Daily Check-in, Friday, July 19, 2024

Good morning girls!

Today's workouts:

Blender- "Banded Upper Body & Weighted Lower Body" - 20 min.
Today's States: Wyoming, North Carolina & Iowa
YT- Teton Village Bike ride, Jackson Hole, Wyoming - 10 min.
YT- Boone, North Carolina "Downtown" Treadmill walk - 15 min.
YT- Blank Park Zoo Treadmill walk-thru, Des Moines, Iowa - 8 min.

That's it! Next week will be the final 5 days of working out across America!
It's been quite the journey :)
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I had a short workout: BB yoga for 30 minutes and added on 50 medium weight squats. It was about 40 minutes, including my added stretch.

Nice workout this morning Linda. Your trip through America is almost complete!

Great workouts yesterday, Annette and Nora. Nora - how do you sustain your mental and physical energy? I'd collapse after two separate workouts. I'm so curious about how you do that.

Have a great day everyone.
Happy Friday morning!

Linda- Great workouts today with:

Blender- "Banded Upper Body & Weighted Lower Body" - 20 min.
Today's States: Wyoming, North Carolina & Iowa
YT- Teton Village Bike ride, Jackson Hole, Wyoming - 10 min.
YT- Boone, North Carolina "Downtown" Treadmill walk - 15 min.
YT- Blank Park Zoo Treadmill walk-thru, Des Moines, Iowa - 8 min.

Fun workouts today in Wyoming, North Carolina, and Iowa. Wonderful workouts today, bravo!;)

Enjoy your Friday;)

Siobhan- Great job on today's workouts with:

YT- Boho Beautiful- Yoga = 30 minutes
added on 50 medium weight squats with your own stretch

To answer you question of How do I sustain Mental and physical energy for long workouts. My doctor told me to take naps to improve certain things in my blood which I can't even spell. I have to get 7 hours sleep a day.
I take naps to make up to get to 7 hours sleep. MS tends to leave one tired and major fatigue all the time. I found that naps seem to help. I also force myself to get in my workouts.
I have to watch myself as I tend to over kill on long workouts. So every now and then I notice that's what I'm doing and reel it back in and shorten workout time.

Once again great workouts today, WTG and high fives!!!

Enjoy a fabulous Friday;)

Hello's & waves to Annette- have a fun workout today and enjoy your day;)

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn= 41 Min 3 Mile Walk w/DH with wearing 6pound vest
KCM Coffeyfit \"Raw\"- Lean Physique- Workout #2- Butts & Guts = 37 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 20-minute Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT) Recovery Ride= 22 Min

Have a fun Friday ladies:)

Wow, Siobhan, another 50 squats this AM! Nice sounding BB yoga for 40 min As well.

Nora, good workouts today doing Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn= 41 Min 3 Mile Walk w/DH with wearing 6pound vest
KCM Coffeyfit \"Raw\"- Lean Physique- Workout #2- Butts & Guts = 37 Min. &
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 20-minute Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT) Recovery Ride= 22 Min. Lots of cardio there!

Waves to Annette!
Hi ladies,

Today was a relaxing just over 3.5 hours at the pool. It was heavenly. So no formal exercise today.

Nice workouts ladies!!
Hi ladies:)

Well done on all your workouts, awesome job!

I just wanted to update that I skipped the KCM workout today. It was simply too hot at 93 degrees to get all my planned workouts in, so I did the best I could.

Have a great rest of your evening ladies;)


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