Daily Check-in, Friday, August 9, 2024

Good morning to all!

Today's workouts:

Blender- "Pullups, Pullovers & Pushups" - 22 min.
Hydrow Circuit Training- 20 min. Row & Upper Body Weights AMRAP
YT-Earth & Owl- "Dirty Dancing" Rebounder workout- 13 min. (this was a fun little
rebounder workout to songs from the movie-Dirty Dancing. Since I loved that movie..
and most all of the songs from it, I really enjoyed this one!)

That's it.....rest weekend coming up.......enjoy your day! (and workouts, if you do)
Good Friday Morning Everyone,

Today I did more CG for back/delts/biceps - 50 minutes. I added on 10 minutes of CG abs.

Lots of upper body for you this morning Linda!

Nice seeing us all checking in yesterday and getting in our workouts!

Does anyone subscribe to anything? I subscribe to Cathe (obvi), Boho Beautiful and Caroline G. I also have Movement Parallels life - for life as once you hit a certain paid amount, it's yours to keep (although I barely use it now).

Have a great day everyone. It's raining here.
Nice CG for back/delts/biceps - 50 minutes & 10 minutes of CG abs this AM Siobhan!

Yep, I subscribe to Cathe, IFit & Hydrow. I have KCM’s Raw app, Bitgym & Crossrope
apps, but not currently subscribed to those., although BitGym & CrossRope have some
free workouts without subscribing….I have been keeping Cathe, IFIT & Hydrow on a
regular monthly basis. Subscription poor :)!
Happy Friday morning everyone:)

Linda- Great job on today's workout with:

Blender- "Pullups, Pullovers & Pushups" - 22 min. - Sounds tough! WTG!!
Hydrow Circuit Training- 20 min. Row & Upper Body Weights AMRAP- Challenging good stuff!
YT-Earth & Owl- "Dirty Dancing" Rebounder workout- 13 min. (this was a fun little
rebounder workout to songs from the movie-Dirty Dancing. Since I loved that movie..
and most all of the songs from it, I really enjoyed this one!) Oooh That sounds really fun, high fives!

Bravo on all your fun and challenging workouts today, double high fives!! Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful rest weekend;)

Siobhan- Bravo on your workout today with:

Caroline Girvan app- back/delts/biceps = 50 min
Added on Caroline Girvan app- Ab s= 10 min

High fives and way to go on allthat upper body work plus abs. No I do not subscribe to anything. My workouts comefrom dvd's and YT soley.
Fun apps you have subscribed to though;)

Have a great Friday/weekend;)

Annette- Have a great workout and a fun Friday. Maybe get some sun. How'd it go with the dentist yesterday? Fine I hope and no worries.
Have a blessed weekend;)

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 15 min METABOLIC BOOSTING cycling workout = 15 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 20-minute Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT) Recovery Ride= 22 Min
KCM 30MTF- Coffeyfit Raw- Box & Pump 5 = 34 Min
Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 20 Min Easy Burn= 21 Min

Have a fantastic & blessed Friday/weekend:)

Hi ladies,

Very late workout for me, 2 cats to vet , all the rain and wind. Didn't get to see Judy, sigh.

But I came I conquered and now I am finished. 85 minute circuit workout done a little bit different due to the time of day and different people using 'my' machines,LOL!

2 Back machines, the chest flye machine, dumbbells for chest, biceps, 4 different exercises for triceps, 4 exercises for shoulders, the sled same as Wednesday just not quite as far my body just gave out, the floorwork for abs, legs and glutes with a bit of weights used for abwork, then a stretch.

Now I have to go pick up cat number 2 since she was a work in appointment.

I got my new tooth yesterday so all is good there.

Nice workouts ladies.

Have a great weekend!!
Sounds like you had a busy day Annette! Hope your cats are ok. Nice 85 min.
gym circuit today and yay! on your new tooth!

Nice workout today Nora consisting of YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 15 min METABOLIC BOOSTING cycling workout & 20-minute Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT) Recovery Ride. But you didn’t stop there…next came KCM 30MTF- Coffeyfit Raw- Box & Pump 5 = 34 Min & Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 20 Min Easy Burn. Great!

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