Cute icon envy


I am finding myself envious of several people little smiley face/moving icons that appear in their signatures (like DebbieH's waing smiley face, sinewpt's smiley's doing the wave, cathe4me2's walking smiley with sunglasses). How do you go about getting those little cute icons and how do you make it so they show up in your posts?

Thanks for the knowledge!
Hi Sabine!

Let's see if I can explain this! Go to:

Scroll down on the left side of page to "Smilies". Click on that smiley face and it will take you to a page FULL of different forums, such as HAPPY faces, SAD faces, PARTY faces & so forth. Click on what you want. Then, click on which smiley you want from that page. It will hi-light a link down below. Copy & paste that link inot your message. If you want one in your signature, go to "User Forum" and update your signature by putting whatever link you want to use. Am I confusing you??? Let me know. Have fun. They have oodles of FUN stuff![/img]
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Debbie

Hi Debbie,

Please don't laugh, but I tried to get into the link you sent (above post) I don't know what is says, but it certainly ain't English! What a hoot!

How are you Debbie - all caught up since your Vegas adventure??

Take care sweetie and when you get a chance please send me the link for smiley's.

Take care,

Hi Iris!

Guess what? You were at the RIGHT link! I think it is a German site??? Just scroll down on the left side of the page til you see the lil' smilie guy. I think he is waving at you!

Finally, we are feeling normal again. That jetlag threw us for a loop for almost a whole week. Very tired, lethargic and a bit dizzy at times. Feeling great now. Thanks for asking. Try the link again. It should work.[/img]

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Iris!

Hi Sabine,
Thanks for noticing my little guy. LOL He comes from Between that site and Plaudersmiles,there are hundreds of smilies to choose from. It is hard to decide which one.

I initially had a hard time getting the smilie to my signature. After I clicked on the one I wanted, there is a bar on the web page. I had to highlight the bar and then press "Control +C" Then on my profile page, in the little box, I had to press "Control + V" Hope this helps and happy hunting.
Have you all noticed that from time to time our smilies disappear and become a box? I used to have the smily drinking coffee and it became a box so I did not add anyother because I can't keep up with it! Maybe I'll just have to give it another go because I really like everyones' smilies! Thanks for posting where to find them Debbie!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
Hi Runathon, Just jumping in here...I could be wrong, but there may be a time limit on the smilies. I find that I have to go in every two months or so and update mine. Kind of like my email account with hotmail. I have to sign in every so often. ???
BTW I really like your smilie drinking coffee. :)
Ok. Here goes....I hope it works!!!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Just wanted to see if it worked. It worked but why is there a box next to it?
I had the same problem, i went back and deleted the bmp before the website address or maybe it is gif then I update it.
Hi just using your post to test my signature because in reading this post I went to the site that I used to get my icon and it is no longer there:-( . So I don't know what happened to it.

Anyway they are all so cute in people's post and signature, so lets see if mine still works:D
Ok now I added a new icon and it showed up even after I posted the messages and the original one didn't but the new one just popped right up and took its place.

Who knows with modern technology.

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