I took creatine for a couple of months and I had really good strength gains. You have to drink a lot of water so you won't be dehydrated. Here's some info that I pulled off the Muscle&Fitness Hers website.
To Start:
3 grams of creatine er day (vs. 5 grams for males). Observe how your body responds over 4 - 6 weeks.
20 - 30 minute after your workout with your postworkout carbohydrate and protein meal
Stir constantly to be sure the product is mixed well. You might try new products that promise better solubility and ease of use. Drink lots of water, too.
Competitive Athletes:
Try in the off season as a test, but be sure to simulate your competitive environment (training intensity, volume, frequency, diet) and note the effect on your physique and training.
A possible gain of 1/2 - 2 pounds of lean body mass in 4 - 6 weeks. Remember, this will be added lean mass, not fat.
I had good results, but drank a lot of water. I also lifted very heavy in a gym setting with my husband as a spotter and coach. I went from benching 55lbs to 90lbs. Some of my stength gains I feel that I have partially retained from taking creatine. I may try it again in the near future. Let us know how the type of creatine you'll be taking works for you.