Cyndie, Question


New Member
Hi Cyndie,
I read what you suggested for CampbellSoup and it sounds interesting. May I ask a couple questions? Why do we want to change intensity each week? Does it help us to lean out? Also, with regard to weight work, following that rotation, will it increase muscle size or help us tone. Very interested in your response.
I am going to assume you are talking about the rotation I put together. I changed the intensity around for a few reasons. The biggest reason is that I wanted Heather to be able to focus on her running and not overtrain with exercise videos. It is a good idea in general to change intensity from more difficult to more moderate every one to six weeks so that we don't get burned out mentally and physically. This helps us also avoid injury. Both of these things contribute to long-term exercise adherence which is really where results come from. I have learned this from personal experience. I am great for these exercise marathons lasting two to three hours because I really get into my workout. Then sometimes I need two to three days to recover. So I kept that in mind for Heather, especially not being familiar with her fitness level specifically. As far as the strengh gains are concerned, I would estimate that more toning will occur than a great increase in muscle size. Again I wanted to avoid overtraining for Heather's upcoming race and I wanted her to reach her race day feeling strong and not run down. However you can make the rotation more intense in weight training if you run at a more moderate intensity and really use maximum weights. Hope this helps and I really appreciate your interest. Please respond with any more questions especially if I didn't fully address your inquiries. Thanks and best wishes, Cyndie
I'm doing this rotation now

And just wanted to thank you. I'm interested to see if I will be able to increase my running time doing it only twice a week. I ran a 5K last year and ran 4 times a week. By my race my hip and knee were pretty sore. I'd like to run a 10K next, but was wondering if my body could handle it! Thanks again Cyndie!


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