Dail Check-In Saturday July 8th


G'morning Ladies.

I wanted to get up a bit earlier so that I could outside for a run this morning before it gets too hot. Well, I blew that one pretty quickly. I am now going to play it by ear...when I am ready for my work out I will go outside and if it's not too bad I'll still do the planned run...if it's nasty, I'll do something else-don't know what that is yet though!:p My OA is still hanging around at this point so weights continue to wait....
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I'm going to repeat last Saturdays workout which consists of: SS LB Blast, CTX Power Circuit, ME Back and CM#1. I also have to add on some supermans as I have been neglecting my lower back.

Wendy: I have been oversleeping A LOT lately....your body must have needed the extra rest. I'm sorry your OA is bothering you.

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Hi girls!

I overslept too. These muscle relaxers I have to take (for 10 days) at night are killing me!

I'm not going to do what's on the rotation today......will mow grass and try to fit in a walk. I think we are cleaning the garage today and believe me that will count as a workout too. It's called Hauling JUNK!!!!!!!! ha

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!!!:D
Hi Wendy, Tammy, and Becky!

Yes must mean our bodies are saying we need some extra sleep! 2 weekends ago I slept til noon- it was GLORIOUS! I was fighting a cold (in the summer no less).

Last night was L&G and today.... hmmm.. not sure maybe IMAX or C&W.

Tammy - know you can relate we are doing college tour next week - mostly local and Hobart in NY. That looks like a TOUGH workout!

My DS is going to be doing a 2 week on campus program the following week. It will be TOUGH for me (given what we've been through over the last 2 years) but think its VERY important for him (and me). God willing he won't have any issues but if he does he will be close to his Dad and the college knows his medical situation. I'm going to be needing to work out a lot.

YIPPEE my granite is in. All we need now is the final plumbing, final lighting it's so exciting :0 THe contractor has been great. It started 6/1 and only a little more to do :)

Have a great day all
Hello everyone.

Today was Rhythmic Step for me. I'll do a segment of Coremax later today...and probably some stretching/yoga too.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Hello ladies.

Wendy, I love the new avatar. You look beautiful and very relaxed.

Tammy. That sounds like a great workout. I love the supersets lower body work, especially the one legs lunges on the step, OUCH!

Becky, If I cleaned the garage it would be a SUPER workout, because our garage is a mess. Good luck with that.

Robyn, we had granite put in our kitchen and completely remodeled last summer and what a difference. The granite just made the kitchen look so much more modern. Are you doing your kitchen with granite or the bathroom?

Well, I am going to do Imax2 and PUB chest and triceps.

Have a great day and hello to all that follow.

Hey everyone. I did my WO earlier but ran out of time to check in. I did PUB shoulders, MM shoulders and int 1-7 of IMAX 2 ( I ran out of time for the entire IMAX)

All this talk o oversleeping is making me tired! I may just go take a nap!

Wendy, I think I missed something. What is your OA?


As usual I am the last to check in. Was very busy today, but I just did coremax 1 and Supersets upperbody. Forgot how much I like that one. I started with the 15#'s for the concentration curls. I did 10 reps then went down to 10#'s to finish the sets. I also did a little extra tricep work with the 15#'s. I can't believe how tight my upper arms are getting---finally!
I leave for Canada on Monday. I am planning to run for cardio, and will bring my band for some UB work.
See ya in the morning. I hope to get a real good cardio WO, and LB WO in before son's BDay party tomorrow.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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