

I am seriosly looking to try creatine after workouts. I am reading alot about it on recovery after a workout. I need to get rid of the DOMS. I am getting them all the time which is affecting my workouts.
Sore, can't do it.I did Gym style chest 2 days ago and am still sore. Legs, yesterday and i am feeling it. Want to do back tonite
Not sure If i can.It upsets me.2 years of working out and i still get them.
Does anyone know if it helps aid in recovery. I know GNC sells it in I think powder and a sports drink.
Opinions please.

This stuff is BAD. My DH took it awhile ago (before we met) and he said he did get better but he cramped horribly one day. So much that he couldn't move his arms.

Bad stuff. JMHO.

It's a waste of money. I used it in my 20s & really didn't see or feel much of a difference. The stuff is ridiculously expensive & not worth whatever small gains you might get from it.
creatine naturally occurs in muscles anyway. plus there "intro" phase is ridiculous. you take in waaayyy to much for the first 4 days and even dh's powerlifting body says that is not good for you. dh didn't see a difference with this stuff and he is pressing 300lbs. he was very sore in his biceps and he took it like the package says, one drink before and one drink after your workout. so from the expierence i don't think it makes a difference. i usually have a protien shake afterwards and i feel pretty good. i also get extra stretching in.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Anne, if you would like to get rid of DOMS I would recommend lowering the intensity and duration of your weight workouts, not start on Creatine. That stuff is not good and has the potential for serious side effects including liver damage. DH was on Creatine when we met, and he was INCREDIBLY moody. I could tell when he was on it because he got angry very easily. And, like Kassia said, your body already produces it. If you start taking creatine, your body will stop because it will learn to rely on your supplement to create Creatine, and when you stop taking it, you could be out of wack for a while. I know that there are a lot of "mays" and "coulds", but I wouldn't risk it, especially if it is something that your body is already doing itself. Plus, there are many other side effects. I don't know them all, but you should look into it. :)

I do take it the eas brand-not to pricey.I have taken it for years and can tell when I don't take it-decreased strength and doms.I only take a teaspoon after I do wts and never did the loading phase.It does work for me but as with anything do your own research and decide if it's right for you.Also after a wt workout you may want to add a whey protein shake if you already don't.

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