Hi girls!
Belinda- you are totally kickin' butt on STS yet again, WTG!!!
Have a good trip and happy move.
Heather- Thanks for asking about my back, its still so very sore so is my upper back. Awesome workout! Bravo on your squats, deadlifts, dumb bell curls, and static lunges. Those are some killer weights there girlfriend, way to rock your workout ^^^5's!
Roxie- sorry to hear that your not feeling great, please take care and feel better. If your up to a workout today whether its KCM KB, or PS back and bi's instead of Cardio kicks is fine just have fun and do what feels doable. Take care!
Jessica- OMG! I'm so sorry to hear that you've had the most awful flu. I hope your feelibng better and able to go and enjoy your trip to Jamaca. Please just rest up do NOT try to workout before your trip, your body is on the mend so don't mess that up by workingout too soon. If I were you I wouldn't try to workout until after you get back. Just rest up and get ready to enjoy your trip. Please take care and ((Hugs))!
Chris- Nice workout today with TF 60, that's a killer but so darn much fun. Oh yeah, that one definitely approaches puke status. Love the music so much though, awesome stuff! Love it! Great job on your super fun workout today, Bravo girlfriend!
Debbie- Nicely done on your workout today WTG!! I hope you feel better and the headache and cramping vanishes quickly. Take care!((HUGS))
Ok that's it for me girls, have a restful and healing evening and I'll see ya at tomorrow's check in.
Hugs to everyone!