOUTAA: Today's States: Massachusetts & Minnesota (following workouts)
Bitgym- 10 min. Freedom Trail Treadmill Walk, Boston, Mass.
Bitgym- "Mall of America" Treadmill walk, Bloomington, Minnesota - 25 min.

All fun & challenging sounding workouts, well done! WETG & High Fives!!!;)

Enjoy the rest of your day:)

Siobhan- Glad Strudel let you get some sleep with only one interruption. Good jobon today's workout with:

YT- Carolyn Girvan- Epic program - back and biceps= 48 min WTG & high fives!

Have a good day;)

Annette- Great job on your workout today with:

YT- CDORNER Cardio Kickboxing = 41 min with wrist weights and ankle weights, Bravo!!:)
You are amazing, good for you!

Enjoy the rest of your day:)

It's 100 degrees here ,OMG too hot! I don't know if DH will want to do a walk today or not so I'll just go with what I have
If DH wants to do a walk I'll come back and update.

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- Pyramid Style HIIT Cardio Workout= 40 Min
TaeBo Amped- Core Express= 32 Min w/amplified bar

Enjoy the rest of your day ladies:)

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Great workout session today Nora with Kaleigh’s Pyramid Style HIIT Cardio Workout= 40 Min & Taebo‘s Core Express= 32 Min w/express bar. Sounds sweaty & fun!

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