Daily Check-in for Tuesday, June 6, 2006


Good morning! I was tired yesterday. My only activity was 10 minutes of gentle rebounding in the morning. I was planning 10 days of workouts in a row, but it appears that my body requires a rest day once a week now. I went to bed at 9:00 p.m. last night so I could get up early enough to complete my workout and watch Cathe on Good Morning America! :) Have a blessed day, and enjoy your workouts. :)

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Morning all!

Last night I did GS BSB. I love that one.

Today is supposed to be a run and core, but my hip is bothering me again, so I may replace the run with some other cardio.

Have a great day!
Good Morning Heather and all the other fitties! Yes, I firmly believe the body does need a rest and mine does not hesitate to tell me so!

Today was the 3rd day of June rotation CK with Coremax 1. I don't think I'll be using as many calories this week in cardio as I have been. That's OK though, we'll see what other results appear(or disappear from my butt)

Enjoy Cathe on GMS. I've got my VCR set.


Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Today I'm doing yesterday's workout that I slept through...DOH!!!....GS Chest/Back and IM#3 intervals 1-6 or if I have time, the whole kit and kaboodle.

Phyllis: I've got my DVR set to tape GMA too!

Shelley: I hope you get your hip issues diagnosed soon. I know how frustrating a recurring injury can be.

Heather: Good job! Enjoy GMA!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!!!
Good Morning Ladies,

Well I am finally back. I decided to do the timesaver this week. I did #1 yesterday and am sore. That tells me it has been a while. Anyway, very excited to be back on the routine.

What time is Cathe on Good Morning America? I didn't know she would be on.
Good Morning Everyone.

I have an ellipti-mill session on tap for today.;) I am going to the gym to use both the treadmill and the elliptical. :7 :7I crack myself up! :7 :7 I plan to do about 20 mins on each. I may use my ITrain work outs for this.

Have a great day!
Good morning,

I have my VCR all ready to go, so hopefully I will be watching Cathe later tonight!

Today was SJP premix number 4, I love that premix, alternating step, hi/lo and weights the whole way through, then I add on the abs and plank section.

Have a great day!
Good Morning Fellow Fitties!:D

I just watched Cathe on GMA! She looked fantastic! Healthy and strong! Now I want to read that book.

Today's workout for me was supposed to be Step Blast but I just did it a few days ago so I subbed with Step Heat. Lots of fun....and good workout!:D

It's another beautiful day here (low 80's and sunny). Hope everyone has a good one!:D
Hi Everyone :) :)

I am so glad to be back I was on vacation and had a nice time. Eating has been WAY out course and exercising too}( I gained 4 lbs back ouchie!!! However, today I am back on the ship and so ready to ride ;-)

Tonight, I’m going to just start my program with Legs & Glutes and then up at 5am tomorrow for a good cardio workout, I'm thinking to do Imax 2 man oh man it has been a long time since I’ve done this workout, can't wait. Have a great day.

What is this I hear about Cathe, being on TV that is nice....

Good morning ladies! Today was day 2 of the June rotation. CTX UB plus the BBW. My muscles are TIRED!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hi Teddygirl--glad you had a good vacation! You will be back in the swing of things in no time!

OK, so I am a real airhead, I did not get RS yesterday (have it taped from Fit TV, but not as good as original). I got the Intensity Series plus Terminator! I am planning on RS DVD next. Anyway,
I am going to see if I can put a mishmosh together of just the step WO for an hour WO. Have to play with the DVD's!! Hope I can get it!!
I don't want to do Imax2 today, cause it's on the schedule for Thursday.
Anyway, so I am a dingbat!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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Hi all, quick check in. I did 22 min. of the Cardio bootcamp taebo workout with weighted gloves and ankle weights.

Have a great day!!:7
Hello all you fitsters. Yesterday's plan was for some kind of cardio step workout, but after work, errands took too long. Instead I took a 40 min bike ride on the state game lands near my house after dinner. It wasn't much of a workout, but the lush greenery and the wildlife gave my spirits a well needed boost. This afternoon there are not as many errands planned, so I hope to do yesterday's step workout. I'll wait and see what DVD/tape leaps into my hand when I open the closet. Have a wonderful day and workout.
Hey Everyone:) Yesterday was GS BSB and MowMax. Today was a late start because of GMA but I did LowMax combos only and CTX 10-10-10 with triceps and stretch. I'm off for DirtMax and a friend's coming over later and I'm gonna lace up and go for a 5K run with her.

Heather, you're so smart to listen to your body

Shelley, hope your hip gets better, when's that massage?

Tammy, sounds like a great workout!

Conni, I haven't tried that premix, sounds fun!

Becky, enjoy your lovely weather, it's finally nice and sunny here!

Fitzina, welcome back!

Wendy enjoy your ellipti-mill or tread-ical:+ ;( workout!

Maeghan, enjoy RS, it's a great, albeit complex step workout

Teddygirl, welcome back!

Katie good for you for doing the rotation, it looks TOUGH!

Annette, I'd love some weighted gloves, just can't seem to find them locally

Robin, enjoy your workout, whatever you get up to:)

Take Care
Laurie :)
Good morning,

This morning I did GS CT, Step & Intervals cardio, and LL abs. Tonight I'll be doing LowMax. I'm very happy that I was able to do all of the push ups with straight legs (took longer breaks between some sets), and go up in weight on the bench presses. Sorry, no time to "chat" today. I hope you're all doing well.

All the best,
Laurie, I ordered my weighted gloves from the Karatedepot on line at www.karatedepot.com for a very reasonable price and an even reasonable shipping charge.

I really like them they are 1.5 pounds.

Hope that helps you some.
Hey all.

I opted for the ellipti-mill work out instead of the tread-ical work out! LOL ;)

I did IClimb 20 min followed by ITread 20 min and it was AWESOME!!!! It has to be one of the toughest things I've done since I started running! I was doubting wether I would make it through the treadmill work out but I did! I was THRILLED when it was over...for MANY reasons!LOL :+

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