Good morning!
Great workout, Belinda. You get some great calorie burns using the TC! Keep up the good work on your core and back, too! I hope those feel good later - after you've rested!
Roxie, just get your workout done. No matter what anyone else is doing. Make yourself a priority! Enjoy it!
Heather, did you go for a run? I know what you mean about having to do certain workouts when your husband can spot you. I'm already thinking ahead to the next 2 mesocycles and wondering how that is going to work out...?
I found a link on OD to some great workouts. Bodyrock tv or something like that. So today I did HiiT using the tabata method. Great workout. Trying to load the next exercise on the computer, etc...I turned this 20 min workout into 30min/ 254 calories. Then I also did some abs, but by then my computer was not even wanting to load anything of hers. I don't get a good wireless connection up in my workout room. But a good workout today, nonetheless.
Enjoy your afternoon ladies. I'm hoping to get a stretch in later, too.
See ya...