Dailly Checkin- Friday July 14th.

Good morning ladies,

Woke up and comp. not working today so I jumped on dh's. Mine always wants to mess up after a thunderstorm.

Today will be PUB,MM back and shoulders. Didn't do back yesterday so I have to combine the both. Also I have to add in a cardio also. Just don't know what yet.

Also my darn tv isn't working!x( Dang it!

Have a good day!

Good Morning Fit Chicks!!!

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 TGIF:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

I'm going to do a treadmill run w/CC#3 and some ab work.

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
TGIF My Fit Friends!!!:7 :7

Yesterday I did a run w/sprints at the end, cm 1 & sm 1. Then in the evening took a walk in the rain with my dh . I have to tell you, it felt wonderful and I highly recommend it.:D :D
Today we were FINALLY supposed to get a break from the rain but wait....no....they changed the forecast and there's more rain on the way!!! When will it end?

Today is ME on the rotation. My quads are sore , I'm guessing from the sprints, so I am doing the u/b premix instead and will add some cardio.

Have a blast today....whatever you are doing!!!:7 :7
Good morning everyone,

Today was Amy Bento A Team Bootcamp, and I threw in some extra abs at the end.

Saturday - KPC
Sunday - LL

Have a great weekend everyone!
Daily Check-in

Happy Friday! Boot Camp started my day with a blast Tuesday morning. This is one of my favorite Cathe workouts and one of the few athletic workouts that I love this much. The core work is challenging, and the terminators kick my butt. After that cardio cycle, it is downhill from there. I love the fast pace and variety in this one. High Step Training is on my rotation for next Tuesday, so I need to start mentally preparing for that one.

I did Step Fit Wednesday after work and enjoyed every minute of it. Cathe has some fun choreography in this one. I love the flying angels! I did the workout for the first time last Wednesday and enjoyed it even more this time. I am so glad I bought the Cardio Hits DVD. I am looking forward to trying Step Works next Wednesday. After my Cathe workout, I met my friend Kathy at the lake and walked for 90 minutes on the hike and bike trail. That was unplanned. We were distracted by the beauty of the lake and lost track of time and distance!

After my marathon workout session Wednesday night, I was too tired to take on Circuit Max yesterday morning. I slept an extra hour and did it last night instead. I am missing my morning workouts. I was hoping to get back on track this week. Boot Camp has been my only morning workout so far. I soared through Step Fit Wednesday night but struggled through Circuit Max last night. I simply do not have the energy to give my all to intense workouts in the evening hours. I am a morning glory girl all the way.

Cardio Kicks is my planned workout for today, and it will be another evening workout for me. It is a fun one, so I am looking forward to it.

Conni, you have some of my favorite workouts planned for this weekend!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Hi everyone,

This morning was KPC and I added some Abd work from the Timesaver DVD.

Finally some sun today. Temps are suppose to be in the 90's!

Have a great day and weekend!:)

RE: Daily Check-in

G'morning Kim, Tammy, Becky, Conni, Heather and all who follow!

Kim, Sorry to hear about your tv and computer. I can give or take tv but when my computer goes down it drives me out of my mind!!!

Tammy, Have a good run!

Conni, Enjoy your work out!

Elaine, We've had lots of rain and humidity and just plain old BLECH weather lately too and I woke up this morning to a beautiful clear sky and tons of sun. I heard there is not supposed to be as much humidity by me today as well! YIPPEE!

Heather, Bootcamp is a great work out! Glad you enjoyed it!

Well, I never got my ab work done yesterday so I have to do it today. My plan is to hit the gym for the elliptical. I want to do a Cathe cardio but I got up too late to do it this morning and I can't afford to use nap time today since I have alot to accomplish. Going to the gym is a life-saver at times!:)

Happy Friday to all and have a great weekend!
RE: Daily Check-in

'morning glories!

I'm officially on vacation!! Woo Hoo!!

I finished this week's rotation with RS. I did combos 2 & 3 on a 8 inch step, just to kick the HR up a bit and it did! I burned 400 cals!

Conni, whaddy think of Amy Bento? I can't get past the price of her DVDs. Also, I feel kinda like a traitor by not doing Cathe. I don't mean that because it's not a Cathe WO, but because I'm not sure if anybody else can offer as good a session.

I don't think I'll be posting next week as I am going to the shore and won't have access to a computer. I always join a gym for the week and do Cathe's WO for travellers.

Have a great day! Phyllis

RE: Daily Check-in

Today is my rest day and I am happy to take it this week. I have felt very drained of energy. I'm hoping that after today my body will feel much better and tomorrow I will have a great workout!

Hope everyone has a great day!

RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning ladies,
I took a rest day yesterday and it felt GREAT!!!! I went shopping at Kohl's instead and got some cute shirts. Today I am going to do KPC and Pub Biceps.

Phyllis have a great vacation!

RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning all. I haven't been posting here much this week and I apologize. Life has just been hectic. We leave for a 12 day camping trip at the beach tomarrow and have been packing. A week after we get back I'm leading VBS so I've been trying to get as much done for that before we leave. As a result, my workouts have suffered. I've done nothing for the last 3 days. I'm taking running togs to the beach and hope to fit in a couple morning jogs. Otherwise, I will see you all after vacation. Keep up the good work.
RE: Daily Check-in

Today I did a 25 minute run (it was supposed to be 30 minutes, but it is so hot in Florida!!!) Later, after work, I'll do 30 minutes of some step workout (either Step Heat or Step Blast) and then segment 3 of coremax and segment 2 of stretchmax.

I hope everyone has great workouts!
Hi all, in all the heat, humidity and haziness, I did Billy's Total Body Fat Blasting workout with weighted gloves and ankle weights this morning.

I think I need the next weight up in ankle weights so I will look for them today when we go grocery shopping.

Have a great day!!:7
Hey Everyone,

Last night, I walked 19 laps took an hour & 10 minutes to do. Tomorrow, officially starting a 12 week rotation, can’t wait :eek: ;) Have a great weekend all.

Okay, I did 3 miles on the elliptical in 28.4 mins. I'm happy! :)

Still have to fit that dang ab work in somewhere though.....
RE: Daily Check-in

Hi Phyllis,

Amy is pricey, but I won the free shipping contest one week so that helped to compensate for the cost.:)

I like her. Great personality, some interesting new moves, but this Bootcamp moves slower than Cathe's. Amy has 2 minutes of plyometric moves, then she cools you off a bit before the rest of the cycle. She even has water breaks in the workout, which I kind of like.

I don't think this is as hard as Cathe, per se, but it is a nice change, and Amy is going to be filming again in September, promising to come up with some longer workouts, which I will be happy to see.
Bootcamp is about 63 minutes, which is good.
Maybe the prices will go down on this series, who knows?
Hi everyone. I am back from vacation today. I only Worked out on Tuesday, but had serious DOMS in the legs form it till today!! I guess it is probably good that I gave my body a rest this week. I didn't eat as well as I should have, but I am soooooooo ready to get back to the good stuff. I can't wait for a real good WO!!! Not sure if I will do one tonight, or just some yoga. I will see how I feel!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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