Hi everyone! Today is M3 D26 Plyo legs. I'm going to wait until later to work out though. I have alot of errands to run this morning. The Pampered Chef party I went to last night ended up being a Lia Sophia party as well. Jewerly and cooking stuff...totally dangerous. I didn't go too crazy though. What a great party!! My face hurt by the time I got home from laughing all night.
Belinda - enjoy your rest day. I ended up getting a stoneware muffin pan last night. I love baking/cooking with stoneware.
Nora - it is soooo wrong that you don't have a BE boutique near you anywhere. The store is absolutely gorgeous! I did catch Leslie on QVC yesterday and thought of you. I love watching her too!
Hi Jessica, Heather, Roxie, Chris & Debbie.
I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend. I'm off to the grocery store...WOOHOO!!!