CTX series


Hi everyone! I have been doing Cathe for about a year and a half, and I have a question. I have about 50lbs to lose still and I was wondering if the CTX series has enough cardio and strength training to lose the bodyfat and shape some really nice muscles? I also am a vegan who is doing the WW points program. I dont know if I should throw in a solid weight tape and another tape like Imax. Any suggestions?
CTX will do the job, but I would certainly prefer some variety if I were you. Weave in some other tapes for variety. And you'll be fine with a vegan diet if you know what you're doing. Portion size matters, lots of plant food is high fat, as you know. I eat mostly vegan.
CTX is a great series to add to your program. I would also suggest Interval Max and Cardio Kicks, and either Maximum Intensity Strength AND/OR the Slow and Heavy Series.

Doncha love how gifted we are at spending your money for you?

Annette Q. Aquajock
Hi Annette,

May I ask why you suggested specifically Interval Max, Cardio Kicks, and MIS and/or S&H in addition to CTX?

I'm also interested in getting leaner and just got CTX, but don't have the others you mentioned. The only others I have are Step Heat, Wedding, and the 2 Pure Strength upper body tapes. I'd love your input, as I'm determined to lose about 15 lbs. and firm up, and I've enjoyed your previous posts on the forum. My wonderful husband has given me the green light to get "whatever I need", so please help me spend my money wisely! :7

Thanks so much,
RE: Hi, Jen!

(See above)

The reason I suggested Interval Max is that it is, hands-down, the most challenging and beneficial singular workout on the market today. Cathe takes a time-honored method, interval training, and fashions a workout with 10 intervals at least 5 of which are absolutely to-the-limit AND all of which add power to the leg muscles as well as the cardiovascular system.

The reason I suggested Cardio Kicks is that it is a lower-impact workout in the kickbox mode (more extended and more intense than CTX Kickbox), which increases variety, works the legs in a different way AND works the core muscles and shoulder muscles far more than a standard step or hi/lo workout.

The reason I suggested Slow and Heavy is that the slow-training protocol is another time-honored method of building strength and mass.

The reason I suggested Maximum Intensity Strength is that a one-shot total-body workout would be a good balance to the one-part-per-day method of CTX AND the three-part split set that Slow and Heavy offers.

Variety really is the key to success in a progressive fitness scheme, just underneath weekly consistency, and thank heavens for Cathe, yes?

Glad you asked!

Annette Q. Aquajock
Happy Spender of Others' Dough

I did not have any luck losing weight on the CTX series. I did three or four of the CTX cardio portions per week and doubled up on body parts per day, throwing in MIS or PH for another day of total body weight training. I also threw in another day of either kickboxing or running on top of the three or four CTX cardios.

The rotation was fun because I was doing so many different types of activities, but switching tapes (I do not have the DVDs) was annoying, and I also didn't like having to lift weights almost every single day. My living room was always a mess with weights lying all over.

For me, CTX is a good series if you are trying to maintain your weight, not increase your muscle mass, are very busy and only have time to lift each muscle group once per week (except legs and abs), and you like variety. It also helps if you don't mind lifting EVERY DAY.

Well, that is my opinion on CTX. Take it or leave it.

I posted my current rotation on this week's weight loss check-in because I have had very good luck with it. Check it out if you are interested!

Good luck,
Thank you everyone! Aquajock, thanks so much for the sugggestions. I am going to do Imax and PH and MIS at least each once per week, so that would be 3 workouts, then maybe Cardio Kicks and BodyMax! I have about 50 still to go so I really need alot of variety. I really love Cathe's tapes, so I never get bored. I also do some more cardio oriented Firms like Core Cardio1 and 2 and on occasion, I will do a classic. thanks again to all who responded Tracy

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