Daily Check-in, Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday! Yay!

Today's workouts:

Blender- "Fit Tower-Total Body" - 28 min
Blender add-on: "Standing Legs w/ Ankle weights" - 7 min.
Blender add-on: "Jump Rope & Active Recovery" - 13 min.
Hydrow- 5 min. Core Strength w/Foam Roller

That's it for today......

I've decided I am changing things up next week on my workout(s) schedule.
I'm gonna do my "regular type" workouts on Monday, Wednesday & Friday, whatever
I have planned, trying to do somewhere between 40 to 60 min total. On Tuesday &
Thursday, I'm gonna dial it back, just trying to do something for 20-30 min., whether
that is one particular workout, or a combo of a couple shorties. Don't know if I'll like
doing that, but gonna see! So, Tuesday's & Thursday's will be something, but more
of a "semi-rest" or active recovery type days.

Enjoy & embrace the day ladies!
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did more CG for chest/shoulders/triceps for about 48 minutes. I will do my own stretch.

Changing things up Linda! What's prompting this change? Do you feel you are over training? boredom?

Nice to see us all checking in yesterday. Have a great day everyone.
Hey ladies,

Today I stayed home and did the newest Taebo on YouTube. It was brutal due to the speed and we were supposed to be using hand weights(dumbbells). I only had on my wrist weights and I could only do it for 33 minutes and I stopped. Then I did the 12 minute march thing, stupid phone kept pausing the time so I hope it was 12 minutes.

Need to do floorwork but I am really hot so I will cool off for a bit.

I am thinking of changing around my routine this Fall myself. We'll see if I follow through or am just a creature of habit.

Have a great day!!
Siobhan, Nice 48 min. of CG for chest/shoulders/triceps. I love upper body!

Reason for changing things up? Definitely not over-training, but there's so many different
things I like to do, I feel overwhelmed sometimes. Also, a bit of boredom from time to
time as well. Not a big change, just shortening Tues & Thurs. a bit.

Annette, nice 33 min. mix of Taebo, & your marching challenge for approx 12 min. Aahh,
still gotta get the floorwork done. Yep, it's nice to change things up from time to time, but
I hear ya', I'm basically a "creature of habit" , so we'll see.
Good morning everyone:)

Linda - Great job on today's workout with :

Blender- "Fit Tower-Total Body" - 28 min
Blender add-on: "Standing Legs w/ Ankle weights" - 7 min.
Blender add-on: "Jump Rope & Active Recovery" - 13 min.
Hydrow- 5 min. Core Strength w/Foam Roller

Nice job on all those great workout choices today, Bravo!!! WTG & high fives:) I like your new workout strategy with regards to workouts. I may have to re-think my own strategy as well. Good idea Linda;)
Have a good day;)

Siobhan - Great job on today's workouts with:

CG App - Chest, Shoulders, and Tricep = 48 Min Approx. -Good for you! Awesome!!
Plus your own stretch
WTG & high fives on an awesome Friday workout. Have a fabulous Friday:)

Annette- Great job on your Taebo & marching mix- 33 Min + 12 Min= 45 Min
Plus floor work
Wonderful workout today as always, WTG and bravo! Enjoy your Friday;)

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling -Pyramid Style HIIT Cardio Workout= 40 Min
CoffeyFit Raw - More Than Just Strength- Workout #2 - Balance, Strength, & Core = 35 Min

Happy Friday everyone;)

Nice one Nora!
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling -Pyramid Style HIIT Cardio Workout= 40 Min No way in
this world I could stay on the bike for 40 min!!!
CoffeyFit Raw - More Than Just Strength- Workout #2 - Balance, Strength, & Core = 35 Min Sounds like a good one! Is this one of her newer Raw workouts?

Rest weekend coming up ladies! Have a good one! I will probably check in tho’ to
see if you all had weekend workouts!

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