Daily Check in April 29

Good Saturday Morning Ladies:) I'm working until 2:00 today:-( but Saturdays are low pressure at work (boss only comes in to bring us cookies) and the tips are pretty great:) Just finishing my coffee then it's on to MM and some cardio, maybe KM blast challenge haven't done it in a while, I know I'm not the only who loves pliee jacks}(

Enjoy your Saturday!

Take Care
Good morning Laurie and all that follow.... Happy Saturday!!

Laurie - hope you have a stress-free day at work! I love pliee jacks, I could do them all day!! ;) :+ (yeah, right:p )

I have kickboxing on tap for tomorrow and I believe it will be Cardio Kicks, then onto GS tri's, and a stretch.

Have a great day everyone.
All this talk of kickboxing work, almost makes me wish I liked it!

I did Shelley's mishmosh today and loved it. It clocked in at 49 min - that was for SB wu and challenge, RS challenge, and SJP hi/lo. Since it's Sat, I had time and needed more cardio I also did SJP step and cd. The total time for that was 1 hr 11 min. This is agreat one for me. SB and RS are my favs!

Tomorrow starts my May rotation. Until I see what Cathe posts, I will continue with cardio(think Jan rotation) mixed with upper body.

Enjoy your Saturday.

Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Today for me will be 90x B&B (I love this workout), CM#3 and MIC Hi/Lo.

Laurie: I hope work goes by fast!

Jane: CardioKicks is a great workout...it always leaves me swimming in sweat.

Phyllis: Thanks for the info...I'm going to do Shelley's Mish-Mosh tomorrow!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
good morning :)

today is cardio kicks for me. in between hair clients this morning (first should be here any minute) and shuttling kids to birthday parties this afternoon. have a great saturday!
Bon matin!

Today is a rest day for me, so I only did 4x48 sets of plie jacks.....NOT! :p

Enjoy those cookies Laurie. Yum!

Nice signature, Jenn!

Wendy, I like to call it "Active Recovery" :)

Tammy, Jane, Phyllis, and anyone else who chimes in later, have a great day!

- hi ho, hi ho, it's off to pack I go
Good morning everyone :)

Today is SH Legs, and coremax 1. I'm trying to motivate the troops to get all the housecleaning completed by 1pm so we can go to the beach for swimming and a picnic this afternoon. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. (DH said his am basketball game ended early because it started pouring.)

Have a fun and active Saturday everyone!
I did a little over 30 min. of a taebo workout today due to time constraints but at least I did something today.

Have a great day!!
Daily Check-in

I woke up to a dark and cloudy day. I could tell that a wave of depression was threatening to wash over me. Thankfully, Rhythmic Step was on my rotation (followed by the abs and planks from Power Hour). Fun, fun, fun! :7 Working out with Cathe makes my heart smile! :7 I am feeling better now, but I am still emotional. I am planning to go visit my family 6 weeks from today, and that is always an emotional journey. I need to start preparing my heart now.

My eating is not going according to plan today. I have been running around all morning, I started my workout late this morning, and I am just now eating my breakfast. I definitely did not plan to “fast” this morning.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Hi Jane,
I would love to jump in on the daily check-in, thanks for the invite.
I am planning on a jog later (hopefully). Kids are really tired and whiney right now. We were working outside in the barn all morning. We are replacing the outside walls, and picking rocks out of the pasture to make a stone wall, and I was shoveling horse poop! Real fun, but good for the arms and shoulders!!!!
The jog outside will be nice, and gives me a break from tired children LOL!!! I am also hoping to do legs and glutes tonight, probably some core max too.
I hope all of you have a great day, and I look foward to getting to know you all better.
Hi fit ladies...checking in late!

Laurie...I HATE plie jacks...

Have fun with Cardio Kicks tomorrow Jane!

Sounds like you had a great workout Phyllis...mish moshes are so fun

Tammy...you are right P90X B&B is quite fun...enjoy!

Jenn....Cardio Kicks seem popular...:)...

Sandra...you can get Anasazi's here http://www.bobsredmill.com/ they are a cross between a pinto and a kidney and taste out-of-this-world!! I will get the recipe to you soon...:)

Pamela...the beach?...I do remember it...hope you all have fun!!

I am glad you got to work out Annette....you are in my thoughts and prayers...:)

Heather...I agree that family gatherings can be emotional...I go thru that too...glad you got to enjoy RS!!

Welcome Maeghan!! Sounds like you were busy today!! Have a nice jog..:)

I did a fun circuit of GS floor legs and the Kicking & Punching combos from KPC. Just got done pulling weeds for an hour...:(...not fun but the result is nice!!
I got all of my workout done today. YEAH... Cardio Kicks, GS tri's, and TBS Basic Stretch....

Maeghan!!! We have something in common, we both shovel manure!! My husband has horses and he works out of town during the week and guess who gets to shovel manure twice a day! I'm glad you decided to join us. This is a great crowd!

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